Peace and blessings banabrain
the problem for me comes when you start to treat human interpretation itself (as in the hadith or the sunnah) as perfect...
The 'human interpretations' regarding the Quran is from Allah too, for the prophet [saw] interpreted the Quran for us, and this interpretation was revealed by Allah in what is called the 'unrecited revelation', i.e, the revelation that is not included in the Quran itself as the verses of the Quran.
ijtihad [independent reasoning used in deriving interpretation of Quran and Sunnah] is required by those who are qualified in fiqh to derive the correct Prophetic interpretation, and in this respect, the Mujtahids [those who are qualified for ijtihad] are not infallibe and they could make mistakes, but there is a well established view in Islam that has been established decicively from the Quran and Sunnah, that the interpretation of the Quran will be protected as a neccessity, along with the verses of the Quran, and that the consensus of the Islamic Scholars could never be wrong [as there would be divine protection on consensus']
...and the view that past revelations from Allah [versions of Islam that was revealed to past Prophets, before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad saw] have been abrogated with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad [saw] and thus are no longer valid, is the view of the absolute consensus in Islam thus we can be sure that this view is not a view that is subject to error.
There is also a consensus of the islamic Scholars that the four school of thoughts, are all correct in their interpretation, thus we can be sure that it is them that have the correct interpreation of the Quran.
it is notable all the authorities that you are citing at such exhaustive length are mediaeval, rather than contemporaries...
All the contemparary Islamic Scholars, including those who are noted to be 'moderates' by the west, such as Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, Scholars from the Muslim council of Britain and even Yusuf Islam, formerrly known as Cat stevens, will agree that 'Judiasm' and 'Christianity' are no longer valid to God Allmighty. You can also hear Yusuf Islam [the great western 'moderate' Scholar? of Islam] say that Islam is the religion with Allah since time began, in the following video:
YouTube - A is for Allah by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
is this the view, for example, of sheikh tantawi of al-azhar?
Yes it can check it if you like.
Muslims just use the names 'Christianity' and 'Judaism' to refer to the versions of Islam revealed to the Prophets from the children of Israel [as], and Jesus [pbuh] when discussing/conversing with Christians and Jews, so as to not casue any confusion, but if you ask any of the religious Muslims that you know of wether the God given name of those religions is 'Judaism' and 'Christianity' then I'm sure inshAllah that they will basically say the same thnigs I have said on here.
for he is much involved in interfaith dialogue. it seems, therefore, that your assertions are contradicted by my experience. the people who tend to agree with you tend to be the sort of people who, wahhabi or not, are the product of saudi-funded religious education. put it this way, they're the same guys who go on about the "ummah" and the "khilafah" but are nowhere to be found when someone asks why unemployment is so high in the KSA or why nobody's complaining about the sudanese government killing its own [muslim] citizens in darfur.
Infact I oppose the 'Khilafa advocates' and the Wahhabi doctrine; you can check this for yourself, that my views [all of them mentioned in these boards] accord to the mainstream Scholars of the ahlus Sunnah [those of the four madhabs and who consist of the overwhelming vast majority of Islamic Scholars; they include even the one's that are considered as 'moderates' in the west
i wanted a chance to respond to your continual slurs against my religion and culture...
You shouldn't be that sensetive regardnig a discussion/debate on religion [for this subject is obviously contradictory]; esspecially when you yourself ask to be aquainted with the Islamic views regarding an issue.
Some of my 'unminced words' that were used to put the Islamic views across, was in response to misunderstandings in the posts that I replied to [whcih in turn needed a more clear and straightforward answer so as to avoid a repeat of misunderstandings] and in response to your insisting that my views weren't infact the correct Islamic views, and in which case I had to put my views across more assertively and plainly in order to get the definitive Islamic views across
You raised this discussion and when I gave you the Islamic views regardnig your queries, you not only gave me the perspective from your religion, but you replied back that the views I gave you weren't the Islamic view, so naturally I asserted and gave you proof after proof that they were indeed the Islamic views; if you just gave me the Jewish [or your own] perspective on this matter and not argued that my views weren't actually the Islamic views, then I could have just discussed/debated the perspectives put forward by you [i thnik this is why you called me 'dismissive'; because I was just asserting the islamic views rather than adress your other 'evidences'...], but I hope you can understand that my first priority will be to prove my self right concerning the views of my own religion, when you insist time after time again [this is why, my assertions and evidences and explanations for my views had to continue too] that they are not the views of my own religion, or that they are some deviant minority view
i find them tendentious, ignorant and illogical and (fortunately) unrepresentative of islam as a whole.
Just about every Muslim in the world will tell you that Judaism is distorted [from the religion originally brought by Moses as] and that it is no longer valid; so please check it out wether this indeed is a mainstream view in Islam, before you claim that this is not a mainstream view; and as I said, you'd find that the name of Gods religion was Islam, since the time of Prophet Adam 'as', is a mainstream view as well [we could be talking about consensus here; it's upto you to check it out now before you claim it isn't]
if i thought you were right, abdullah, i'd give up dialogue and start supporting the "islam-is-backward" peanut gallery.
Couldn't the followers of past revelations distort it's teachings and thus be astray? and couldn't Allah abrogate past revelations with the advent of New Messengers?; if you think any of these two views are possible, than you shouldn't think that Islam is 'backwards' regarding these views, but rather you should look at the possibility of these views benig true from an objective point of view.
humour requires two to tango. there is nothing remotely amusing about your opinions and the smileys just make them come across as smug, patronising and frankly creepy. and there is no onus on me as a moderator to support their use.
For your comfort, I've cut down their use on this post; ain't I a charitable guy
; only joking.
there is no *word* for the concept of religion before the greek privatisation of thought and the platonic separation of matter and spirit. there is certainly no word for "religion" in the Torah. what is the word for "religion" in the Qur'an?
