Indigos and Crystals

Hello AmentiHall, Thank you for your insights, they are very helpful and will be heeded.
The reason I copy and past the original material is because, I am trying to maintain the frequency of the material. When I copy and past the material as given it holds the original inception and frequency intended. I don't want it to loose anything in translation as it comes through my filters. However, I agree with you 100% that it needs to be down stepped (put into simpler terms) into a language that the people here can more easily comprehend.
In the future I will do my best to answer questions in a direct manner and in a language (not always possible) that is more easily understood.
Every once in a while its nice to have a reminder that this material is in need of being simplified when talking to people without a KS background.
Could you answer a question for me regarding your first sentence. You say that you are familiar with KS but are not "specifically" a KS student. What exactly do you mean by this? Have you ever been in the group shield at one of the KS workshops?
My main question is: you state that you learn from "ALL". What exactly do you mean by from "ALL"?
Omni Love, Marietta
Dear Pathless, Haven't been in here for a while, so I hope you are still around. I'll start with the first question I see that I overlooked. Which is the grids. The earth has what is called a grid system which, for the sake of simplicity I will compare to the circulatory system of the Human body. The earth girds are energy passage ways through the earth, that circulates energy.
The second question I overlooked as regarding a Kathara Grid. A Kathara Grid is the fabric upon which all of this creation (a hologram) is set upon or in other words it is the Divine Blueprint upon which all manifest creation comes into existence. Everything in existence has a Kathara Grid.
I hope this simplifies this enough to be understood by those without a background that uses this term.
Omni Love, Marietta
I understand Marietta.

It just alienates people who aren't used to the frequency of the material. There is a "build up" that leads us to things like KS :) I am only 22 but it took me what seemed like forever to "build up" to discovering it.

So I don't want to degrade the teachings, but simplify it in order for them to understand it so they themselves will have the inclination to eventually build up to understanding it wholly. That is all I meant :)

I have not attended workshops. It has been too expensive as of lately. I am familiar with techniques, and material. I understand it in a very grounded sense now, it took a while to achieve this- but the material is challenging which is why I love it. I have been part of the group shields all my life, but never been within the workshop specific activations. My activations happened on their own as I began to dwelve deeper in to the material.

By learning from ALL I mean I learn from All. All of the hologram is a reflection and/or fragment (projecting out, downstepping) of the source. Within all life is the encryption of this eternal current and what can be perceived as "truth." Every single thing in life can be learned from. We have learned knowledge and terminology which helps us in classification and 3d logical/spiritual understanding of the phenomenon. I can call the Source, the One and imply similar meaning.

I never restrict myself to teachings even though they might be more advanced than anything out there. There are concepts in other schools of thought that will actually help concepts in KS make more sense. I explore I said, I have developed enough that deception is easy to see through. That how most truths professed in religions and society in general are actually quite backwards. How our energy system is essentially "nerfed" in regards to it's original potential blueprint. I do this so that I might learn how to communicate these concepts with others. By truly understanding these concepts, it becomes easier for me to clarify and mold it to their level of understanding.

KS are freedom teachings, they are part of the entire puzzle, not the One way. In order to understand one must open their mind to all, while remaining strong in what you would call "the kryst." From here all patterns become obvious and there is not a single thing you cannot learn from, as one spiritually develops. KS was gold to me because it pretty much highlighted everything I've been searching for, and in most ways already knew- into a comprehensive format.

Take care :)
Dear AmentiHall, Thank you for the response, I agree with every bit of what you have said. It sounds very much like how I have gone about my learning (reawakening) process. It was through my studies of other teachings and life experiences (observing those around me) that I found KS which filled in all the blank spots that were missing.
Life itself it a learning field that we create, as a means by which to experience and learn. To me its all kind of like a game. We came into this life for whatever reason we might have chosen and it is a kind of game (in this hologram we have been stuck within) to re-remember who we truly are. We are eternal beings and therefore we chose to experience many different, types, levels and depths of experience with each lifetime we chose to walk into. I Love the game but am tired of this reality, I have found myself stuck within. I've grown weary of this life and I'm very home sick!!!!!
People themselves are a great place to learn. As we observe those around us who are in our hologram, they are all projections of an aspect of our self, that we can use to heal and learn. Most of us don't want to look inward and when we do we don't like what we see, so we project what we don't care to look at within our self outward where we can't over look it (but most don't realize that what they see and don't like in someone else is something that they refuse to address in themselves). The dynamics of this hologram are very interesting to observe once you get a grip on the makings of the hologram and your place within it all, (knowing that everything is ONE) that all those people you might go around talking badly about are a part of you. This puts a different perspective on how we view others (who are part of us). Our closest friends are a direct reflection of who we truly are and therefore we need to look closely at the things we might not feel in alignment with, in them in order to know what we might need to work on within our own template (for healing).
All teachings are "Truths" to those who follow them. They are their truth, even if my "Truth" isn't in alignment with theirs. We are always within Source but the trick it in waking up to this knowledge in order to take our power of responsibility back. The teachings of Keylontic Science are indeed the "FREEDOM TEACHINGS" as they give us our Freedom back, they empower us and make us totally accountable of our own actions without the need of some external source.

