Namaste muslimwoman,
thank you for the post.
Hi V
But the Druids did not have industrialisation to deal with. Many ancient peoples respected the land and even worshipped nature but since the industrial revolution we have been damaging our environment on an unprecedented scale.
i'm fairly sure that industry, per se, existed during the time of the druids.. perhaps not in all areas where they were.. but smelting copper, bronze and tin were skills well known in ancient days.
history is repleat with descriptions of, at the time, civilized folks letter raw sewage run through the streets... horse, donkey and camel manure everywhere...
as i mentioned before... volcanoes and wildfires contribute more on a yearly basis than any human activity... it is human hubris, in my view, which causes us to believe that our industry is anything more than a smoldering volcano.
I agree completely, the human race could be wiped out tomorrow but I do not feel that we should abuse the earth based on this possibility. If we are wiped out the world will recover but how much more difficult for the world to recover if it takes us another million years to disappear (with all the damage we could do between now and then).
nor was i advocating that we misuse the resources of this planet. it doesn't seem to be very difficult for the world to recover from any of the mass extintion events which it's gone through. life has, in every case, survived and continued on. not always human life, of course.
Why has China become a concern? Because they are becoming so much more industrialised, as are India.
partly. they are a concern throughout the global community due to the lack of standards which many of their powerplants operate under and the amount of pollution they are producing which is effecting others.
Their outputs are now outstripping other more 'advanced' nations. However, I do not feel we can say 'we are no longer the problem because you are a bigger problem'. As a global community we have to look at the big picture. Add Asia's pollution to ours and the problem becomes a real concern but we too have to deal with our part of that global problem.
indeed. have you seen what is being done in the Western Hemisphere to address the issue?
I am not saying what they are doing is right but isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
no. i do not understand the mindset that a nation must be morally or ethically perfect before it could say that the actions of another are not morally or ethically perfect. not the right terms but i'm struggling a bit...
that's like saying because i, in my younger days, stole some candy from a store I cannot tell my child not to steal candy from a store. the fact that my actions were wrong does not, in any way, make anothers actions any more correct nor obviate my responsiblity to say something, in my view at any rate.
Haven't Canada and the US been sending pollution across China for some years?
no. the jet stream, at this point in earths history, flows from Asia to North America.. did you know that during world war 2, the Japanese figured out where the jet stream was and where it went... and, to take advanatge of that, they created unmanned ballons that were loaded with bombs set for timers. it took 36 hours on the jet stream to reach North America wherein the bombs dropped from the ballons. i don't recall them actually killing anyone directly, though a few folks did die from unexploded ordinance.
Just look at the Chernobyl disaster, that had effects right across Europe, in Scotland trees were dying and lakes were being polluted. We do not have walls around our man made borders, we all affect each other.
you'll note, of course, that Cernobyl was not in North America. the disaster there is, still, ongoing. i don't know if you've seen any of the recent documentaries about it.. but the whole place is near ready to explode again since they weren't actually able to shut down the reactions.. they just poured concrete over the whole freakin' mess.
But surely that would be to suggest that unless I have tasted an orange I shouldn't have an opinion on oranges or the methods used for growing them?
what possible view could you have towards oranges? you've never tasted one, seen one, touched one or smelled one. you read about it in a book but lack any actual experience of one thus there is no manner by which you could have formed your own views about an orange, they could only be views of others that have tasted oranges.
horticulture is, however, something that can be learned, in an academic manner, through books so you could have a valid view regarding the growing of said fruit.
Oh and I love flowers.
I would have loved to have been a Buddhist but I just can't kick this G-d habit.
you don't need to be a Buddhist to hang out with us
we like all types.. even you thiests
yes... habit... interesting choice of words there...