Seems to me I've seen and read all of this sort of ugliness and fear-fed smashing and bashing before, here, elsewhere, on TV, at the Stonewall, etc.
Bobx...I too am ashamed for fellow Christians who are inclined to make and take judgements precipitously, and also for those who would slap a label on a person and then cram them into metaphorical boxes just to make their life and opinions easier to understand and live with. And then if they just cannot make the effort to do any of the above to physically assault fellow human beings on railroad tracks or in a field in Wyoming. Go after these animals and do it legally. G-d is on your side in this.
The truth is that this issue a fountainhead of violence... verbal, physical, societal, judicial, theological, and random violence. The Episcopal/ Anglican community is about to tear itself in half in New Orleans this week because of it; and, all because human sexuality and gender is more spectral in reality and nature rather than categorizable and suited for packaging into neatly tied up most human beings are conditioned to try and make it so for their conveniences.
Cultural anthropologists have told us over and over that these phenotypes of the human race have always been with the rest of us. Geneticists, since the 80's have confirmed this and have repeatedly enlightened us to the fact that these phenotypes are genotypical in origin, for the most part. Conversion to "normality" is not an option, unless one's favorite radio show is Let's Pretend. Individual and societal acceptance of "what is and will be" is the ONLY answer to these dilemmas.
The greatest underlying fear is that G-d isn't really the old white guy with a beard or the younger white guy on a wooden cross, but likely conforms with the research of theologians who have a grounding in cultural anthropology, and indigenous folk lore and mythology...the shapeshifting androgyne who Creates all things in the Universe out of nothingness.
Sorry If this bends a few of you out of shape, but had it coming.