The Bible—A Book From God

Mee... If we look back at part of my "list"....
What was jesus' prediction regarding Peter's denial?
Mat 26:34
Mar 14:30

lol How many times did the cock crow?
mar 14:72
Mat 26:74-75
Luk 22:60-61
Joh 13:38
Joh 18:27
Who prophesied the potter's field??
Mat 27:9-10
Zec 11:12-13???

Those two alone, do not give me any confidence in any "prophesied" event.

Seriously lol, I would love the idea of some saviour coming from the sky and saving mankind from this freaking mess... I'd love that... It would be awesome... But to me it just ain't real.
Think about this one...

-Should- I believe it?


the Bible Contradict Itself?

A charge often made against the Bible is that it contradicts itself. Usually, people who make this charge have not personally read the Bible; they are merely repeating what they have heard. Some, though, have found what seem to be genuine contradictions and are troubled by them.
Some "contradictions" arise when we have two or more accounts of the same incident. For example, at Matthew 8:5 we read that when Jesus came into Capernaum, "an army officer came to him, entreating him," asking Jesus to cure his manservant. But at Luke 7:3, we read of this army officer that "he sent forth older men of the Jews to him to ask [Jesus] to come and bring his slave safely through." Did the army officer speak to Jesus, or did he send the older men?
The answer is, clearly, that the man sent the elders of the Jews. Why, then, does Matthew say that the man himself entreated Jesus? Because, in effect, the man asked Jesus through the Jewish elders. The elders served as his mouthpiece.
To illustrate this, at 2 Chronicles 3:1, we read: "Finally Solomon started to build the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem." Later, we read: "Thus Solomon finished the house of Jehovah." (2 Chronicles 7:11) Did Solomon personally build the temple from start to finish? Of course not. The actual building work was done by a multitude of craftsmen and laborers. But Solomon was the organizer of the work, the one responsible. Hence, the Bible says that he built the house. In the same way, Matthew’s Gospel tells us that the military commander approached Jesus. But Luke gives the added detail that he approached him through the Jewish elders.


the Bible Contradict Itself?

A charge often made against the Bible is that it contradicts itself. Usually, people who make this charge have not personally read the Bible; they are merely repeating what they have heard. Some, though, have found what seem to be genuine contradictions and are troubled by them.
Some "contradictions" arise when we have two or more accounts of the same incident. For example, at Matthew 8:5 we read that when Jesus came into Capernaum, "an army officer came to him, entreating him," asking Jesus to cure his manservant. But at Luke 7:3, we read of this army officer that "he sent forth older men of the Jews to him to ask [Jesus] to come and bring his slave safely through." Did the army officer speak to Jesus, or did he send the older men?
The answer is, clearly, that the man sent the elders of the Jews. Why, then, does Matthew say that the man himself entreated Jesus? Because, in effect, the man asked Jesus through the Jewish elders. The elders served as his mouthpiece.

Ex jw.... remember? I've heeeeeeard it alllllllll before... lol... I am not quoting what I have heard though am I? I am not going on about the "usual suspects" I have presented you with tons of contradictions lol I could give you even more if you wish? Did you even look into any of the post I posted? I bet you didn't did you? ;) Look at it this way... I have attacked your precious book.... Defend it.... Explain away every event I have presented....

Too not even study and investiagate my alligations and believe some article that says "THEY IS LYIN!!! IT's ALL TROOTH!!" lol is as insane as beliving the bible is the real deal because it says "THIS IS TROOTH THEY IS ALL LYIN!!!"
Ex jw.... remember? I've heeeeeeard it alllllllll before... lol... quote] if we dont hang around and wait for enlightenment we will miss out. i have heard many things over many years, and hanging around instead of quitting brings much enlightenment . but in this time of the end (attitude ) is something to think about ;)
Here is a similar example. At Matthew 20:20, 21, we read: "The mother of the sons of Zebedee approached [Jesus] with her sons, doing obeisance and asking for something from him." What she asked was that her sons should have the most favored position when Jesus came into his Kingdom. In Mark’s account of this same event, we read: "James and John, the two sons of Zebedee, stepped up to [Jesus] and said to him: ‘Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever it is we ask you for.’" (Mark 10:35-37) Was it the two sons of Zebedee, or was it their mother, who made the request of Jesus?
Clearly, it was the two sons of Zebedee who made the request, as Mark states. But they made it through their mother. She was their spokesperson. This is supported by Matthew’s report that when the other apostles heard what the mother of the sons of Zebedee had done, they became indignant, not at the mother, but "at the two brothers."—Matthew 20:24.​
Have you ever heard two people describe an event that they both witnessed? If so, did you notice that each person emphasized details that impressed him? One may have left out things that the other included. Both, however, were telling the truth. It is the same with the four Gospel accounts of Jesus’ ministry, as well as with other historical events reported by more than one Bible writer. Each writer wrote accurate information even when one retained details that another omitted. By considering all the accounts, a fuller understanding of what happened can be gained. Such variations prove that the Bible accounts are independent. And their essential harmony proves that they are true.
Ex jw.... remember? I've heeeeeeard it alllllllll before... lol... quote] if we dont hang around and wait for enlightenment we will miss out. i have heard many things over many years, and hanging around instead of quitting brings much enlightenment . but in this time of the end (attitude ) is something to think about ;)