Omni Love, Marietta
Very true Marietta, thanks for sharing. :)

I am glad to be part of a process which is able to find so many like-minded people. Will most in the mainstream understanding of things be able to understand us? Maybe not, maybe not even in this lifetime. That is okay, I'm sure like I have you too have learned for some people- full cognition of information like this won't come to them. It doesn't mean anything, all in due time everyone returns and re-evolves back towards the Core :)

But since we are here, in this hologram, within this space- awake and aware...we will find many challenges. Sometimes I wished I could live life "asleep" like other people can. It's not an easy life when almost everyone in your life is totally unaware of what is happening even in front of their eyes. When they watch TV are quite literally in a zombie-state, and never think for themselves. They watch politics and they see what they want them to see, and what they themselves want to see.

If the matrix had any truth in it, it's "some people are so plugged in, so helplessly dependent on the system, that they will fight you" (to keep their illusions alive) or something of that nature. It's so true, the fear in other people is a very sad thing to see. Aww its just a conspiracy theory, aliens aren't real, and some even already have spirituality in a tiny box! They need "proof" to even listen to the ideas!

Well anyways, went off on a tangent there- regardless. I am honored to meet more people like me. And it's an interesting "ride" we have ahead of us huh? I guess it's our responsibility to unconditionally help humanity, even if they don't understand what is happening :) Take care.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. My heart is filled with joy as I read your words, the frequency is powerful and healing to my soul.
It has taken me a while but I have fully integrated the "knowingness" that I am not responsible for anybody's choices but my own, specifically speaking of family. Everybody is "perfect" as they are at all times. Even though I might not enjoy the experience that someone else is manifesting in the moment or the place the path might take them at the end of this journey, but it is ok because there isn't a Path that leads "outside" of Source.
It amazes me that when a parent sits their child in (or when an adult is in) front of a TV set and they are called to the child (or person) doesn't respond (even if they are standing right next to them). They don't understand that they are in an altered state of consciousness and literally don't hear them. Or that they don't question why a person get so agitated when disrupted from a TV show or Movie they are watching.
At this point I am finding humor in conversations I am having with the people around me who use a different language, while using the same words making it sound like they are saying one thing but with a different intended meaning. Using the meaning that applies to the tonal signature of the words (very crafty). I have found that if you address it directly with the person they don't deny it. This is because if they deny "their" "truth" it lessons the strength of that truth for them. The more we awaken the thinner the mask becomes and they can no longer hide. My conversations with people are becoming more out in the open and very interesting. This is part of the process of taking our power back.
It sure would be simpler if we were asleep but that isn't an option I dare to consider (though it has crossed my mind in a moment of weakness, but leaves in a flash).
I've sure heard "its just a conspiracy theory' enough to last a life time. My favorite is "If that is true, Why isn't it on TV or in the paper? All major broadcasts and publications are owned and operated by a small group of the so called Elite therefore the information is not reliable (for the most part). The political aspect is one I don't care to get involved with other than to know what is going on behind the scenes. I have direct cognition about most of the political scene so I don't watch the news or read the paper which is very jaded.
The odd thing about talking about aliens is that when you ask a person if they believe in aliens, most if not all will say yes they believe that they exist, but if you talk about them in a real life manner they call you crazy and say they don't exist. Its kind of like the heaven concept. It exists but somewhere in lala land that nobody talks about and if you talk about other dimensions they don't want to hear about it.

Omni Love, Marietta many vibrations.... whats gona happen when the batteries run out?:rolleyes: many vibrations.... whats gona happen when the batteries run out?:rolleyes:
Don't fret too much about Tao. He's on a frequency all his own.:p thought I'd better forewarn the newcomer on this thread Tao as a community service.;) earl
Tao Equus, Good question.
When you have a direct connection to the source of power that regenerates them, they never run out.
Omni Love, Marietta
Hello earl, Thanks for the heads up as to the frequency Tao hold for himself. Hope his batteries don't run out.
Just kidding Tao :)
Omni Love, Marietta
I can't tell, was that directed at me? :)

My batteries? Never runs I hope I never stop learning, and put my belief systems in a box like everyone else does. I hope you know when I talked of other people- I did not mean anyone on this board. I just meant in the real world in general- it can't be denied that many people in this lifetime probably won't come to a level of full spiritual cognition- and that does not matter- there is no hierarchy in such thing. Neither will I probably. We are all at varying stages of development.

