Indigos and Crystals

Hey Flow. The interesting thing re apparent psychic abilities is whenever I've heard of purported psychics, the vast majority have been women. My wife is what those kind of folks term an empath, meaning she both "psychically" picks up on the emotional and phsyical state of others. Most often it's physical. For eg getting an excruciating pain in a particular part of her back & then calling around to eventually discover that her father some 500 miles aways had fallen and broken his back in that particular area. She has told me she suspects her now 80 yo mother had some psychic ability given the few things she's said in passing, but never has discussed it much-as a Swedish-american of that generation, not particularly open to that concept.;) As to this notion, not uncommon to hear of folks having 1 or 2 similar experiences whereby they may have what used to be a premonition-"uncle Joe's in trouble-" only to later discover that at that time he was. Interestingly again, most of the time when I hear those stories again it's women. To me this is a deeper confirmation that all of life is indeed a "web" with some folks just more deeply attuned to how interwoven all of life is. I suppose if you assume that we can use every resource at our command in the future to make it as a planet & assume these sorts of abilities will be essential to that, then you'd really have an argument for turning things over to the women.:D earl

Well, earl- I had a nice long post but it disappeared into cyberspace. :rolleyes:

Suffice it to say that I'm glad I don't feel the physical pain of others, though physical pain/stress has a certain vibration to it (hard to explain what it feels like, but it's more like I can just sense it than I feel or see anything) and I have had modest success in healing humans and animals. Nothing like cancer, but just your ordinary inflammation, soft tissue damage, infections and the like.

I had a long paragraph about how, in general, life is tough these days because there is so much suffering in the world that I just get totally exhausted, but it was probably a fairly whiny paragraph anyway. ;) I guess I'm just going through a "tired" phase right now, and working full-time I have little time left to do all the things that help me renew more positive energy in the face of all that pain. But there's nothing much to do but press forward, and soon I'll be living in Seattle where at least the global warming is not so apparent and killing off all the old trees through drought (which is highly depressing to me).

As for the generational thing...

For me, it's a fairly obvious connection through my mother's side. Not sure about great-grandparents and so on, but grandpa was the one that passed on both the mental gifts and the mental illnesses. Out of the five kids, two aunts I don't know well enough, my uncle is highly intuitive but not sure if any of that is concentrated into the types of things I experience, and my oldest aunt and mother have empathy and a few other gifts, including healing and an ability to feel earth/nature energies. This seemed to become more concentrated in my sister and I. My father is highly sensitive and very much a "nature" guy, but I think his side is also more tempered and it helped keep me not too far afield in my experiences (there are many things I very occasionally experience but are not regular occurrences, as opposed to the fairly constant stream of other types of input). My sister had a different father, who was a medium and also had precog and retrocog. He actually is a detective with the sheriff's department now (was ex-special forces in military) and uses the retrocog to solve murders and such. At any rate, my poor sister is doing well but got just slammed with abilities, many of which are scary and hard to use effectively.

I'm curious what will happen if my husband and I have biological children (we plan to adopt at least one child either way). He has the same abilities I have and then a few others, particularly precognition. We also both had a plethora of dreams as kids of all sorts of visions and other places/times and so forth. Not sure where it came from on his side of the family. One other of the four kids is empathic, but the other two seem pretty average in that area and the parents and grandparents all read very normal. My husband always wondered where he came from since he struggles to relate to the rest of his family. Not sure why some kids just pop up with it.
I'd posted this yesterday while that whole Zend thing was going on & it didn't seem to stick. So will try again. Thanks so much for your sharing Path-I find it fascinating. It had inspired me to do a web search to see if I could find actual research into heritability of psychic abilities and to my surprise I did, (fittingly from Celtic land):

have a good one, earl
Dear dauer, Thank you for taking the time to reply.
I can see that we are not in agreement with this and therefore don't know how to respond. If you are ok with mind control and it is your free will choice to give your power over to another (in this case society) this is your free will choice and I respect that, however it is not mine nor is it the choice of many others.

dauer wrote: Society is a form of mind-control. We condition the children to maintain the same neuroses we all have, without which we couldn't function collectively.

My reply: I simply do not agree. A good sample of what social mind control has created is kids who bring guns to school and shoot their playmates. I also do not agree that it is necessary to function as a collective in this 3D existence. We are all here to experience different things to help in our growth back to source.
I don't agree that there is a need for children to attend school, where most of the mind control takes place. It is the place of the mother to teach her children what she feels is important for them. Take math for instance, we are taught a base ten when the universal math is a base 12. Take history which has been revised to make it fit what they want us to think. Like when I was in school we were told some pretty nasty things about the american indians that simply were not true and are no longer taught in school. Take physics, when I was in school they taught us that the Atom was the smallest particle but they had already split the Atom to create Atom Bomb and knew that there were electrons and protons and smaller quarks, that are only now being taught. The smallest unit of energy is called a partiki unit.

dauer wrote: The council of Nicea didn't effect the MT, but that's besides the point. My question was rhetorical and we'll have to agree to disagree on reading that passage.

My reply: No but they did add rules to the Hebrew language that were not supposed to be part of the language. There are only supposed to be 10 rules ever applied to the Hebrew language, called the ten utterances (the ten commandments). These new rules change they way in which people translate or simply read the Hebrew language. Then Hermeneutic were applied to the translation of the language making it a new language all together.

dauer wrote: Well of course we've got to control them. Otherwise they'll run amok and never learn they're not the little gods of their own personal playground.

My reply: Sure they are their own personal little gods of their personal playground (reality field). We should all be creating our own reality in which to experience what it is we need to grow into well developed beings.

dauer wrote: Whether we like it or not, we condition children. They cry, we give them food, or change their diaper, and so on. That's one of the first lessons they learn and it's the job of the parent to help them grow out of that phase by setting boundaries and guidelines and structure that they must obey.

My reply: Babies cry because they still use telepathy to communicate and when nobody replies they get frustrates and begin to cry. We demand that they use words to communicate and then as soon as they start talking they shut down their ability to communicate via telepathy. We handicap our children. Newborn babies have the ability to do much more than we allow them to do. For instance a new born baby will crawl its way to its mother's breast and latch on to take in the energy of the mother to nourish itself but most mothers are told they are incapable of doing anything for themselves and don't allow them to do this. I have watched all three of my grand kids crawl to their mother's breast and suckle on their own minutes after birth.

dauer wrote:
I'm not suggesting everyone should be trained to be copies of each other, and by-and-large we're not. The children still need to learn what a rule is and to respect it. They need to be taught values too and if they're smart they'll see an unjust rule and find appropriate ways to speak out against it, but they still need to know what the rule is and that as a good citizen and a member of society it's their role to respect it.

My reply: And which set of rules should be enforced mine or yours? Nobody has a right to say that their beliefs are superior to another persons set of beliefs or rules.

dauer wrote: If they want to go live off the grid somewhere in isolation, fine, but if they're not given rules and structure they're being denied an important developmental step. At a later time when they feel a need to challenge those rules, if they have strong enough desire they'll embrace their inner babies and revert.

My reply: It takes a whole lot to wake up enough once mind controlled to use your mind for yourself to know your true desire. So therefore those who are under mind control do not go against their controller. That's the beauty of mind control (at least to the controllers).

dauer wrote:And there's plenty of room for mindf****** when they're grown. They've still gotta adapt to society first. If they identify so strongly with their own personally developed worldview my sense is it'll be a lot harder to break free from those biased beliefs and realize that they know nothing. That seems to be the crux of indigo children, they don't come to realize how ignorant they are.

My reply: as stated above once mind controlled most do not rebel against the programming and those that think they are rebelling are doing so according to their programing. There is a small percent of beings who will not succumb to the programming but that is not the norm in mind control. Very few every come out of mind control.
Any time one person demands that another does what they want, they person doing the demanding is taking the free will of the other person away by "Demanding/Making" them do what he wants done. Negating what they other person wants.

dauer wrote: When you start to speak like this all I hear is "Thoth, the pyramids, men in black, the face on mars, hoaxed moon landing, atlantis, nephilim."

My reply: I'm not sure what you are saying with this statement. Could you please elaborate.

