Extinction Central

Hi MW...yeah, I first heard of his work sometime ago. He was one of the first prominent scientists, after Lovelock in the 70's, to advocate an interconnected web of life philosophy of nature.

The idea being, what we do to one species, we do to all of them eventually through webbed relationships. He was one of the very first to apply modern complex systems thinking to the real worlds of nature and science. A very smart and influential man.

Thanks for the article, I hadn't run across it.

Scientists are beginning to rethink the complex causes behind mass extinctions as they delve more deeply into the mass extinctions which occured 65 million years ago.

This seems to have been the series of events that spelled doom to the 200 million year dominance of reptilian species on the earth and began the long slow rise of mammalian evolution of which we may be the current dominant species. What's next ?



Hi Flo,

Just a wee correction, this is one of my fussy bits of pedantry but dinosaurs were not reptiles and their descendants are alive and well and giving us a beautiful dawn chorus each morning. They gave rise to the birds...they evolved.. they did not die out.

Oh I agree Tao, but my belief in the "reptilianism" of birds is reinforced each day when my bird tries to bite my finger when we play. I did see a recent reference to the fact that Velociraptors are now thought to have had feathers.

This is not the typical extinction story, but it does show how significant discoveries are made, neglected, covered up, and eventually forgotten. There is no doubt that this artifact of the ancient inhabitants of Miami is significant, but are we so skewed in our societal priorities that we can't even take the time or spend the money to figure out why ?

It now costs $14 to see the English Stonehenge (which is bracketed by motorways). So called "development" is inevitable, but at what cost to us?


Secrets of Miami Circle, known as America's Stonehenge, lie buried -- OrlandoSentinel.com
Yesterday I attended a book reading/signing come publicity event for a Climate Change awareness group. The book titled "Hard Rain" is a series of photographs set to the lyrics of the timeless Dylan track of the same title.

Here is a link to the website that is pretty comprehensive and means you wont have to buy the book at all!!


There are some amazing photographs so it is well worth a look at.
