Bruce Michael
Well-Known Member
Actually, I was watching a movie about the people of Cave, when your immportant question:" who is doing the programming? who programmed me? whao programmed you?" invaded my brain....the people of Cave flee from the oppresion of the Roman emperor who used to worship idols.
Hello Sister DB,
Yes Christianity had to begin as an underground movement- literally, in the Catacombs.
..the people in the Cave were praying to the only God with words full of monotheism. the words really touched my heart. In essence, we all worship the only and the one God.And I wondred from where does the idea of Trinity come from?
Monotheism was strong in Egypt too- with Akhenaton. Unfortunately, after his death they tried to remove all traces of him.
History says that the Emperor Costantine is the one behind the idea of trinity. and who is Costantine to interfere in the teachings of God?t is well-known that the relatioship between the members of the Holy Trinity did not take its last form only in Costantine assembly in 235 A.C (2 hundred and half after Jesus)..
I don't really think that Christians spend a lot of time thinking about the Trinity. I mean it's getting right up there with God the Ineffable.
Do you know the story about Jacob's ladder? Well we can ascend that by learning about the various hierarchical beings above Man.
Thomas has some materials on his webpage, but here's another:
Divine Hierarchy
At his beheading on Montmarte, his blood was collected on a cloth called the Oriflamme, which lated became the gold flame on the French flag. St. Joan of Arc carried the cloth into battle and there is a window in the cathedral showing St. Denys giving the Oriflamme to a Knight Templar.
St.Denys is Dionysius the Areopagite. (From where we get 'Sidney'!)
Is this a progammation or not? It is a sample programmation that our Maker wont judge us about it because it becomes a culture and people take it for granted as a Holy truth, while it is not.
Yes how can we be truly sure we are thinking for ourselves and not led by others, or have little demons whispering in our ears?
For some years now in the West, there are many who want some sort of direct revelation rather than have someone tell them what's what.
In the sixties many took the false path of LSD. To begin with it was used in scientific experiments. There was one famous nutritionist who took it and declared it was a way of understanding God. Many young people finally got into it, but ultimately it was disappointing. Some tried to regain the experiences they had by turning to the ancient Indian yogic practices:
Ram Dass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So folk want direct experience of the spirit- like the yogic mediations etc.
In the Muslim tradition you have the path of the Sufi.
I have had a little Sufi experience myself!
God Bless,