No need for a warning- I can handle myself quite alright.
Back to Tao, If you are speaking about the power of the electromagnetic field? We'll simply do without the comforts we have become accustioned to.
Omni Love, Marietta
Dear AmentiHall, I have picked up the incription of a "Star", would you mind if I call you Stardust?
Omni Love, Marietta
Tao Equus, Good question.
When you have a direct connection to the source of power that regenerates them, they never run out.
Omni Love, Marietta
You mean like this ? : BBC NEWS | Technology | Wireless power system shown off

I can't tell, was that directed at me? :)
Not enough power for the lightbulb then :p
My batteries? Never runs
Sure? can't be denied that many people in this lifetime probably won't come to a level of full spiritual cognition
Most people will spend a lifetime just trying to find one other person that would agree with what their definition of "spiritual cognition" is.

I can handle myself quite alright.
No need for batteries then.

Dear AmentiHall, I have picked up the incription of a "Star", would you mind if I call you Stardust?
Omni Love, Marietta
Perhaps Ziggy for short ?

Tao, You asked if the web site you supplied was what I was talking about. No, this is not what I was referring too. I'm referring to when the electromagenetic field around the earth stops working and the known power system breaks down. No electric to use, no battery power.
This article says that the use of Resonance frequency will not effect things in its path. This is only referring to electrical apparatus. However the resonance frequency could be very harmful to the human biology. The brain wave works on a specific resonance frequency, (actually everything exists according to a specific frequency) and when this is messed with it could prove to be hazardous for the human thought processes.
Omni Love, Marietta
Tao, You asked if the web site you supplied was what I was talking about. No, this is not what I was referring too. I'm referring to when the electromagenetic field around the earth stops working and the known power system breaks down. No electric to use, no battery power.
Where is the evidence that such a thing is possible? How and when is the moon going to suddenly fly out of orbit and the molten iron plasma core of the Earth suddenly going to cool and fuse into something inert? For I can think of no other way to prevent the Earth having a magnetic field.

This article says that the use of Resonance frequency will not effect things in its path. This is only referring to electrical apparatus. However the resonance frequency could be very harmful to the human biology. The brain wave works on a specific resonance frequency, (actually everything exists according to a specific frequency) and when this is messed with it could prove to be hazardous for the human thought processes.
Omni Love, Marietta
That is what tin foil hats are for. And what is "omni love"? Anything to do with the pulp pseudo-science magazine Omni ?

Love from Scotland...
Hello Tao, Geomagnetic storms originating from the sun can induce several hundred amps ... harmful effects in power lines and transformers, in some cases even ... the induced electromagnetic field at the Earth surface for TE and TM polarization. At some point (in the near future) these Geomagnetic storms will increase to the point where they mess with the electromagnetic field of Earth to the point where we will not have electric current.
Where can I get one of those foil hate?

Omni Love is Pure, Unadulterated Love. Love in its purest sense. It only happens when a person is in a state of Kryst Consciousness and has total respect and allowance for all life "EQUALLY". It is to Love "everything" equally, without judgment (total acceptance for "ALL". Without expectation or need.

Omni- \Om"ni-\ [L. omnis all.]
A combining form denoting all, every, everywhere; as in omnipotent, all-powerful; omnipresent.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection.
Source: Wikipedia free encyclopedia

Omni Love, Marietta
As you can see in the illustration below the Earths magnetic field protects us from the worst the sun is throwing at us. When you look at the illustrated field lines around Earth you see they do not illustrate those of the sun which has a field boundary in space, beyond the orbit of Pluto, called the heliosphere. The second illustration shows its extent. The Sun's electromagnetic radiation runs into billions or trillions of amps and would not cease unless the star itself suddenly and miraculously went out and lost its iron rich core. What you describe is so fantastic I could only place it along side the notion that god is going to appear 1000 miles tall in the sky, in a gorilla suit, with a remote control to turn off the sun.


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Not enough power for the lightbulb then :p
Yea, because I just joined this forum and am obviously extremely privy to inside humor and vague references enough to know you were specifically talking to me. :rolleyes:

Most people will spend a lifetime just trying to find one other person that would agree with what their definition of "spiritual cognition" is.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Although in my opinion, no one can ever truly reach "full" spiritual cognition- they can just strive to do so, and in doing so achieve higher measure of awareness.

Perhaps Ziggy for short ?


Hehe-your need for sparking an argument is amusing.

Tao, you are so logical and sound-minded! Forget about these crazy cooks and their pseudo scientific terms....Ya know, if it helps you sleep at night. Then, you can go validate your rationality on a message board forum. You seem pretty good at it :D
Moderator Warning:

Please try to keep the discussion on topic. There's no need for personal sniping from anyone.


Ben Gruagach
moderator, Alternative section of Interfaith Online