Cyberpi has just got a bee in his bonnet because he thinks I hate America
Now you you claim to know what I think about you? I think you clearly love America.
I am sorry if that offends his patriotic streak but I am not going to buy into the All Hail the USA hype.
Are you assuming now that I am offended? I didn't see any USA hype... where was it?
Muslimwoman said:
Will you please climb down off your high horse Cyberpi. Sorry but America is far from perfect, as with all countries.
Who claimed America was perfect? I've noticed a trend where you finger a statistic and say something like:
Muslimwoman said:
Oh and look at the USA 231 species extinct
- what are you doing over there??? Whatever it is please stop it.
So I responded but now I am directly or indirectly labelled as an offended patriot sitting on a high horse, blind to my countries failings, of thinking you are angry at the USA, having a degree of self-importance, arrogant, and apparently smelling B******T being fed to me by a D.C. spin machine. I also apparently have a bee somewhere I don't know about.
Good grief... I am questioning the validity of the statistic as a comparison and a singling out of the USA by you, and as a citizen of the USA being asked by a foreigner to stop whatever I am doing... I think I have a right and a responsibility to. That doesn't mean I'm thus ignorant or arrogant... that doesn't mean I'm on a high horse... that doesn't mean I think the USA is better than the countries you know... that doesn't mean I think you are angry at the USA... that doesn't mean I am being fed BS by some spin machine... that doesn't mean I am necessarily for any action the Bush administration has taken in regards to the US (or foreign) environments... that doesn't mean I am necessarily blind to my countries alleged failings... that doesn't mean I have a bee anywhere on me... and that doesn't mean I am just being a patriot of the USA. If it did... surely you can fix me of all these ailments I now have for responding in opposition to the validity of the statistic you asked Americans to do something about.
If I were in the Middle East and talking about the oil reserves that a country had, would I be labelled a male-oriented patriot on a high camel? Will you and Flow be providing more personal labels as I challenge your statistic and discuss the biodiversity in the USA?
I am under the impression that the USA has greater biodiversity and quantity of species than Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. Each of those combined, I don't know. My point is that the USA territorily is a wide range of habitats and climates, rivers, lakes, an Eastern and Western coast, desert, Hawaii and Alaska. The USA territorily has a fair number of species in it, and with the Endangered Species Act there are a lot of those species identified, counted, and tracked by full time employees of the government. They also track some foreign endangered species... but not all of them. My point is... I suggest that the statistic you provided needs to be expressed as a percentage of counted species to remove both the granularity and effort placed into species tracking and counting, and as an expression of any loss in local biodiversity. For example if there are only 10 bird species identified in an area by one group as competing for local resources, and another group identifies 100 species of birds competing for resources in another area, then the loss of an identified species from one area will have a much greater impact on the local biodiversity and food chain than in the other area. So I am directly questioning the validity of the statistic you have drawn my attention to and told me that I am ignorant of my countries failing, and have asked some Americans to do something about.
What label will I now receive for providing further challenge and insight? More labels of ignorance or arrogance? Maybe an environment hater? Maybe an animal killer? A dirty industrial capitalist?