So you're more along the lines of... "omg!!! It's the end of times! I must hurry and believe whatever without checking because they say it is truth and I might miss out... The fact they could be wrong doesn't matter.." lol
Mee... If we look back at part of my "list"....
What was jesus' prediction regarding Peter's denial?
Mat 26:34
Mar 14:30
(Matthew 26:34) Jesus said to him: "Truly I say to you, On this night, before a cock crows, you will disown me three times."

(Luke 22:34) But he said: "I tell you, Peter, A cock will not crow today until you have three times denied knowing me."​

(John 13:38) Jesus answered: "Will you surrender your soul in my behalf? Most truly I say to you, A cock will by no means crow until you have disowned me three times."
At that Jesus said to him: "Truly I say to you, You today, yes, this night, before a cock crows twice, even you will disown me three times.(mark 14;40)
some point out an apparent contradiction in the four accounts, since Matthew, Luke, and John mention only one cockcrowing, while Mark quotes Jesus as saying: "Truly I say to you, You today, yes, this night, before a cock crows twice, even you will disown me three times." He repeats this statement in relating what happened later.—Mr 14:30, 72.
This is evidently a matter of one writer giving a more detailed account than the others rather than being a contradiction. The incident involves Peter, and since Mark was his close companion over a period of time and doubtless wrote his Gospel account with Peter’s aid or on the basis of his testimony, it is reasonable that Mark’s account would be the more detailed one. (At other times Matthew gave the more detailed description of certain events, as seen by a comparison of Mt 8:28 with Mr 5:2 and Lu 8:27, and of Mt 20:30 with Mr 10:46 and Lu 18:35.) So, while Mark quoted Jesus’ statement concerning the two cockcrowings, the other three writers mentioned only the second and last one, which provoked Peter’s giving way to tears; but by this they did not deny that there was an earlier cockcrowing.​
It is generally agreed that cockcrowing has long been and still is a time indicator in the lands to the E of the Mediterranean, and that there is an early cockcrowing around midnight and a later one toward the dawning; while some indicate an additional one between these two. Concerning John 13:38, Clarke’s Commentary says: "The Jews, and some other nations, divided the cock-crowing into the first, the second, and the third times." While it may not be possible now to assign specific times to these periodic cockcrowings, it is sufficient to know that they existed and that before two such cockcrowings Peter’s three denials took place.
Originally Posted by 17th Angel
Mee... If we look back at part of my "list"....
What was jesus' prediction regarding Peter's denial?
Mat 26:34
Mar 14:30


MAT 26:34 says: 34 Jesus said to him: “Truly I say to you, On this night, before a cock crows, you will disown me three times.”

Mar 14:30 says: 30 At that Jesus said to him: “Truly I say to you, You today, yes, this night, before a cock crows twice, even you will disown me three times.”

John 18:27 says: 27 However, Peter denied it again; and immediately a cock crowed.

Was jesus sure?
Who prophesied the potter's field??
Mat 27:9-10
Zec 11:12-13???
Those two alone, do not give me any confidence in any "prophesied" event.

Seriously lol, I would love the idea of some saviour coming from the sky and saving mankind from this freaking mess... I'd love that... It would be awesome... But to me it just ain't real.
Then what was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying: "And they took the thirty silver pieces, the price upon the man that was priced, the one on whom some of the sons of Israel set a price, and they gave them for the potter’s field, according to what Jehovah had commanded me." matthew 27;9-10
Then I said to them: "If it is good in YOUR eyes, give [me] my wages; but if not, refrain." And they proceeded to pay my wages, thirty pieces of silver.​
At that, Jehovah said to me: "Throw it to the treasury—the majestic value with which I have been valued from their standpoint." Accordingly I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw it into the treasury at the house of Jehovah.Zec ;11 12-13
When considering the meaning of a given Scripture text we may not close our eyes and ears to all the other truths taught in the Bible. If one’s understanding of a scripture causes it to conflict with other portions of the inspired Word of God, then his understanding is in error.​
That Jehovah and Jesus are not one and the same person is abundantly testified to in the Scriptures.
9 Then what was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying: “And they took the thirty silver pieces, the price upon the man that was priced, the one on whom some of the sons of Israel set a price, 10 and they gave them for the potter’s field, according to what Jehovah had commanded me.”

