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This just in! Fresh :kitty:gram!

There are/were more on this from other news sources, but the :kitty: delegation grabbed this one.

Update: Four dead, nine hospitalized.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Something to "geek out" to:

They must've enjoyed themselves doing this song (with "Weird Al" leading the polka...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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He proposed to a friend of mine....she turned him down...but they are still friends...she has been a back up dancer on stage with him (she ain't no dancer) and goes to all his shows in the area...(hits like 6 surrounding cities) totally in love with him and his music, but no romantic interest....she still geeks out on him. I recall listening to Dr Dimento at night decades ago...
This was from the incident at Philadelphia airport where there was just one fatality (everyone involved would've preferred to have no fatalities, but beggars can't be choosers.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Scary stuff. Just imagine, your sitting in your seat minding your own business when all of a sudden a big 'ol chunk of engine blasts through your window! I saw the interview last night with one of the passengers who struggled to pull the woman back inside. Sadly, it was too late....:(
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Scary stuff. Just imagine, your sitting in your seat minding your own business when all of a sudden a big 'ol chunk of engine blasts through your window! I saw the interview last night with one of the passengers who struggled to pull the woman back inside. Sadly, it was too late....:(
Yeah, saw that too. I can’t imagine how they’re feeling after all that effort and knowing it still wasn’t enough to save her.
Yeah, saw that too. I can’t imagine how they’re feeling after all that effort and knowing it still wasn’t enough to save her.

Imagine their "survivor's guilt", knowing that it could've been them sucked out the window instead of the victim. Hell, the passengers and flight crew tried temporary patches to stop the decompression while the pilot diverted to Philadelphia, and almost everything they tried was sucked right out the shattered window! There might be stray items along their path even today!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine