If your just trying to argue then your not going to get anywhere and there's no point in anyone responding to you.
To argue is ongoing, to seek understanding is to seek the truth.
and even "vain is knowledge that doesn't lead to love"
You've interperated maybe the hardest thing to understand to try to make God evil.
To understand what hell is, life after death, no one really has that experience to give a firsthand testimony.
I've put forward that maybe we have proof of hell in life, and maybe that is hell, or i believe certainly a connection.
St. Isaak of Syria wrote "those in gejenna are burnt by the fire of God's Love"
I saw this wrote on an Orthodox forum on a similar subject.
Now if God is love, in God there is no evil.
But if one is full of hate and evil, they hate love, everything they do and are is opposed to it.
Is anyone completely evil, i don't know.
Evil certainly exists and it lives within us, same as love can.
Some do horrifc things, but some people even change, have remorse, they even try to help others stuck in the same situation they were in.
I could bring up some horrific crimes, and what if they occured to you or your loved ones, i think you would find it very hard to forgive, even if they one day were completely sorry, but what if they were never sorry.
What if maybe some people tried everyway to reach them, what if things even happened to them in their lives where they could even fully understand what they had done to you, but still they had no remorse but just were pure evil.
You judge God, so you make yourself a better judge, what do you do?
I could think myself maybe wipe them out of existence, maybe such evil will be.
You probably think in your understanding, it's not the purely wicked that go to hell, but just thoughs who don't accept Jesus.
Here again we are to things we can't understand at this time, only estimate and speculate.
What i'm saying is probably not true, but you say and others have speculated on these things are probably not either.
But what if we go back to Saint Isaak's quote "those in gejenna are burnt by the fire of God's Love"
If God remains love always, is it's very essence, is the pure source.
People who are not perfect grow in this love, but are not complete, but maybe God has a way to make us complete of even our own will.
How will He achieve even this completely, i don't know.
But people do grow and change.
But if God is maybe in Christ's return somehow revealed as love, so people have no excuse whatsoever.
Lets say everything will be revealed to us, God's love in it's entirety.
Maybe many of us will be filled with shame, maybe even after death we somehow progress in this love, i don't understand the end of times and the final judgement, but i don't think you do either.
But what if some so filled of hate and evil still reject this love.
Will you say i won't accept it i hate love, i hate God in that he will leave me in this hate i choose instead of love.
What if the burning of hell is the evil of man of which they won't repent of, what if it's fully in the presence of God's love, that one filled with evil and hatred can do nothing but only scream out in torment in the presence of such love.
Again it's only speculation, and only can be.
If God is love and there can abide no evil.
Maybe the evil will be purged from us, maybe we will grow in love, it's not easy in life, and we suffer the tomrments of evil, and even the joys of love.
Will all this evil cease to exist.
Then everyone of us has to be complete in love.
Are we willing, when will we be ready.
What has God prepared to achieve this.
When will he judge righteously.
How will He achieve riding us of evil, and completeing us in love.
Hard things to contemplate, i don't know.
I know God gives me strength, helps me in love, i know i'm far from perfect, could i ever be, how could this be made possible.
I don't know if you're just trying to make an argument, if it is the case please let me know.
But if this is truly a stumbling block, all i can say and have tried to say, is it's not something we can understand completely, i expect some Saints have, some who've truly lived by love in life and even understand evil more may have a better idea on these things.
But i've just tried to present to you that God is not evil, you only have to follow love.
Live by the knowledge of love that has been given you, ask God for strength and guidance, i thinks it true the more we live by the little that has been give us, the more is entrusted to us.