12 Then I said to them: “If it is good in YOUR eyes, give [me] my wages; but if not, refrain.” And they proceeded to pay my wages, thirty pieces of silver.
13 At that, Jehovah said to me: “Throw it to the treasury—the majestic value with which I have been valued from their standpoint.” Accordingly I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw it into the treasury at the house of Jehovah.

So Jere and Zek are the same two people?
So you're more along the lines of... "omg!!! It's the end of times! I must hurry and believe whatever without checking because they say it is truth and I might miss out... The fact they could be wrong doesn't matter.." lol
it certainly is the end of times, as bible prophecy and chronology confirms and its good to know that some did not fall asleep to this , and now it is enlightenment indeed Daniel 12;4 matthew 24;45-47
:) yes the bible really is the word of God
Originally Posted by 17th Angel
Mee... If we look back at part of my "list"....
What was jesus' prediction regarding Peter's denial?
Mat 26:34
Mar 14:30


MAT 26:34 says: 34 Jesus said to him: “Truly I say to you, On this night, before a cock crows, you will disown me three times.”

Mar 14:30 says: 30 At that Jesus said to him: “Truly I say to you, You today, yes, this night, before a cock crows twice, even you will disown me three times.”

John 18:27 says: 27 However, Peter denied it again; and immediately a cock crowed.

Was jesus sure?
read post 47 :)
So Jere and Zek are the same two people?
Who was Zechariah? There are about 30 different persons mentioned in the Bible with the name Zechariah. However, the writer of the book that bears this name is identified as "Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo the prophet."
Some have queried why it is that Matthew quotes Zechariah but attributes his words to Jeremiah. (Matt. 27:9; Zech. 11:12) It appears that Jeremiah was at times reckoned as first of the Later Prophets (instead of Isaiah, as in our present Bibles); hence Matthew, in referring to Zechariah as "Jeremiah," could have been following the Jewish practice of including a whole section of Scripture under the name of the first book of the section. Jesus himself used the designation "Psalms" to include all the books known as the Writings.—Luke 24:44.
That seems like... Long winded... You know? Like someone has gone waaaay out of their way to get that excuse lol.
if a person is wanting to know the truth and accurate knowledge, they dont mind digging for it. but some dont really want to know the truth they could even have a bad attitude , ;) some times hidden treasure takes a little bit of effort to find . but in the end we end up with lots of good things ............. nice
"A good man brings forth good out of the good treasure of his heart, . . . for out of the heart’s abundance his mouth speaks."—Luke 6:45.
Matthew, in referring to Zechariah as "Jeremiah," could have been following the Jewish practice of including a whole section of Scripture under the name of the first book of the section. Jesus himself used the designation "Psalms" to include all the books known as the Writings.
i've never heard of this "jewish practice". and we certainly don't think jeremiah and zachariah were the same person.


You are evidently not looking hard enough. What kind of groups are you referring to? My church, for example, is not out to make money, we are out to spread the Gospel and win people to the Lord. Any contributions we make are accounted for in the ministries they are designated by several trustees in the church. In addition to annual statement, monthly statements are published to reflect how the money is being used. Believe me, the church is not making any windfall profits whatsoever. We are an independent church, free of any board or higher organization. You can multiple this example for many independent churches scatter throughout our nation. You probably don't hear about this because we're not out to project our ministry on TV like these other "evangelists" are doing in racking funds from the gullible people who think that prayer cloths are the way to go.

Sorry Dondi, I somehow missed your post yesterday.

I think the reason my cynicism extends in such sweeping terms over the whole American Evangelical phenomenon is because I see it as dangerous. Whilst the church you belong to, and many others like it, may well be benign and well meaning at present they are yet part of Americas growing addiction to radical Christianity. The Evangelical movements do infiltrate and consume smaller churches to grow. And the mindset of Evangelical faiths are such that they lend themselves to force their members into following rather than thinking. This is dangerous. So much so that I would draw a striking parallel with the early Nazi party in Germany. I am not alone in this, there are American Theologians that are Christian and draw the same conclusions, like Chris Hedges. Like me he believes that Evangelism in the US is a disease with symptoms that produce hate, intolerance and racism. That it promotes a regression to patriarchal do as the big man tells you fascism. And, I cant stress this enough, is a perversion of the Christian message. Evangelism is a love in or freeze out ideology. It is the antithesis of what our secular Global Village needs to stem conflict and division. That its prominent leaders are so overtly fascist is a worry to the world given that they have such great influence over the State and Corporate machine of your nation. What happens in America affects us all.
Perhaps saddest of all is that it is all a lie. It is a deliberate tool of "the masters", its a drug for the masses to brainwash them to believe certain ideas.

if a person is wanting to know the truth and accurate knowledge, they dont mind digging for it. but some dont really want to know the truth ........

You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO right!! Not naming names or anything.