
Aha! Do unto others...Remember?
Indeed. You wish me to judge you, Juan? And pray tell, why is that?

juantoo3 said:
Considering I have been, now I am waiting for you to catch up.
Pots and kettles, isn't that why you say, Juan? Sometimes, we worry far too much about others ... except, `worry' isn't quite it, is it? Hmmm ...

juantoo3 said:
Yeah, I've heard that line from a couple of different sources. All of which I question..."which god?"
Not a God that plays favorites, if that's what you're after. NO GOD who says, "these people" are better than "those people." No, I mean a God Greater than a lesser being, which is still subject to whim, favor, preference, and power-plays. I mean, THAT ONE - Who Knows ALL Beings, as ONE with IT (`Him/Her/whatever').

juantoo3 said:
Could it not be you are the presumptuous one? ;) I question because I think for myself. If those thoughts are not in line with yours, given to you by whatever choice of book you read today, that does not mean I am wrong. At least my thoughts are my own, and I will answer for them personally.
No, juan. That will not work. My thought, are my own. We can "swallow, hook, line & sinker" anything we read, hear or believe. Yet any idiot can figure out ... what would have happened had the Axis Powers gained the atomic bomb. Read some history books if you feel so inclined. Just let you imagination run wild. Really, it won't hurt you ...

So, I do not presume. I KNOW. :rolleyes:

juantoo3 said:
Perhaps. Perhaps not. It is all moot now.
NO, juan. It is NOT "moot now." The World War is NOT over. We seem to be doing so well, but did you realize, that in 1972, "President" Bush pulled the United States OUT of the ABM Treaty? This, the anti-ballistic missile treaty, is what forbade us to continue developing atomic bombs, to continue to exploit the oh-so-potentially-useful postiive energy of the atom, for explicitly DESTRUCTIVE purposes ...

I hardly see how such now-allowable, all-"important" development, is a "moot" point. :( :confused:

juantoo3 said:
I haven't "blamed" anybody. I mentioned historic fact. Perhaps I should have added the caveat that it was wartime, and the balance of the equation was that a million American lives potentially were saved, not to mention how many Japanese lives may have ultimately been saved. Germany had already surrendered, the axis did not have the unmolested facilities to pursue nuclear ambitions beyond simple experiments. It was enough to frighten the allies and for the US to start the Manhattan project, but the simple truth is that it would not have developed in Germany under the circumstances anyway...too many parts from too diverse sources getting bombed on a regular basis.
Ha! Yeah, those silly, pesky Germans. Good with burp guns, but it's not like that actually had scientists or anything! :rolleyes: Not like they could actually have made a BOMB!

Oh dear God!!! Come on!!! Sure man, you just believe whatever you like. This silly little speck of dirt was DAMN NEAR an antheap. But if you think we just wanted to go KILL KILL KILL ... and that Nagasaki/Hiroshima was just "pooh on you, you screw with Pearl Harbor, we'll bomb you into the Stone Age" - then okay. You believe that.

I think we almost perished. And I think GOD ... THE GOD ... Intervened, and literally SAVED US.

But that's just one guy's belief ... ;)

juantoo3 said:
So, what I have suspected all along is true, that you would kill me and any like me to further your Theosophist agenda? Because we disagree?
Passive aggressiveness, too, is par for the course. If I make you uncomfortable, I won't apologize. I don't mind asking a person to THINK. If you reach the point of HATE, and SHUT UP, you're only really upsetting me ... then enough is enough. You WILL get the last word, because frankly, I can handle it.

And I don't need to come out ahead ...

juantoo3 said:
The difference being I am not looking to take your free will away, and even make accommodation for it...whereas you it would seem see things quite a bit differently. :confused:
I cannot remove, what is not present ... but nor would I desire to! Detachment, remember ...

(see how fast I don't care to respond once you "lose it" ... :eek:)
Kindest Regards, Andrew!

How contradictory?! :confused: You make it seem as though you are the one being persecuted (who is in whose garden?) while you just finished stating that sometimes, I presume when suitable to yourself, the minority (presumably Christians, or at least those like me who disagree with you) are expendable. Since when do you rate the persecution card? What gives you merit to hold a persecution complex as a Theosophist? I don't even play that card...I think its a cheap shot and a coward's way out...but I least I can understand it in some situations. Not yours.

