Is God curel to create this world for His entertainment?


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Even the mighty oak was once a nut like you. Thank for the entertainment. not really.
God has given everbody free will, without this we would be like automitons living under god's dictatorship or something. HUMANS make the world what it is, not god. God & the spirit weep for us in dismay probably for what we do.
Is God curel to create this world for His entertainment?

People often blame God stating that they are troubled since God created this world for His entertainment. They say that God is a sadist because He is entertained by their suffering. This is shear non-sense. God created this entire world consisting of the souls. Souls constitute Para Prakruti, which is a part of the creation. He gave complete freedom to the souls and gave the intelligence (Buddhi), which is the powerful faculty of discriminating good and bad. God propagated His constitution, which contains clearly the subjects of good and bad. The prophets propagated this constitution on this earth. Now if God is deriving entertainment on observing the creation, how can you call Him as sadist? He is not responsible for your desires and selection of good and bad for which you have the full freedom. He is not responsible even for a trace of your desire and even for a trace of your subsequent action. The constitution gives only information and does not encourage you in anyway.

A hotel is exhibiting a board listing the various items available for the food. The board is only for your information. According to your taste, capacity of digestion and problems of health, you have to select the suitable item of food. You cannot blame the hotel saying that the hotel is responsible for your indigestion, since it exhibited a particular item by which you are attracted! A person is standing in the balcony of his residence and is observing the traffic to get entertainment. Suppose an accident took place on the road, you cannot blame the observer to be responsible for the accident. You are well aware of the traffic rules and your over look of the rules is responsible for the accident. The observation and entertainment of any spectator is not at all connected with the accident. The divine constitution consists of two parts. The first part is the Pravrutti, which is the social behavior to live in this world with peace and harmony. This Pravrutti is based on heaven, earth and hell, which are plus, zero and minus signs respectively. If you do social service helping the poor people, you will get heaven, which is a temporary pleasure proportional to the extent of your sacrifice in the social service. For this, you will receive the result on the earth also either partially or totally. If the result is not seen on the earth, you will receive the total result in the heaven after death.

However, the result is not permanent (Kshenepunye…Gita) because your social service is not blended with divine mission. If you do the service to your self and your family only, you will be living on this earth with happiness and peace provided you are not harming others with corruption and torture. For this also, the result is temporary because the result is confined to this temporary human life only. Anyway, in both the cases the result is temporary only. If you are confined to your self and your family only, there is no result after death and you will not enter the heaven for serving your family and your self. You will enter the heaven partially or totally for serving the weaker sections in the society but the stay in heaven is temporary. In doing social service, you may confine to your village, District, State, Country, Religion and Earth but you should not harm any living being in this service. You must avoid corruption and torture of any living being on this earth in doing the service. If you are indulged in corruption and torture of any living being, the court here will punish you. If you escape the punishment here, God will punish you here partially and in the hell after the death partially or totally.

The punishment of God is based on the transformation of the soul and not the revenge as observed in the terrorism. Terrorism wants revenge without aiming at the transformation of the soul. It does not understand the whole divine system and denies even God due to emotion. Emotion kills the analysis and patience will give happiness and permanent solution. Do not take law and order in to your hands. If the court or Government fails in implementing the justice, God will punish even the court and Government because human beings only constitute the court and Government, which can err. All this comes under Pravrutti. If you avoid the hell after death and punishments here by limiting your self to the service of your family and the society, God is pleased with you.

There is some truth in what you state. God commands that man create a court system that is just. It is the seventh Noahidic law, or the "moral laws of man".

I fail to see however, why man's abhorrent behaviors would constituete a cruel God's creating life for the purpose of watching death happen, at the hands of men.

The only cruelness in life is that of man and angel (fallen).


Lord is substratum of the whole creation and hence forms base. Without Him creation cannot sustain. Lord created the universe for entertainment. He has given free will to all the human beings to do whatever they like. But, the results will follow the deeds. So, He is indirectly controlling, that is to say that enjoyment for good deeds and misery for bad deeds. Misery is to bring realisation only and not to repeat the same bad deed. Otherwise, He is not responsible for one's deeds.

Creation is in Lord but Lord is not the creation. But such a Lord can enter creation at the request of devotees who wants Him only and His service. He comes down to give four fortunes to His devotees (to talk, to touch, co-living and to serve).

Wrong. Once given, free will is just that (apart from God). There are no strings attached to free will. There is a cost for free will, however.

Your argument is superlative, and irrelevant in this particular situation. You almost sound like a vetta, which has no bearing in the Christian forum.


god may have fun if he wants! you dont want to limit him do you? anyway you can not do anything about it! what do you do for entertainment? blaze fat dooby's perhaps? is that not wrong? anyway maybe you paranoid and scared so stop smokina all that pot man!
Hello, BF

we are in this world life to be tested. in the hereafter, we are going to be rewarded according to our deeds. in the Quran, we fin God says about the creation of the world:" Not for(idle) sport did We create the heavens and the earth and all that is between!17 if it had been Our wish to take (just) a pastime, We should surely have taken it from the things nearest to Us, if We would do (such thing)"(21:16-17)

God bless you,
sis, DB
God has given everbody free will, without this we would be like automitons living under god's dictatorship or something. HUMANS make the world what it is, not god. God & the spirit weep for us in dismay probably for what we do.

You wrongly believe we have Free will. Read my thread on that particular subject, as free will is not what you think it is...
Like I said juan...

Did you know that "your" Free will contradicts foreknowledge?

No it does not. In an existence where God knows all things at all times, yet man has free will must conclude that there are limitless outcomes to man's life. Maybe that is what grieves God so. In so many variants man turns the wrong way, but in one, he turns the right way, and that is the one that keeps God working with us.

To "assume", well, I'm sure you know that adage.