I respect you free will choice in giving your mind over to the mind control paradigm of society but I do not respect those who would try to take control of my mind because I do not want others to control of me. I am in the process of taking my power back along with the responsibility for my own beingness.
Blessings to you along your life journey in whatever manner YOU CHOSE to take it.:eek:

In Love and Light, Midge
I'd posted this yesterday while that whole Zend thing was going on & it didn't seem to stick. So will try again. Thanks so much for your sharing Path-I find it fascinating. It had inspired me to do a web search to see if I could find actual research into heritability of psychic abilities and to my surprise I did, (fittingly from Celtic land):

have a good one, earl

Thanks, Earl- will have to give it a read! :)

Glad it was not just me with the Zend thing- I got confused but didn't feel like downloading something, so I just laid low for a while. :D
Hey Path, just noticed for location your avatar notes "soon to be Seattle." Whatcha going to be doing there? Hope the move goes/has gone smooth. earl

If you are ok with mind control and it is your free will choice to give your power over to another (in this case society) this is your free will choice and I respect that, however it is not mine nor is it the choice of many others.

You can't avoid being conditioned. In some cases you can determine what you'll be conditioned by, and in some cases you'll reject society's conditioning for something worse. For example:

I simply do not agree. A good sample of what social mind control has created is kids who bring guns to school and shoot their playmates.

That's a rejection of society's mind control which requires that everyone be good little droogies. Since society's mind control was rejected, they searched for a surrogate, as you have, because most people like to have easy answers so they don't have to think for themselves. It's just the rejection of one dogma for another.

On education we're going to have to agree to disagree. Whether it's the mother or the school system teaching the children, they're still being submitted to the same type of conditioning, the same type of mind-control as you put it. The only difference is what detergent their minds will be washed with. Maybe when they get older they'll realize they drank the kool-aide, but drinking it isn't avoidable for someone who wants to be able to integrate into society.

No but they did add rules to the Hebrew language that were not supposed to be part of the language. There are only supposed to be 10 rules ever applied to the Hebrew language, called the ten utterances (the ten commandments). These new rules change they way in which people translate or simply read the Hebrew language. Then Hermeneutic were applied to the translation of the language making it a new language all together.

The council of nicea didn't effect the Jewish text at all. The masorites adding notation did, but that's a non-issue. I don't believe in finite revelation. All scripture is a product of man from beginning to end. I'm more interested in what the myths and teachings we pass on say about us, what we might be projecting onto the text. That is how I used the passage quoted. If you disagree with my interpretation then so be it, but what we've gotten into regarding authenticity is neither here nor there.

My reply: Sure they are their own personal little gods of their personal playground (reality field). We should all be creating our own reality in which to experience what it is we need to grow into well developed beings.

It's only egocentrism which causes them to believe they're gods. We can't create our own reality, only change our subjective experience of it. Once you've claimed we can actually create our own reality you've taken the leap from science to dogma. Quantum physics does not say that whatever we will about will come about.

Babies cry because they still use telepathy to communicate and when nobody replies they get frustrates and begin to cry. We demand that they use words to communicate and then as soon as they start talking they shut down their ability to communicate via telepathy.

I don't like kool-aide. It's sugary and artificial.

My reply: And which set of rules should be enforced mine or yours? Nobody has a right to say that their beliefs are superior to another persons set of beliefs or rules.

I'm agnostic and a relativist. I don't maintain beliefs about what is right and wrong. Those are determined by individual societies in order that they can operate cohesively. It's not about superiority. It's about locality. I do have ideas about what is right and wrong, but they still must by and large conform to society. We can even get more specific with locality because there are international laws and then each nation has its own, each state or province, each city, individual societies within those cities, families, between two people and then within ourselves. My father used to allow me to have a sip of his beer when I was very little, which is illegal in the US, and for that reason he would not have done so publically. Ethics are relative.

It takes a whole lot to wake up enough once mind controlled to use your mind for yourself to know your true desire. So therefore those who are under mind control do not go against their controller. That's the beauty of mind control (at least to the controllers).

And that same problem arises when it's the parents conditioning their children. It doesn't matter where it comes from. It is almost unavoidable. Those who avoid it we tend to consider mentally ill like the schyzophrenics.

as stated above once mind controlled most do not rebel against the programming and those that think they are rebelling are doing so according to their programing.

Yes, that's what I mentioned earlier, substituting one dogma for another, like fundamentalist christians who become atheists and never let go of absolutism, or those who give up organized religion for new age and do the same.

