dailogue is the best
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hi Manji2012,
actually, i dont have a deep idea about what u said,but since you asked about the Islamic perspective, i would like to share it with you:
the idea of salvation is rooted, i think,in the idea of the Original Sin.Adam is considered as the father of sin bc of his disobedience of God s order when He asked him and Eve not to eat from the tree. As a punishment to them,we find in the Old Testament the following:{In pain and suffering, you will give birth, you and your daughters till the end of time}...Spinoza, the Jewish philosopher of religion rejected such statements in the Bible which contradicts reason and declares that God doesnt repent.he says:{God forgives the sins of those who repent. No one is free from sin,so without this belief all would despair of salvation, and there would be no reason in believing in the mercy of God}.....
concerning the story of Adam in the Quran ,we find the following:{We said:"O Adam, dwell thou ang thy wife in the Garden, and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where and when) ye will, but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression"36.then did Satan make them slip from (the garden) and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said:"Get ye down, all(ye people), with enmity between yourselves.On the earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time".37then learnt Adam from his Lord Words of inspiration, and his Lord turned towards him, for He is Oft Returning,Most Merciful.38. We said:"Get ye down all from here, and if as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance , on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.(2:35/38).
in Islam,salvation is personal as God says in the Quran:"On no soul doth God place a burden greater than it can bear.It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns{...}(2:286)"
concerning Jesus crucification and the idea of salvation, in the Quran, we find a rejection of the idea of crucication:"..but they killed him not,nor crucified him,but so it was made appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for a surety they killed him not(4:157)....
(for more knowledge about Islamic point of view about this you can read Ahmed Deedat researches about this subject..)
Ahmed Deedat says:" As against the teaching of the Master(Jesus) that salvation only comes through keeping of the commandments (Matthew 19:16/17), Paul nails the law and the commandments to the cross(Colonsians 2:14), and claims that salvation can only be obtained through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ:" If Christ be not risen from the dead, the our preaching is vain, and your faith is also vain"(1 Corinthians 15:14).....
I hope this can help, though i reply late, and normally the first replies take the whole attention and discuss subject elaborately...eventhough,i insisted to participate....
I hope this can make sense to you, Manji2012.
actually, i dont have a deep idea about what u said,but since you asked about the Islamic perspective, i would like to share it with you:
the idea of salvation is rooted, i think,in the idea of the Original Sin.Adam is considered as the father of sin bc of his disobedience of God s order when He asked him and Eve not to eat from the tree. As a punishment to them,we find in the Old Testament the following:{In pain and suffering, you will give birth, you and your daughters till the end of time}...Spinoza, the Jewish philosopher of religion rejected such statements in the Bible which contradicts reason and declares that God doesnt repent.he says:{God forgives the sins of those who repent. No one is free from sin,so without this belief all would despair of salvation, and there would be no reason in believing in the mercy of God}.....
concerning the story of Adam in the Quran ,we find the following:{We said:"O Adam, dwell thou ang thy wife in the Garden, and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where and when) ye will, but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression"36.then did Satan make them slip from (the garden) and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said:"Get ye down, all(ye people), with enmity between yourselves.On the earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time".37then learnt Adam from his Lord Words of inspiration, and his Lord turned towards him, for He is Oft Returning,Most Merciful.38. We said:"Get ye down all from here, and if as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance , on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.(2:35/38).
in Islam,salvation is personal as God says in the Quran:"On no soul doth God place a burden greater than it can bear.It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns{...}(2:286)"
concerning Jesus crucification and the idea of salvation, in the Quran, we find a rejection of the idea of crucication:"..but they killed him not,nor crucified him,but so it was made appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for a surety they killed him not(4:157)....
(for more knowledge about Islamic point of view about this you can read Ahmed Deedat researches about this subject..)
Ahmed Deedat says:" As against the teaching of the Master(Jesus) that salvation only comes through keeping of the commandments (Matthew 19:16/17), Paul nails the law and the commandments to the cross(Colonsians 2:14), and claims that salvation can only be obtained through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ:" If Christ be not risen from the dead, the our preaching is vain, and your faith is also vain"(1 Corinthians 15:14).....
I hope this can help, though i reply late, and normally the first replies take the whole attention and discuss subject elaborately...eventhough,i insisted to participate....
I hope this can make sense to you, Manji2012.