The Quranic word for 'religion' is 'Deen' which means 'way of life'; according to Islam, the name of the code of life that God revealed to all Prophets, was Islam, and anyone who accepted their message and submitted to God was a Muslim; some abrogations and additions to God's code of life does not change it's name, nor does it change the name of those who submit to it, so although some changes in the rulings and practices occured with the advent of new Messengers [pbuta], the name of the religion remained 'Islam' for this remains the essence of the code of life revealed by Allah; i.e, total submission to His Will, and those who submit to it, remain just that, submitters to Allah, i.e, Muslims, so there is no need to change the names...
Do not Jews beleive that God allowed them some kind of food during one time, and later forbid it for them?; well this is an example of how changes could take place in God's religion, but do not the Jews consider their religion to be allways 'Judaism' and it's followers to be 'Jews', despite any changes that may take place? ... So I hope now you can understand of how the name of God's religion and it's adherants does not need to change with the changes in the code of life that takes place with the advent of New Messengers. [Muslimwoman, you found this concept a bit hard to understand, so please take note of this explanation
; feeling a bit charitable today
you have to understand that for us, prophecy is quite specific. a prophet is someone who prophesies. we have no record of one of adam's prophecies and, if you're honest, you don't either. we don't even use the same word for it as you do and, generally, hebrew and arabic do tend to share sacred vocabulary. you're making an argument based on english semantics and applying it to concepts that in the original have very little relationship.
it's not based on English semantics bro
, it is based on the Quran and Sunnah; from the Quran and Sunnah we know that Adam [as] was the first Prophet for mankind...
ok, you can say there is a "way" or a teaching, or a set of laws, that's fine, you can talk in terms of deen or torah or halakhah but the english word "religion" implies theology - and theology is a greek word which cannot properly be implied to the way that judaism works.
I merely meant it as the translation of the Word 'Deen' [way of life...]; language is evolving all the time, and english speaking Muslims have put new definitions and meanings to words of which the origins may be verry different from the defintion we use for them; it's all about the definition one uses
to be precise: what i am saying is that whereas you maintain in earlier posts and on other threads the standard bromides about ahl-e-qitab, analysis of the your opinion on the application of this status reveals that you would not consider it to apply to anyone but a jew or christian who lived before the time of muhammad, or who lived afterwards and converted to islam, in other words a muslim. any jew or christian who, since the time of muhammad, does not become a muslim with a capital M, is therefore, according to you, kuffaar.
you have got it all worng
; it would help if you quote exactly what I said, and then explain of how you understood it; I'll then correct you regardnig it...
In a nutshell; ahle kithab are people to who'm former revelations were revealed; so those would be the Jews and the Christians; if a member of the ahle kithab adopts a view that renders him a kaafir, then he still remains 'ahle kithab', and those of the ahle kithab that are rightly guided, i.e, those that did not reject Jesus [pbuh], nor attributed divinity to him, and those that converted to Islam [the version that was revealed to Muhammad saw] after the advent of the Prophet Muhammad [saw], are the ahle kithab and Muslims/beleivers at the same time.
that makes you a takfir and a bigot.
This is a mainstream view; check it and see
. Whats biggoted about acknowledging the astray path and it's people?; were the Prophets 'bigots' as well when they defined the two paths; the straight one and the astray one?.
'takfir' in this sense merely means, defining the demarcation lines between imaan [faith in the one and only true religion] and kufr [disbelief]; Allah has defined such demarcation lines, so have all the Prophets [dont the Jews consider the trinitarian Christians to be idolators and the Prophet Muhammad [saw] to be a false Prophet?, so this will make the Jews 'takfiri's' as well
; basically, if a person of any religion considers those of other religions to be in a 'false' religion..., they too are 'takfiri's'
, so it's no good trying to pin this word only on us, in a negative sense
The negativity associated with this word, only applies in cases where some Muslims are quick to pronounce takfir on other Muslims [without verry clear and decicive evidence that that person indeed rejects something that is obligatory to faith], for the reason that the Prophet Muhammad [saw] basically said that if a Muslim calls another Muslim a kaafir, then one of the two is a kaafir, i.e, if the person called a kaafir is not a kaafir, then the caller will be the kaafir, thus to pronuonce takfir without the verry clear and decicive evidence indicates that a person is careless about falling into kufr himself, hence the negativity associated with this kind of takfir; it does not in any way apply to the mainstream views regarding who are the kaafirs, i.e, the consensus of the Muslim Ummah regard the Ahmeddiyyahs as kaafirs [for believing in a Prophet, after the prophet Muhammad saw], and such a 'takfir' has no negativity attached to it at all.
Listen to one of the most moderate Muslim Scholar; shaykh Hamza Yusuf, who even got invited to the whitehouse to advice bush after 911, explain two mainstream views of Islam regardnig this matter; one is that whoever rejects Islam is a kaafir with a big 'K' [this view is held by [approxiamately] at least half of the muslims of the world], and the other view reserves the 'Kaafir with the big 'K'' judgement for they consider the state of benig a 'kaafir' to be 'eternal' and thus, as they dont know wether a non-muslim will convert to a Muslim before his death or not, thus they reserve the kaafir with the big K judgement. But the Muslims are unanimous that if a person rejects Islam [the version of Islam bruoght by Muhammad [saw] and thereafter dies as a non-Muslim, that person will die as a kaafir and his abode will be the fire, to abide in there for all eternity
YouTube - Sheikh Hamza Yusuf: Creed Of Imam Al Tahawi p5=
YouTube - Sheikh Hamza Yusuf: Creed Of Imam Al Tahawi p6