Well-Known Member
I think the oil is the consciousness of God. It's a reference to the level of consciousness we have attained. We are not a body with consciousness inside it. We are Gods pure consciousness formed into a body. I think the ones with low oil where materialistically minded and their perception of themselves centred around their ego (with an inability to see themselves as they are seen and act accordingly). As such they hadn't recognised who they are on the inside, they are God within, but they had not activated this pure consciousness. You could also call it the Holy Spirit however this can confuse as many today believe you have to recieve this at a point in time, rather then recognising what we have been all along.
Welcome to the CR Forum's Plato!
But in the context of the passage, they weren't just low, they ran out, or rather they didn't have any oil to start with. Then they missed the boat while trying to scramble to find some.
ETA: I missed something. The foolish ones did initially have oil in their lamps, but not in their vessels, which I assume was used to refill the lamps. Still, they missed the boat.