No it does not. In an existence where God knows all things at all times, yet man has free will must conclude that there are limitless outcomes to man's life. Maybe that is what grieves God so. In so many variants man turns the wrong way, but in one, he turns the right way, and that is the one that keeps God working with us.

To "assume", well, I'm sure you know that adage.



As I was reading some of these posts, I was thinking that even if God knew the future, that doesn't mean that he could control or manipulate the present to get the future that he wanted. God might not know the long-term results of His own actions. The question is whether to interfere, given that you know the future and know that your actions will change the future. How will your actions influence the future?

Do people think that God can just perform thought experiments and simulations of the future in His head and that somehow God being able to calculate the future means that we don't really have free will?

While God could be all-seeing and all-knowing, God would probably a conscience and He may not want to use that power, because such power has consequences. Use of such power can be unethical, just like any powerful tool, machine, equipment or weapon.

The other question is, is God's ability to all-see and all-know a natural/cognitive ability (like humans distinguishing and classifying colours and objects) or a long process of calculation and derivation (mathematical/logical/scientific insight and computational power)?

If it's a natural ability, God can only observe the consequences of His (taken) actions on the time-space continuum, but cannot simulate the outcomes of untaken actions in thought experiments.
As I was reading some of these posts, I was thinking that even if God knew the future, that doesn't mean that he could control or manipulate the present to get the future that he wanted. God might not know the long-term results of His own actions. The question is whether to interfere, given that you know the future and know that your actions will change the future. How will your actions influence the future?

Do people think that God can just perform thought experiments and simulations of the future in His head and that somehow God being able to calculate the future means that we don't really have free will?

While God could be all-seeing and all-knowing, God would probably a conscience and He may not want to use that power, because such power has consequences. Use of such power can be unethical, just like any powerful tool, machine, equipment or weapon.

The other question is, is God's ability to all-see and all-know a natural/cognitive ability (like humans distinguishing and classifying colours and objects) or a long process of calculation and derivation (mathematical/logical/scientific insight and computational power)?

If it's a natural ability, God can only observe the consequences of His (taken) actions on the time-space continuum, but cannot simulate the outcomes of untaken actions in thought experiments.

Presuming God has limits like man (otherwise referred to as unrealized potential). It is truly impossible for a finite mind (I refer to my mind in this case), to conceive of the infinite. Yet I know I am capable of "multi-tasking". I've seen enough human foibles to know the outcome of a situation I am familiar with. I know stepping "in" to fix things doesn't work, since we have to learn from our experiences. I know if I could go back in time and meet myself, and convince self not to take certain actions, I would not exist as I am, and would not be able to go back to my time, because I would be different, and therefore would never have thought to go back in time to fix what wasn't broken...unless...

There are different time lines, running parallel to each other. But then if there are different versions of me out there, which is the real me? All of them. The only difference is the choices I make, which puts me on a different path. And only an infinite God could observe and comprehend all those infinite choices by billions of people simultaniously.

In the mean time, God takes the right choices in the time lines and squeezes them into one time line (no one else can do that, but a God outside of time), and the result is an earthly paradise (I suppose), that God can look upon.

Now, you might think (what in the world, life isn't like that, and God doesn't work that way, and reality isn't multifaceted). Perhaps, but in Genesis, God declares that Man is like Him, and I am a man, and I just thought of these complexities to much more complex is God than man?...

Just a thought (lol)


Did you know that "your" Free will contradicts foreknowledge?
How so?

Quite the contrary, isn't it just self centered of us puny humans to demand that G-d focus continually on us to the exclusion of all else?

G-d set the laws in motion, and left the creation to its own devices...with the choice to seek "Him" or not...foreknowing the ultimate outcome and leaving the minutiae to work itself out.

Otherwise there is no evil. All is fair, so long as one is "foreknown" as "saved." Likewise, if one is foreknown as damned, then any philanthropy is wasted effort. Why treat one's neighbor as oneself, if one is foreknown to be damned?

Love, and evil, both demand freedom of will. Otherwise they are useless abstractions that are spiritually meaningless. ;) Everything else would hinge on preordinate favor, kind of a spiritual eugenics. :D Which frankly, makes no logical sense.

And G-d is logical. Even if we don't fully understand.
How so?

Quite the contrary, isn't it just self centered of us puny humans to demand that G-d focus continually on us to the exclusion of all else?

G-d set the laws in motion, and left the creation to its own devices...with the choice to seek "Him" or not...foreknowing the ultimate outcome and leaving the minutiae to work itself out.

Otherwise there is no evil. All is fair, so long as one is "foreknown" as "saved." Likewise, if one is foreknown as damned, then any philanthropy is wasted effort. Why treat one's neighbor as oneself, if one is foreknown to be damned?

Love, and evil, both demand freedom of will. Otherwise they are useless abstractions that are spiritually meaningless. ;) Everything else would hinge on preordinate favor, kind of a spiritual eugenics. :D Which frankly, makes no logical sense.

And G-d is logical. Even if we don't fully understand.
Oh baby, I love it when you do that...

eugenics? The perfect man? Colonel Green? Khan Noonien Singh? Perfect examples of free will/choice, and God's take of man's actions.


Even the mighty oak was once a nut like you. Thank for the entertainment. not really.
who is the nut? I'm nuts, true, but not the "nut". And I'd rather be a Willow, with deep roots and umbrella like branches.


no one knows what they want! so if you accept that you will live life the way god has wrighten it for you!(instead of the way you want it)! the world has been through dark times and that is why you may think god is entertaining himself but it is acualy humans that with negative energy made it this way! we all have a role to play and that role may simply seem too hard 4 you so that is why you are complaining and asking these questions! soon i promise you the world is going to change! JUST YOU WAIT! PEACE