I think, what Juan is stating is that it would be remiss, to not call a "brother" on the perverbial "carpet", for conceit, wrapped in the guise of perceived persecution. "Rebuke your brother in his ways"...(para) is also biblical.
That statement counters the bible's specific point that God cannot abide with evil (nothing exists in a vaccuum).

As far as laying one's life down for his brother (friend), the "selfishness" here is clearly identified as being good. He selfishly want's to live, but selfishly wants his brother to live, so he chooses to be selfishly beneficial to his brother, thus denying himself his own life...

"...take me out of this world, God please - don't take the girl..." good song.
God created evil. Evil, even as the (temporary) deprivation or lack of ... God, is a CONDITION, which God allows to exist.

If you insist of making a giant PERSON out of god, then yes, God must oppose evil, though I also argue that evil is relative. That which we call `evil' will cease to exist after a point, and yet, even on a greater scale of being, we will be faced with a relative imperfection - and the very Forces of Opposition - which ALLOW us (as Cosmic Beings) to overcome, and to demonstrate a Greater Will.

Some might say that God is then, just "using" evil ... and "not really giving it a change" - hey, I can play `Devil's Advocate' like the rest of 'em.

But that's not so! The problem, imho, is our understanding of what "evil" is to begin with! If we better grasped the processes of involution and evolution, then we wouldn't be so quick to label anything that doesn't suit us, `evil.' Racial genocide, for example, seems evil ... and in a vacuum, sure it is!

What was that about a vacuum, Q? ;)

And yes, giving one's life for another, that's exactly what I meant ... that our greater Responsibility, to ourself and to God, is to look beyond (the lesser) self, and to aid OTHERS. ;) :)
Nah, I don't need to lose it, I simply edit your condescending remarks and decide it is not wise to argue with a fool. Good night.
God created evil. Evil, even as the (temporary) deprivation or lack of ... God, is a CONDITION, which God allows to exist.

If you insist of making a giant PERSON out of god, then yes, God must oppose evil, though I also argue that evil is relative. That which we call `evil' will cease to exist after a point, and yet, even on a greater scale of being, we will be faced with a relative imperfection - and the very Forces of Opposition - which ALLOW us (as Cosmic Beings) to overcome, and to demonstrate a Greater Will.

Some might say that God is then, just "using" evil ... and "not really giving it a change" - hey, I can play `Devil's Advocate' like the rest of 'em.

But that's not so! The problem, imho, is our understanding of what "evil" is to begin with! If we better grasped the processes of involution and evolution, then we wouldn't be so quick to label anything that doesn't suit us, `evil.' Racial genocide, for example, seems evil ... and in a vacuum, sure it is!

What was that about a vacuum, Q? ;)

And yes, giving one's life for another, that's exactly what I meant ... that our greater Responsibility, to ourself and to God, is to look beyond (the lesser) self, and to aid OTHERS. ;) :)

"Absense of" is not creation of anything. It is a lack of something. God cannot "create" an absense of good (evil).

There is nothing that is cold for example, only an absence of heat.

And giving one's life for another is very selfish. There is a reward for the act (self satisfaction that what was done was noble and right).
Nah, I don't need to lose it, I simply edit your condescending remarks and decide it is not wise to argue with a fool. Good night.
Just because you can't always get an Amen Corner, doesn't mean there isn't a lesson to be learned ...

And my point, besides, is that Humanity is neither unredeemable, nor without that within it, which resonates, or answers, to the Divine Call.

Sometimes, patience and self-control really are the lessons we're being asked to consider. And we can't move forward, until we accept them.

I really have nothing to gain, nothing to lose. After all, Juan, I am not your Brother, unless or until you affirm it.

And then, if you so choose, you will find that Love can conquer all those snide remarks ... and every last knife-thrust ...

... because God knows, I haven't learned how to stay in here without my fair share of abuse. :eek: ;) :)

I'm just doing my best - not to take any of it personally.

So every effort to drive it in a little deeper, forces me to ask, DOES THIS HURT?

And my feelings?

Don't worry about it, BROTHER, even if I have them, they don't matter nearly as much ... as winning the argument ... now do they?

You STILL don't see ... and I can't help that, atm.

Hmmmm .... Q ....

"Absense of" is not creation of anything. It is a lack of something. God cannot "create" an absense of good (evil).
Ah, but God created those conditions (or, Buddhistically, the Cosmos of CONDITIONED BEING) wherein evil - as the absence of Good - can and DOES exist. God is not so dumb as to think, or believe, that this will not occur. God, to be clear, does not NOT Know, that "evil" will arise, and even rule, temporarily. Yes God does Know, also, that Good will prevail.

But the, ALL THINGS (people, etc.) RETURN unto God. Or so THE Wisdom of the East tells us. Vide a Prayer called `the Gayatri.'

And as I have prayed, many times:

THY WILL BE DONE, On Earth as it is in Heaven ...

Quahom1 said:
There is nothing that is cold for example, only an absence of heat.
Yep. All made possible by ... ;)

Quahom1 said:
And giving one's life for another is very selfish. There is a reward for the act (self satisfaction that what was done was noble and right).
No. I disagree. I do not think that Jesus cooperated with the Divine Plan ... simply so that he might be SELF-SATISFIED with what HE was doing. This suggests EGO, a truly PERSONAL motivation (VANITY, REWARD, GLORY).

The Jesus I believe in did NOT require, or want, any of these things.

But then ... we are all FREE to believe as we so choose ... :eek:
I win, I lose, it makes no difference ... I posted on this thread because I believe, that Humanity is not ultimately destined to PURE SELFISHNESS ... or to the TRIUMPH of the lesser self.

I am disheartened, and discouraged, whenever I see people overcome by the notion that evil will triumph, or that separatism is simply human nature. I believe that the Divine Potential exists within us all. Therefore, selfishness is only the temporary triumph ... of the least aspect of our nature, or "evil."

Yet the `Human Number' is not the only Number. God is the Divine Mathematician.

777, also, has meaning, for the symbologist, and for the student of esotericism. It amounts, in a sense to 111, which is the "opposite" (and also the complement) of 666, because the material self (separative, lower self) ... is, inevitably and eventually, mutually exclusive from, or oppsosed to - the Higher Self.

But then, I am a bit zealous ... when it comes to the Mystery Teachings, and the Wisdom of the Ephesians - even of St. Paul.

If only I could remember ...
Ah, but God created those conditions (or, Buddhistically, the Cosmos of CONDITIONED BEING) wherein evil - as the absence of Good - can and DOES exist. God is not so dumb as to think, or believe, that this will not occur. God, to be clear, does not NOT Know, that "evil" will arise, and even rule, temporarily. Yes God does Know, also, that Good will prevail.

But the, ALL THINGS (people, etc.) RETURN unto God. Or so THE Wisdom of the East tells us. Vide a Prayer called `the Gayatri.'

And as I have prayed, many times:

THY WILL BE DONE, On Earth as it is in Heaven ...

Yep. All made possible by ... ;)

No. I disagree. I do not think that Jesus cooperated with the Divine Plan ... simply so that he might be SELF-SATISFIED with what HE was doing. This suggests EGO, a truly PERSONAL motivation (VANITY, REWARD, GLORY).

The Jesus I believe in did NOT require, or want, any of these things.

But then ... we are all FREE to believe as we so choose ... :eek:

Can't "create" non existence. Evil is antipathy of Good. Evil is "lack of" Good.

The rise of "evil" is actually the desimation of "good". Or the withdrawl of good.

God, is the ultimate Ego. None can surpass Him. None have the right to. (it is impossible for a finite being to even begin to contemplate the entirety of the infinite).

And if the "wisdom" of the East is so prevelent...why pray tell is the majority still living backwood fuedal lifestyles? Not that the West is much better...
Can't "create" non existence. Evil is antipathy of Good. Evil is "lack of" Good.

The rise of "evil" is actually the desimation of "good". Or the withdrawl of good.

God, is the ultimate Ego. None can surpass Him. None have the right to. (it is impossible for a finite being to even begin to contemplate the entirety of the infinite).
Aha! I don't think of God as either `Good,' or `Evil.' Yin-Yang, there are two aspects, chasing each other around, within the circle. But the "God" I think of as the Circle, is not either the Yang, OR the Yin. It is not `good, nor is it `evil.'

There are many levels, many applications, many understandings, of this duality ... such as Spirit/matter, Consciousness/form, Positive/negative. But we CANNOT have one, without the other. They are DEFINED in terms of the other. There is NO GOOD, without evil.

GOD, as I understand (or believe in) God, is beyond these two - greater than, Transcendent of, this duality. Therefore, God is neither Good, nor Evil.


But, this may not be resolvable into Christian terms. I dunno. I guess it's up to each of us to figure out if this makes sense.

Quahom1 said:
And if the "wisdom" of the East is so prevelent...why pray tell is the majority still living backwood fuedal lifestyles? Not that the West is much better
Well, I look at it like this: Evolution (God's Plan), occurs in cycles. It's a spiral, and on a prior turn of the spiral, perhaps the East was more in tune with the Plan, and with Divine Order. But civilizations that once ruled, have since fallen ... and now, the West has become the focus. Esoterically, America is more or less the reincarnation of Ancient Egypt, while the UK is Rome, risen again. But this is just a background, and does not necessarily indicate the future ...
I win, I lose, it makes no difference ... I posted on this thread because I believe, that Humanity is not ultimately destined to PURE SELFISHNESS ... or to the TRIUMPH of the lesser self.

I am disheartened, and discouraged, whenever I see people overcome by the notion that evil will triumph, or that separatism is simply human nature. I believe that the Divine Potential exists within us all. Therefore, selfishness is only the temporary triumph ... of the least aspect of our nature, or "evil."

Yet the `Human Number' is not the only Number. God is the Divine Mathematician.

777, also, has meaning, for the symbologist, and for the student of esotericism. It amounts, in a sense to 111, which is the "opposite" (and also the complement) of 666, because the material self (separative, lower self) ... is, inevitably and eventually, mutually exclusive from, or oppsosed to - the Higher Self.

But then, I am a bit zealous ... when it comes to the Mystery Teachings, and the Wisdom of the Ephesians - even of St. Paul.

If only I could remember ...

Evil will never triumph. We've been most assuredly told that over and over again. The purpose of evil is to take away as much as possible from God before the end. Like a vaccuum, evil want to suck everything into it (or more accurately, everything wants to enter into it so that there is no more vaccuum).

From a mathematical perspective, 666 is a flawed number. It lacks...

777 is a perfect number, it lacks for nothing.

However, this is diverting us from the original concept of the thread.

Life, is by nature, selfish. Nothing occurs without an expectation of some kind.

Even death is selfish in a way (we wonder what's for US on the other side). It wants to make room for other new life...
I have met selfless people, therefore I have a hard time accepting anyone's insistence that "all people are truly selfish."

You could argue that it's all relative ... but umm, err, DUH! Yeah, LIFE is about relativity!

Christ's love was, relatively, Perfect and Unconditional! ;)

And yet, it is precisely this type of relative Perfection toward which I think we are all striving ... and it is worth it!

Evil can triumph, in lesser cycles, and thus set back the Divine Plan. This is what I have learned, and it concerns me. Sometimes, it distresses me, even greatly.

But then, I try to remember, and sing, the Prayer of St. Francis (`Lord, Make me an Instrument of Thy Peace ...') ...

and this usually helps! :)

If we can avoid a global catastrophe, or even one ounce of unnecessary suffering ... then I think we should see to it, that it is so.

Aha! I don't think of God as either `Good,' or `Evil.' Yin-Yang, there are two aspects, chasing each other around, within the circle. But the "God" I think of as the Circle, is not either the Yang, OR the Yin. It is not `good, nor is it `evil.'

There are many levels, many applications, many understandings, of this duality ... such as Spirit/matter, Consciousness/form, Positive/negative. But we CANNOT have one, without the other. They are DEFINED in terms of the other. There is NO GOOD, without evil.

GOD, as I understand (or believe in) God, is beyond these two - greater than, Transcendent of, this duality. Therefore, God is neither Good, nor Evil.


But, this may not be resolvable into Christian terms. I dunno. I guess it's up to each of us to figure out if this makes sense.