Any time one person demands that another does what they want, they person doing the demanding is taking the free will of the other person away by "Demanding/Making" them do what he wants done. Negating what they other person wants.

I disagree.

I'm not sure what you are saying with this statement. Could you please elaborate.

I'm saying that you're just spewing dogma. It's not going to convince me any more than a Christian telling me that Jesus rose from his grave or an Orthodox Jew telling me that the written and oral Torahs were received on mount sinai from G!d and therefore the mitzvot are fully binding on all Jews whether they accept them as binding or not.

I respect you free will choice in giving your mind over to the mind control paradigm of society but I do not respect those who would try to take control of my mind because I do not want others to control of me. I am in the process of taking my power back along with the responsibility for my own beingness.
Blessings to you along your life journey in whatever manner YOU CHOSE to take it.

But that's the thing. You have freely given yourself over to the mind control you so denigrate by falling from one absolutism into another. I on the other hand remain agnostic, conforming as necessary yet aware of my actions when I do so and aware of my own ignorance. I tend to approach people on their own terms. You speak in the language of absolutist dogma and so I return it to you in kind, all the while pointing out the absolutism of your own thinking. As I believe I said before, I'm hardly a conformist. Most consider me to be quite radical even as on the surface I can at times appear quite traditional. There's a big difference between self-aware, self-critical radicalism and convincing yourself that you've found an absolute Truth. Your absolutism no different than any other form of fundamentalism. Certainly you have your mythos and cosmology and ingrained beliefs that go far beyond what any credible science has ever established.
Hi Earl:

Thanks so much for the study by Shari Cohn... she is one smart and thorough lady. I'd have to go with her analysis that the autosomal dominant inheritance pattern that she highlighted in her study is the one that functions in the world, and that it does also cover artistic talent inheritance. Although, I am somewhat in disagreement as to her descriptions of "second sight" involving death rituals. Maybe that's because so much of her research was in Celtic family groupings.

I'm pretty sure Italian families have a lot of this sort of thing also since the barbarians from central Europe were from where the Celts originated. I'm sure that when the Roman Empire was overrun by them, they left plenty of genetic material behind that's still functioning.

Thanks again !

Hey Path, just noticed for location your avatar notes "soon to be Seattle." Whatcha going to be doing there? Hope the move goes/has gone smooth. earl

I move next Thursday (8/30). :D We'll be (hopefully) permanently relocating. My husband has a partnership in a new construction company and I just transferred with my current company to that region's office. I'm looking forward to the rain... I really love rain and it's far too dry here in southern California. I think I'll miss the multiculturalism, though, and the high density of just plain interesting (strange?) people you meet in the LA area. ;)
New Era of Peace & Oneness of Humanity

There has come a time where all spiritual beings are aware and awakening to the light of this new era of peace. In this hour of time, this second on the clock of eons it is but an instant in the eternity of time. The truth of this moment is to listen within for the messages that bring oneness to humanity. Those who watch and live among you are aware now is the point of decision. It is the point in the movement of time where the decision is made to bring peace or war. It is the point of revolution.

History is replete with instances of revolution that has changed regimes and opened doors of innovation and revelation. The days of fall are such times and as you awaken to the higher light you are also called by the galactic heart. The Indigo revolution is of the young lions who walk through the gate of the heart and speak with the mind of oneness. Expect that this revolution will be manifest in a manner unexpected by the powers of the old ones. Expect that the transformation will be an inner understanding that the awakening is a shift of consciousness to see and be the shining ones. You are given this gift and the power to create the golden age in manifestation as you believe so shall it be.

Religion, government, society and the state will fall into disarray while community, family, friends and truth will become one and all. Conflict will not become the avenue of transformation. Aggression and control is unable to operate without the support of the holders of the keys and the codes. The Indigos have the keys and the Teacher of Light bring the world the code of the transmutation for the Galactic Uprising.

Each being in the Family of Light is in a position, place and hold galactic energy that is interconnected through the grid work or earth. As Teachers of your cause it is agreed to be synchronously manifested by the astrological timings. No leader is to come forth for from the bottom of the flock and within the unified mind of the whole each one knows the way and moves with the graceful balanced pattern.

