doo doo happens


....whys guy.... ʎʇıɹoɥʇnɐ uoıʇsǝnb
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up to my arse in alligators
Kindest Regards, all!

This is a collection of posts from another thread where "I" got a little silly, but it started what could be an interesting conversation should any care to join in:

I can do do too. Every morning, like clockwork.

(TMI?) :D

Right after coffee?

lol 30-40 minutes after every major meal....thank G-d!

If you were running a train system and you had two or three trains head into the tunnel....and only one head out the other may just lose your job.

Your job on this planet is to take care of the body temple and keep those trains regular...wouldn't want a back up at the end of the line.

Wonder what Adam thought when this process started. There wouldn't have been any need to eliminate decay in the Garden, would there?

Just always wondered about that...

With this as a start, I wonder from time to time about the composition of "Adam." Now, it seems to me Adam was a natural human being, in which case the "elimination process" would seem to be as was intended. Yet, I can also see where some may think that such a process is an evidence of a fallen state or fallen nature of humanity.

Manna, as I recall the Exodus story, is described as "angel food." Which implies that angels eat. If angels eat, do they poop? If energy must be converted to sustain life, there must be some elimination of by-products, "ash" if you will.

Then too, if humans (including Adam and Eve) are extensions of animals, and would have processed and eliminated in the garden (of all of these trees you may eat, except...), it still seems to me a natural and "good" process as intended by the Creator. This seems to me sustained by the fact that even single celled creatures absorb and a cellular level, simple cells absorb and eliminate...what we have now is a digestive system that has specialized into what we understand as stomach and related organs, small and large intestines, colon and elimination muscles, along with a litany of associated organs that differentiate and process the various chemical results of the "fire" in our bellies. This is truly a marvel in itself, and no small miracle when it works as it should, (just ask anybody whose process *doesn't* work as it should).

So, while this subject is prone to sophomoric humor, I am asking if others feel the digestive and elimination process are evidence in their beliefs of G-d's creative ability, or of humanity's fallen nature? Are we fallen because we poop? Do we doo doo in heaven?
Sophmorish humor you are worried about? Since when did first graders become sophmores?

The title to my lecture used to be, "The straight poop on crap" or "All the crap on poop"...My favorite thing was the looks on folks faces as I started talking about size, texture, boyancy...and then less then 20 minutes later having 30-40 complete strangers discussing their bowel movements....I live for this stuff.

Manna...if you harvested more than you needed it disappeared...

But if Adam and Eve didn't poop...then their cells as you indicated didn't eliminate.

Could it not be the food angels provide/manifest not the food angels consume?

Lastly, for Q, don't Coasties go on the poop deck?

oh and this thread stinks.
I am asking if others feel the digestive and elimination process are evidence in their beliefs of G-d's creative ability, or of humanity's fallen nature? Are we fallen because we poop? Do we doo doo in heaven?

Thank you Juantoo3, for a stimulating start.

I'm concentrating on the elimination of waste and unused particles. Would there be such in a perfect garden?

What about kidneys and liver?

Perhaps G-d made our bodies to work perfectly and also to adapt to the lesser state which He knew would come.

This discussion may work its way around to humans and animals being vegetarian in the beginning.

Oh yeah...and how do dandilions spread without dying and going to seed, etc?

I'd love to stick around and chat, but duty calls, and I must answer.

See ya'll soon!

Maybe wil can entertain in the meantime with his lecture on the straight and narrow poop? Bricks and bb's simply will not do, except in a pinch. :D (sorry, had to squeeze that one in...)
Very interesting thread, in which I have a little bit of a vested interest.................I began my Discussion Forum life under the name of "Dookie", a name that my daughter had given me for no reason that I could ever force out of her. I gloried in the name until one guy asked me whether or not I realised that in certain parts of the USA the name "dookie" was a child's name for poo poo's, number two's.............To my mind this tended to compromise the profundity and depth of my posts:D :cool: :eek: My reaction was to join up on another forum with the pathetically pretentious name of Kalamasutta, then on another as Majjhima. The Forum I was registered on as Dookie eventually folded and we all met up again on another Buddhist Board............and I returned as Eikood (returned......get it? :D ) Then that one folded and when we all eventually joined up again on another I had swallowed my pride and signed on as Dookie again.............well, the name Winnie the Pooh never seemed to harm that bear's popularity........

Hopefully I won't find out soon that "tariki" means something awkward in some country or other......

That's right, a double portion the day before. But otherwise it was not to be kept or stored. (*with the notable exception of the pot full placed in the Ark of the Covenant along with Aaron's staff.)
Which disappeared sometime before the second temple was built, I believe.
without waste how would the plants grow in the well does our ecosystem work with no bacteria, insects, grubs, animals, eating, and reapplying fertilizer??

Every ecosystem I know of has both animal and plant life...if we wouldn't expel waste..urination, defacation, perspiration, respiration...all expel waste from our we think we didn't need oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide either?

Is it not just our prudish nature that has such a worry about these bodily functions? Don't nomads pick up and roll camel dung for use in the fire later? Waste not want not.

It used to be fertilizer, then we went to flushing it down and wasting water, we are now back to utilizing it as fertilizer again, and just starting to reduce the water..composting toilets are coming back in vogue as we see how wasteful we are...soon outhouses will be back!

I think we often take today's notions and mores and try to apply them to biblical don't fit so well. I say in the allegorical garden, we metaphorically organically fertilized...

ps...if you get eaten by an elephant how do you get out? simply run around in circles till you get all pooped out.
Realize the moment that you smell something, you've inhaled a portion of it.

123 said:
If angels eat, do they poop?
If angels poop, did they eat?

The planet consumes light, and equally poops it.
Not too many gardens live without light.

Global warming is like a bowel system backed up. The fish tank in Nemo had it correct: "Don't you realize we are swimming in our own ..." Either eat less or crank up the water cycle.
there are some interesting rituals that involve smearing oneself in poop...
way tmi

You know I hate it when something comes up that shows how closed minded I am....some things I don't even want to know about...

Currently this is one I don't even want to be remotely aware of.
"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Genesis 2:17

How does this work into our thoughts about the "natural life cycle" of the planet and its organic inhabitants and the Garden?

Did they not have a life cycle?

Also...great post cyperpi. You've got me thinking.
Kindest Regards, cyberpi!

Realize the moment that you smell something, you've inhaled a portion of it.

An old friend used to say, "poop you was, poop you is and poop you is to be."

If angels poop, did they eat?

The planet consumes light, and equally poops it.
Not too many gardens live without light.

Global warming is like a bowel system backed up. The fish tank in Nemo had it correct: "Don't you realize we are swimming in our own ..." Either eat less or crank up the water cycle.
Funny how topics converge in myriad ways...if energy is neither created nor destroyed, merely changed, then how would that impact on an energy being (presuming that is what angels [messengers] and demons / ghosts are)? Do energy beings require sustenance in order to "do" things, or are they merely phantoms of neutrinos or other sub-atomic particles that cannot interact at all in the material world? (*Surely one can see the repercussions of what I am getting at, that this truly transcends the mere subject of "poop"). If energy must be converted in order to "do" something, and so many religious traditions hold that angels or equivalent benevolent energy beings "often" interact with humans, and some traditions even hold that malevolent energy beings like demons and ghosts likewise interact with "living" material beings such as ourselves, then if energy must convert there should be a byproduct of the conversion process. Not that I'm looking to fertilize my garden with it... :D

Strange how mushroom gardens don't really require sunlight...but do require copious amounts of doo doo.