Well, I look at it like this: Evolution (God's Plan), occurs in cycles. It's a spiral, and on a prior turn of the spiral, perhaps the East was more in tune with the Plan, and with Divine Order. But civilizations that once ruled, have since fallen ... and now, the West has become the focus. Esoterically, America is more or less the reincarnation of Ancient Egypt, while the UK is Rome, risen again. But this is just a background, and does not necessarily indicate the future ...

Then your thinking counters what God has declared in scriptures throughout the world of man. God can not be anything but good, else He would be a flawed being (which puts Him at the same level as man and angel). Not an area I care to come close to pondering...

God is. I am. But there is a huge difference between He and me...see? There is nothing to resolve about it. Because it doesn't matter to God what we believe or do not believe. What does matter to God is that we get with the program He created...

America is an experiment that was doomed to fail from the start...but something went terribly turned to God, instead of away from...

The east can't figure out which god to turn to, and so fight over them all.
I have met selfless people, therefore I have a hard time accepting anyone's insistence that "all people are truly selfish."

You could argue that it's all relative ... but umm, err, DUH! Yeah, LIFE is about relativity!

Christ's love was, relatively, Perfect and Unconditional! ;)

And yet, it is precisely this type of relative Perfection toward which I think we are all striving ... and it is worth it!

Evil can triumph, in lesser cycles, and thus set back the Divine Plan. This is what I have learned, and it concerns me. Sometimes, it distresses me, even greatly.

But then, I try to remember, and sing, the Prayer of St. Francis (`Lord, Make me an Instrument of Thy Peace ...') ...

and this usually helps! :)

If we can avoid a global catastrophe, or even one ounce of unnecessary suffering ... then I think we should see to it, that it is so.


Need to look deeper into such "selfless people". The only ones I've ever met, had a frontal lobotomy...

That is the only selfless person in reality, then again they have no will either.

Christ's love, relative? Um, who else would we use to compare the Love of God to? Absolute is the descriptor I would use...

You keep insisting on describing evil as though it has some sort of substance, like it is a viable entity, when in reality it is the lack of "love" and subsequent actions that can occur based on that lack of "love".

I would think that one educated as yourself would not argue with the obviousness of evil being likened to a void. Fill it with something and it is no longer a void.

Evil is the deprivation of Good/Love...pretty simple.
Then your thinking counters what God has declared in scriptures throughout the world of man. God can not be anything but good, else He would be a flawed being (which puts Him at the same level as man and angel). Not an area I care to come close to pondering...
I think for myself. Scriptures help point the way, they don't do my thinking for me. You are trying to define God, by HUMAN standards. This can be done, but it LIMITES God.

God, as I have come to understand God, has NO LIMITS. Therefore, neither the labels of good, nor evil, which are necessarily human perspectives, will apply. Go with Good, if you would Go with God, but do not be suprised when God encompasses all that has been hitherto understood as "evil," as well as "good."

Quahom1 said:
What does matter to God is that we get with the program He created...
That's what esotericists call `The Plan.' And yes, we don't necessarily have to worry about "ultimates." We strive towards The Good. Yet it helps to know, that the only reason Evil even has a (potential) foothold on us, is because it is within us.

When the last vestiges of "self" (lesser, lower, personal, ego-centered "self") have died ... THEN and then only, GOOD - in the Greater sense, will prevail.

That's how I see it.

Quahom1 said:
America is an experiment that was doomed to fail from the start...but something went terribly turned to God, instead of away from...
I am quite confused. I have come to believe in our highest potential as `The Great Experiment,' and I have come to understand the current time as the Armageddon that was expected, and inevitable. We could been so much more, and in the long run, we may end up a bright moment, a temporarily, hopeful flash - against the deep, dark, and seemingly endless NIGHT.

I hope that it is not so. The "terribly wrong" is not something that was not allowed for. The "terribly wrong," as I see it, is just - human selfishness. And the GOOD within us may yet prevail! :)

[QUOTQuahom1]The east can't figure out which god to turn to, and so fight over them all.[/QUOTE]'Tis the WEST that has insisted, OUR WAY, or NO Way.

The East allows for many ways to reach THE Divine. I can't, for the life of me, see what you're getting at!

The Law of Rebirth, if misunderstood as the idea that "a man has eternity to slowly and effortlessly crawl his way toward the Godhead" ... will not be any better than the notion that, "You'd better be a Saint, now, since you got NOT MORE chances!"

Maybe that's where part of the problem is. ;)
Need to look deeper into such "selfless people". The only ones I've ever met, had a frontal lobotomy...
I could introduce you to plenty who don't fit that bill. Doctors, lawyers, airplane pilots, CPAs, restaurant workers, health care professionals, former military officers ... the list goes on. What can I say? I've been quite Blessed ...

Quahom1 said:
Christ's love, relative? Um, who else would we use to compare the Love of God to? Absolute is the descriptor I would use...
I expected to hear no less. But this is not logical. It is not even possible. The `Absolute,' by definition, is not manifest, it cannot manifest.

It would cease to be - Absolute!

This is elementary ...

Quahom1 said:
You keep insisting on describing evil as though it has some sort of substance, like it is a viable entity, when in reality it is the lack of "love" and subsequent actions that can occur based on that lack of "love".
Evil is the lack of ... yet we come to understand those who identify themselves with this condition, of the lacking of, as also - "evil." Otherwise, if evil is just lack, then let's STOP.


Either "evil" is someone(s) or something(s) that LACK, or - it is NOTHING at all ... and, as I say, we can FORGET about "it" - since there is no IT.

IS THERE - anything, anyone, "evil?"

Interesting ... curioser, and curioser ... as Alice said!

Quahom1 said:
I would think that one educated as yourself would not argue with the obviousness of evil being likened to a void. Fill it with something and it is no longer a void.

Evil is the deprivation of Good/Love...pretty simple.
You can't speak of the Abstract, if you cannot also speak of concrete examples. Let's talk turkey ...

Examples, Q?

either there is, or there is not, "evil"

And don't just say, "lack of" Good ... umm, DUH!

such as ... ? ;)
Ah ha! Something we both can agree on! What a wonderful change! As long as one understands that "the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number" must be tempered with respectful concern for those in the minority. Otherwise, you only have Mill's utilitarianism...also known as "the end justifies the means." Are you saying it is alright to trample the minority in order to sate the majority? I would hope not, and suggest you reconsider your selfish motives. ;)

Jesus came to heal the sick (minority), not heal the well (majority).

So much discussion in just one day!!! . . . It's been rather difficult to track all the comments. Here's my personal thoughts on selfishness.

I don't think selfishness is inherently wrong. As Juan said, it's what you use it for. Love is about me. I cannot love others without me. Love is a relationship, an interaction between two souls, not just an action.

Imagine if there was a Super Helper Machine going around helping people with their personal problems, healing the sick, giving money to the poor, bringing dead people back from life, etc. But where's the love? This thing is just a machine. There is no self. Where's the relationship? The machine can act but not relate. I could give a million dollars to charity, but I'm not the person out there on the front line doing the healing and helping. I am not involved. I have nothing to do with the people I help.

Every human being has emotional and personal needs. Selfishness is about satisfying your emotional and personal needs.

Is selfishness wrong? I think there's a difference between selfishness and self-absorption or self-indulgence. A selfish person is not necessarily self-absorbed or self-indulged. Self-absorption and self-indulgence go beyond selfishness in that they also strive to satisfy people's wants and desires. In other words, it's not just about needs, but also about wants and desires, much of which may be unnecessarily (they are not essential needs)

It is possible to be selfish without being self-absorbed. I believe it is not selfishness by itself that is wrong, but self-absorption and self-indulgence. A selfish person strives only to satisfy his needs. These are things that are essential and undeniable for each person individually. Wants and desires go beyond basic needs and are neither essential nor necessary.

I needed lunch. I ate my lunch. I am full. But the lunch I had wasn't enough. I want some French Fries, a Sausage McMuffin and a Big Mac. Give it to me. Gimme gimme gimme. I deserve it all. I want it now. Give it to me now. I must have my fries and big mac. It's a part of who I am. I can't be who I want to be without the fries and the mac.:D

(That's a metaphor and euphemism for many present-day indulgences. Part of the reason why a 23-year-old man, son of a South Korean immigrant, born into American culture, got sick of it, shot 32 people in Virginia Tech last week.):eek:

Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of people? Trouble with that is, how many people can you love? You may help 10,000 people but only "love" 10 of those people. What happened to the other 9,990? You never knew them. You had no relationship with those people.

