The car I think you drive

I'm envisioning a picture from 17th on the above.

Of what?

Yes, a balletic swan, but packing ballistic underwater missiles. :rolleyes:


Of this?

What like that? (He says, knowingly that he has hit the mark.... AGAIN.)

A black one... With rockets? And a rainbow one with flowers, and olive branches..... It's late in the afternoon and weekend is around the corner... So I can't promise much, However payday in 3 weeks or so, so I can get my home computer running and then on the weekends I can get back on here.... THEN! THEN MY FRIENDS! There shall be no stopping this freight train.
(bows head in respect and admiration for such courage)

Here, here. I take my hat off to you Q, very brave and a genuine thank you for your devotion to your fellow man.

(knew you would drive something butch though LOL)
Hee, hee, hee


  • Snoopy.jpg
    20.9 KB · Views: 180
I know, I am no 17th but they made me laugh.....


  • flow.jpg
    29.9 KB · Views: 188
Grrrrr ! *This tiger suit is REALLY itchy ! Wonder who or what wore it last ? And you's really hell when you have to wear glasses to find yer food.* Grrrr!

hey mw, maybe you could be 17th"s apprentice!!!!!

He would just get me to make the tea and I have no idea how to roll a joint LOL but I wish he would teach me how to put faces into pictures without looking like they are glued on. :p
you'll be hearing from my solicitor....once I've finished waving my arms around in the air and grinning :p


I've been solicited by many of the most attractive and agressive "solicitors" in my environs, and so far they haven't been able to sell me anything.

Waving one's arms about above their head is a very good aerobic exercise...and remember what I mentioned to Comet elsewhere about smiling.

Do you by any chance know Clint Eastwood ? His series of "any which way" films which featured his Orangutan friends were hilarious. Would you by chance be earning more royalties from that also ? Who's your agent ?
