What Are You Watching on Youtube?

I watched a video that I won't link to or post. It was a discussion about Nathan Larson, a candidate for office in Virginia (look up either the video by the Young Turks or the article on Huffington Post; they're real eye-openers.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I don't know if I've said it before...I have a friend that loved weird Al...for his tunes... And decades ago he loved her, and proposed, but she turned him down, as she was with another...whom she eventually married and then he married...and they are still good friends and she goes to all his concerts within a couple hundred miles with VIP compd tix...
The first one sprang to mind due to the fact that you're a teacher (encountering plenty of "word crimes" during the regular term, possibly during summer school [you sometimes teach during summer school, eh?].)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Yes, there are many word crimes. I have an online summer course that starts after July 4. So many overachievers now. When I was a kid, summer school was only for those who failed a class.
Yes, there are many word crimes. I have an online summer course that starts after July 4. So many overachievers now. When I was a kid, summer school was only for those who failed a class.
Right, interesting huh? On one hand we hear kids these days have no motivation, parents aren't doing their job, and on the other more advanced placement and honors classes then ever.

Is it a public service? Or do parents have to pay for summer classes?
I'm planning to go watch this asap in the theater a little bit down the street from me (instead of the movie showing in the community room):

The movie in the community room? Repeating The Big Lebowski for the third time :mad:

eta: Stupid question about Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood... How many here either were influenced by/watched or even remember watching the show?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Just watched Deadpool on Netflix.

The air has turned blue ...
WHAT!? Thomas. Deadpool. How this this happen!? What does blue air mean!? You must hate it, right!? Blue, hate? It's dreadfully blue? You are feelin blue! You are depressed as to what constitutes entertainment today! Ahhh, that makes sense...
WHAT!? Thomas. Deadpool. How this this happen!?
My daughter asked the same thing.

What does blue air mean!?
LOL, it means there was a LOT of swearing, ACOT, my good fellow. I mean, a ****ing lot! Apart from complaining that Mr Pool, one mean mother******, had straight-bladed swords on his back (dumb-ass obviously knows ****-all about swords), there was a whole lot of bad ****ing language! There was also one mother****** of a D-Day (father's day) WhatsApp to my ****ing daughters, with a special note to keep me away from the ****ing grandkids until the influence of the ****ing movie wore the **** off ... that's when mum of said grandkids WhatsApp'd, asked who the **** let me watch the ****ing film in the first ****ing place ... :D
My daughter asked the same thing.

LOL, it means there was a LOT of swearing, ACOT, my good fellow. I mean, a ****ing lot! Apart from complaining that Mr Pool, one mean mother******, had straight-bladed swords on his back (dumb-ass obviously knows ****-all about swords), there was a whole lot of bad ****ing language! There was also one mother****** of a D-Day (father's day) WhatsApp to my ****ing daughters, with a special note to keep me away from the ****ing grandkids until the influence of the ****ing movie wore the **** off ... that's when mum of said grandkids WhatsApp'd, asked who the **** let me watch the ****ing film in the first ****ing place ... :D
Hahaha, thanks for that.
Just for clarity's sake, 'blue' can mean bad language and/or dirty jokes.