Love isn't just about doing good things. A man who helps 10,000 people is a good man. A loving man is one who personally knows everyone he helps. Love isn't just about you. Nor is it just about me. Love is about you and me. It's about us and what we're going through.

It's a desire to be a part of something. To go through what someone else is going through. To participate and be a participant. To be a partner in someone else's suffering. It's something to be shared. There is some personal gain coming out of it. You experience something as a result of being there.

Love isn't just about giving. It's also about taking. You love (as in llluuuuvvv) that person. You want something from that person. It's ok to be a taker. That's what love is about -- giving and then taking. Stealing someone else's heart and running away with it like a malicious thief. Give to get what you want from that person.
I could introduce you to plenty who don't fit that bill. Doctors, lawyers, airplane pilots, CPAs, restaurant workers, health care professionals, former military officers ... the list goes on. What can I say? I've been quite Blessed ...

I expected to hear no less. But this is not logical. It is not even possible. The `Absolute,' by definition, is not manifest, it cannot manifest.

It would cease to be - Absolute!

This is elementary ...

Evil is the lack of ... yet we come to understand those who identify themselves with this condition, of the lacking of, as also - "evil." Otherwise, if evil is just lack, then let's STOP.


Either "evil" is someone(s) or something(s) that LACK, or - it is NOTHING at all ... and, as I say, we can FORGET about "it" - since there is no IT.

IS THERE - anything, anyone, "evil?"

Interesting ... curioser, and curioser ... as Alice said!

You can't speak of the Abstract, if you cannot also speak of concrete examples. Let's talk turkey ...

Examples, Q?

either there is, or there is not, "evil"

And don't just say, "lack of" Good ... umm, DUH!

such as ... ? ;)

absence of malice... you mistake evil for hate.

But hate and love are flip sides of the same coin. Indifference is the antithisis of emotion. The devil is indifferent to man, and God.

Duh! lol
Love isn't just about giving. It's also about taking. You love (as in llluuuuvvv) that person. You want something from that person. It's ok to be a taker. That's what love is about -- giving and then taking. Stealing someone else's heart and running away with it like a malicious thief. Give to get what you want from that person.
Some of what you say, I agree with Saltmeister, but not this part.

That people DO TAKE, and give, just so they can GET, is of course true. But that, to me, is not Love at all. That is the desire of being loved.

Love gives all, asks nothing for herself in return.

Examples that come to immediately to mind, besides the Christ, are St. Francis of Assisi (who also gave to our little brothers, the animals) ... and Mother Teresa. But there are more throughout history, some less well known.


Again, I'm not saying that many people do manifest the kind of Higher, Perfect Love which Christ taught, and showed. I just don't believe that it's impossible. Nor do I think that a necessary, or acceptable compromise is to love a little, and TAKE a little love, since we can "do no better." I don't buy that for an instant!

We must learn to set reasonable goals, and not expect too much either from ourselves, or others ... and part of that means accepting that we often love with eros, and with philos, rather than the true Agape which is the Ideal.

I believe in "just men, made perfect," and maintain that such men do exist, in part because I have read many firsthand accounts by people who have met such beings. Some almost read like fairy tales, and are perhaps easier to view as creative fiction, than to accept as eyewitness, gospel Truth ... purely factual accounts. Either way, they inspire me to keep striving toward - that Love which is perfect, and a state of being, where "self" as we know it ... DOES cease to exist.

This may sound unlikely or impossible, and it certainly challenges us to go beyond the current ideas we have regarding who and what we essentially are. But this is all part of the path to enlightenment, imho. It is a long journey, and we should not be surprised if we do not arrive at our destination overnight. ;) To know, or believe, that others have gotten there ahead of us, however, inspires me anew ... to keep on keeping on. And sure, sometimes our best efforts, even when successful, do not meet with the results we might hae expected ...

Here are a few words that inspire me, from `Light on the Path' (pt. I):
THESE rules are written for all disciples: Attend you to them.