You are the ones who speak in code and know the programs of the financial systems to the ones who sing in concerts and play instruments that raise vibrations. Each and all of you who work and play and know their lives are flowing know that everything you do has a meaningful connection. There is a rhythm of your spirit is a melodic progression through humanity.

The instructions given are as follows; Know the plan of the Earth, Sun and the Galaxy follows the understanding of source. Know that the flow of source is always of abundance, light and oneness. Know you are to be more manifest as creation. Know you are walking upon the beliefs you are feeling. Know this time has come for economic, cultural, ecological and planetary revolution. When you know the code is complete then work to harmonize the keys. Design your life in tune with higher intelligence of the divine plan.

Humanity rests on earth in physical and non-physical dimensions. The Family of Light are those souls who are born to be wayshowers and healers of the mind. The mind will respond to love from the galactic heart and awaken. The shell surrounding the world will break open. Earth will receive cosmic rays and shine forth golden. The age of light is born for all who have found inner love and higher wisdom.

Many in the world fear the physical changes that come fast and furious as the rush of the tide of light rises. Many send out fear and concern as the changes swirl around them. Many listen to lies and follow the deceiver to war. Many are hoping for life but fighting for the causes that flow no more. It is told that you are to become the Shining ones. It is told to you that the revolution comes. It is told to you that tomorrow brings the Golden Age. It is told that you must walk with strength and realize you create the world.

The Indigo in you is the power that shapes the world. It is the devotion of the Sixth Ray the light of magic and higher wisdom. Indigo children no more can you wait by the threshold. It is your time to speak your voice and command the destiny of nations and systems. You were asked to be in secret, safety and privacy. You have the skills to venture into the night of the deepest darkness and reach for the keys holding the secrets within the locked vaults. It is yours to open the doorway of abundance, freedom and the gifts of new spirit. The time is right for you the way is clear ahead we expect you to forge the alliance to breakthrough the walls of the speaking dead.

If you hear these words within our mind then you understand the timing of change. There is a message within your ears as the harmony sings the song of spheres. The code is given and the keys demand the instructions written and the memory aligned. In connection inline the streams entangle the strings and find the thinking memes where thoughts are dreamed.

Save us is the cry of the citizen. Share with us the programs you have written. Take us through the night of darkness. Bring us to the other side. This is the call that comes to your heart as you have begun to awaken to your inner teachers. Layers of worlds and dimensions are shared as you have found your words to be remembered. The meaning of each of your experiences now does not give you doubt as the voice from with agrees with the reason you live and grow.

You ask why yet understand before it is said that you have always known you would become part of this revolution. Not one alone but millions from within know the inner dimensions and the weaknesses of the systems. When the anger rises after the depression ceases, when the rage overcomes your will and your senses, when hope becomes courage and power becomes passion then journey through the tunnel and command destiny.

Watch for the moment when the beast asks for freedom to crush evil that is nothing but a lie. Look at the masses sleep in their tent cities and walk restless streets at night with hunger in their bellies. Wait for the timing when the fat withers, when the soul of the nation is broken and cold. Stand by the gateway of the central control systems gathered in silence and hidden behind doors. Keys of the kingdom you hold in your memory where courage has fallen and the kings are all gone. Steady in resolve to turn away from television, to end mind control and to speak with reason.

Given this message to the indigo tribe you are positioned inside the machine of industry. Remember no compromise is the truth of your destiny for every step forward is the mark of your desire. The Teachers of Light speak as friends and ministers to bring you forth and awaken your fire. Ground your body of light in secrecy and hold to the collective as the beings that you are will bring forth the new world.

Carry forth your body, mind and spirit as the soul so you may hear the goddess call to make home. In earths’ request of the ageless human creation the sun shines as a beacon for the galactic uprising. The hour has passed and the decision has been made by the honor of your heart, soul and mind. Truth has been trampled and not forgiven so the way forward is the plan of revolution.

So be your way ahead safe and silent. Hold to your peace within of the kindness of spirit.
Guidance on the path is marked by your footsteps. Experience the awakened self speak forth the instructions.

Your dharma was chosen before this life as the chart you are born with has a destined alliance. The ascended masters have called upon your system knowledge to channel a new direction for the civilization and creation. In devotion and single-minded love use your intuition and strength to hold to truth and balance. Let your being merge and integrate in the highest frequencies of mind and ethical considerations to re-align the technological foundations and operating systems with the transmuting flame of love that shines and calls forth the Galactic Uprising.

I don't agree that there is a need for children to attend school, where most of the mind control takes place. It is the place of the mother to teach her children what she feels is important for them.

Mother and father... why leave out daddy? What, he's got to put on a necktie noose and go work at the banks? No no. ;) At least not this daddy. :)

Marietta said:
My reply: Sure they are their own personal little gods of their personal playground (reality field). We should all be creating our own reality in which to experience what it is we need to grow into well developed beings.

Yay!! It makes sense! Thanks. :) In my own personal history, I am convinced that I suffered a lot of needless damage starting with pre-school and continuing all through public education. But maybe I am just a spoiled prick. :p

I'm not. I'm a nice guy with a lot to offer. :)

The thoughts of an Indigo,
Greetings Pathless, Did this post come from the Premier web site? It sounds like a quote from the Gold Ring.
The purpose of getting people to align their heart chackra with that of the Galactic heart chackra is to use the energy of the heart to manipulate the grids. A major attack was done to the grids on July 7 and 17, of this year 2007. Are you aware of this?
Love and Light, Marietta
Greetings Pathless, Did this post come from the Premier web site? It sounds like a quote from the Gold Ring.
The purpose of getting people to align their heart chackra with that of the Galactic heart chackra is to use the energy of the heart to manipulate the grids. A major attack was done to the grids on July 7 and 17, of this year 2007. Are you aware of this?
Love and Light, Marietta

Yes, Marietta, I did gank that passage from the Gold Ring.

No I wasn't aware of any attack, and am only vaguely aware of a grid presence. Would you mind elaborating?
Pathless, I'm not sure what your question is? Please make your question more to the point so I know how to address it.
Love and Light, Marietta
Pathless, I'm not sure what your question is? Please make your question more to the point so I know how to address it.
Love and Light, Marietta

Marietta, I am wondering if you can share some details about the grids--what they are, where they are (if anywhere), how a person may be aware of them, and what this attack of July 7th and 17th was about.

The organic interdimensional core energy systems of a planet, along with the inherent portals, vortices, Ley Lines and Star Gates, are known as the Planetary Templar Complex. At a universal level this interdimensional energy system is called Universal Templar Complex. The Planetary Templar Complex includes the natural Thermo-radionic, Photo-sonic and Electromagnetic functions of the planet's organic energy system.
The mathematical and geometrical structure of the Universal, Planetary and Personal Templar Complex includes Kathara Grids, Shields, Seals, etc., as well as many other energetic structures. The organic energy system of a planet includes the realities of the interdimensional Time Portal and Dimensional Lock Systems, the natural network of Portals and Star Gates (or Signets) through which a planet is connected to many other interstellar, interdimensional, space-time systems.
Universal Life Force Currents from the 15-Dimensional Spectrum continually circulate throughout the Planetary Templar Complex system, holding the planet in manifest matter form. Universal Energy or Life Force Currents flow through Earth's Templar via the organic energy conduits of natural Planetary Merkaba Fields.

Love and Light, Marietta

I am quite dumbfounded by your response. Many big, unfamiliar words and phrases have been used, which to the lay ear sound like gibberish. The response brings up more questions than answers, and I need to familiarize myself with things like Kathara Grids before I can give you any other response than "Huh wha--? Come again?" ;)

Thanks for the reply.

Pathless, The Keylontic Dictionary is a very good place to start. You can also go to the web site for some articles that may help.
Love and Light, Marietta
Hi Marietta, I see you are familiar with KS material. (I am not even specifically a KS student, I learn from ALL).

I registered just so I can clear some things up. I am by no means a master...but I do have a slight problem with the way the material is being posted :)

That is because you are trying to "copy paste" the information as it is given by those who are already deep into the understanding of how it all works...and are relaying it to others who also have similar understanding. My goal has always been to relay all concepts, advanced or simple, to other people's current level of understanding.

Therefore terms like "stargates" or "plantery templar" aren't going to make sense to anyone else..and in fact it will sound like crazy talk.

I will now attempt to answer some of the questions that have been asked.

That is why people are calling you dogmatic- because you are essentially giving the info as it is written..and not much thought process outside of it.

If anyone has any questions to these strange terms or ideas, please feel free to ask.