1. Kill out ambition. [Note on Rule 1. -- Ambition is the first curse: the great tempter of the man who is rising above his fellows. It is the simplest form of looking for reward. Men of intelligence and power are led away from their higher possibilities by it continually. Yet it is a necessary teacher. Its results turn to dust and ashes in the mouth; like death and estrangement it shows the man at last that to work for self is to work for disappointment.]

5. Kill out all sense of separateness. [Note on Rule 5. -- Do not fancy you can stand aside from the bad man or the foolish man. They are yourself, though in a less degree than your friend or your master. But if you allow the idea of separateness from any evil thing or person to grow up within you, by so doing you create Karma, which will bind you to that thing or person till your soul recognizes that it cannot be isolated. Remember that the sin and shame of the world are your sin and shame; for you are a part of it; your Karma is inextricably interwoven with the great Karma.]

8. Yet stand alone and isolated, because nothing that is imbodied, nothing that is conscious of separation, nothing that is out of the eternal, can aid you.

9. Desire only that which is within you.

10. Desire only that which is beyond you.

11. Desire only that which is unattainable.

12. For within you is the light of the world -- the only light that can be shed upon the Path. If you are unable to perceive it within you, it is useless to look for it elsewhere. It is beyond you; because when you reach it you have lost yourself. It is unattainable, because it for ever recedes. You will enter the light, but you will never touch the flame.

These written above are the first of the rules which are written on the walls of the Hall of Learning. Those that ask shall have. Those that desire to read shall read. Those who desire to learn shall learn.


As for what I mean by "the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number" ... this isn't always easy to put into words. It is a principle, an attempt to express a Universal Truth, in my understanding. But we must learn how to apply this to a given situation.

Don't let the part about "greatest number" throw you. Feeding the multitudes isn't the point here. We are not, perhaps, yet capable. But we can minister to the one or two. The real challenge is to find just how far we can stretch our love and light ... without attenuating them.

If ours is the capability to be there for only one other person, then in that moment, this is to serve the Greatest Good, of the Greatest Number (for when we serve another, we also serve our self; when we love another, we also love ourself ... and in giving, we receive).

The idea of the ego, the independent "me-existence" (I, me, mine) ... is what I'm saying we should challenge. To argue that Humanity, that a human being, is only capable of being selfish, in some form or fashion, on one level or another, is, imho, to assert something that is fundamentally flawed, because in truth, unsound. The assumption is, that "I exist, apart from you" and that in fact, all men, all humans, are separate - or separated - lives.

One doesn't have to be a Buddhist, or a New Ager, or even particularly religious to believe that all life is interconnected. `Light on the Path' speaks about our relationship with all other beings quite matter-of-factly. And the brightest and best of today's scientists, especially quantum physicists, are able to demonstrate increasingly objectively and rather simply, that all life, all matter, all energy, is interconnected.

Thus, what harms another, harms oneself ... and what benefits another, benefits oneself.

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, suggests that even if what we desire is our own well-being ... then even from this rather personal, self-centered point of view (self-focused not even in a pejorative, or negative sense, just as a condition and a fact, as you are indicating, Saltmeister) ... even from this point of view, it behooves us to "do unto others kindly" - that we might encourage them to do likewise, unto others, and unto us!

But this does not mean that one's highest, or only, motivation, should be, or is, limited to SELF, or self-interest. ;)

What you, and I, and the average Joe ... experience on a day-to-day basis ... ah well, that may not be shining Nirvana, or Sambhogakayic Bliss (I think some Christians say, `rapture' or perhaps `mystical union'). Yet do not discount the testimony, the direct experience(s) of these countless followers ... for they may not be so rare, as we tend to believe! :)

What can I say? I can be quite cynical, yet I have great Hope in the possibilities and potential of Humanity, and I have 100% Faith in the Greater portion of our Human Nature (that which has never left the Presence of God, and which even now - and eternally - abides in His Bosom, waiting to Accept and Redeem us, with open arms).

Anyway, that's my take on it ... and I just wanted to try and clarify that bit, especially, on the greatest good, greatest number, Saltmeister. Hope it makes some sense ... (and no, we can't always be sure, or know where to "draw the line" - we must just do the best we can!) :)

