The car I think you drive

Actually my first auto was a 1959 British Racing Green MGA coupe'. Loved that car. I even won a couple of road rallys whilst in college...pip, pip...tally ho !

Have you ever read Toad of Toad Hall? I thought of it as soon as I read the above. I can see you with your scarf flapping in the wind.

And you my dear I see you sitting astride a great snow-white swan (I almost wrote shark :eek:) and then just flying and swimming to wherever you wish, whenever you wish to, for I believe that is your nature.

OH my goodness you have me totally sussed. I would love to ride on a swan, can you imagine gliding across the water in peace and quiet, slowly but surely getting to a new horizon - I have goosebumps.

oh mw a unicorn how utterly fantastic. Now that is a beautiful dream. I dunno if Q would like the dinosaur though but its hilarious. I'd say very much like his taste. love it.

My favorite animated cartoon feature of all Time is The Wind in the Willows. Prof. Carl Jung called what we have going on here, "synchronicity". Yes Lord Toad of Toad Hall would suit me just fine !

Spot on.... Give or take a few red/white home made decals on the sides... But yeah... Well done... I do also have four wheels lol... A Mitsubishi... Colt Black... Modified(body kit an so on lol.... yes I am sad.) And big red tribal dragons down either side.....and a Honda Civic bright blue....(Type R if you please...) Again modified and I also have fuzzy dice in this one... I am if you haven't guessed into eastern rides... I love to tuuuuune.

That's what the rumours have! :D Is that classed as my ride? Or work related?

I reckon.......

Inlove: VW beetle

Pathless: something wacky.... lol got it... What's it called1$?E"!££$ SMART CAR! One of those with hippy VW van decals and paint job.

Wil: A gypsy trailer..... :/ (get off my freaking land man... Serious.)

Francis: Golden metro. But rev's the hell out of it.

Q: a challanger lol....

Flow:... Two wheels please.

Mee: Something he can cut and paste with.

Grey: 4X4...

MW: Rover.... Estate. [know what they say aboot rover drivers.... ;)]

Funny you should mention that. 1969 Challenger with a 344 under the hood, torque so strong the motor mounts would have to be changed out weekly, or else knock dents in the "bonnet" lol. It was my second car.


I never had in mind the weather conditions would factor in. here it just doesnt matter. Its all about the looks baby! hahahhaha . Here a pt cruiser is a luxury car and for you guys its a teens car???????? Things are different i guess. A new pt is about $35 ooo here. and no on e is selling them 2nd hand. They are hanging on to them. My first car, which I ownd with my dad was a 1964(?) EH HOLDEN wagon. It had been garaged all its life and the original owner passed away it was put under cover for about 15years. The little old lady was moving into a retirement home and was selling everything. We bought it for $350. As I was only 15 dad drove it and then I moved out of home and I dont know what happened to the car. so sad. If i ever see another one for sale i'd buy it. now of course they are collectors items. aaaargh........

PTs run from $16,000.00 to $30,000.00 here. The increased cost is due to accutraments, not the basic model. And yes, I would put my teens in a safe car (with a little pazazz, good for the young ego). :D But he had to pay me for he took care of it (he's still driving it, 100,000 miles later).


No sorry, before Egypt I had a BMW but sold it before I went. In Egypt I take taxi's and I just pray a lot. Really you take your life in your hands every time you step off a pavement over there. Although I used to have a yellow MGB sportscar, it was such fun.

No I don't, maybe you better PM me what they say. I have had a Volvo estate or two but you have to when you have so many animals.

I can't imagine what anyone drives so I thought my list would be what people would drive in their hearts:

Grey - a unicorn

Wil - an eagle

17th - a dragon

Tao - a black hanovarian warmblood stallion

Flow - a white tiger

Q - a dinoseur

InLove - a dove

Snoopy - an orangutan

Pathless - an ostrich, just for the fun of it

BB - ram

Francis - dolphin

Cyberpi - polar bear

I have no idea why I think any of the above, they are just the animals I think of associated with the people.

A Dinosour!? Better be a :eek:
Snoopy - an orangutan

Spot on Sal, I love orangutans.

Don't know what anyone might drive, especially since sometimes the same car has a different name in a different country. Am I dreaming or did I see reference to a VW Rabbit? What else is in the range...Hare? Gopher? Groundhog? Gerbil?!!!!

Funny you should mention that. 1969 Challenger with a 344 under the hood, torque so strong the motor mounts would have to be changed out weekly, or else knock dents in the "bonnet" lol. It was my second car.



Misunderstood me brother...


-THEE- Challenger.... Battle Tank.
While I had friends that had '67s and '72s awesome cars...

if I were a musclehead I wouldn't hesitate to pick up a cobra or shelby today...all the power, grace and style of the old cars...loaded with today's amenities.... I rent'em every now and again on travel....and was recently in a restored one....while I wouldn't mind having one of the old ones in a garage to sit and look at with a doppel spaten in my hand and walk down memory lane...if I were to drive across country in would be the new one.

Muscle cars and motorcycles....yet another thing I won't get involved in until my children have need to encourage that behaviour...whatta fuddy duddy..
Aren't the cobras the ones that the spark plugs are so hard to change? {Like a major surgical operation?}
Aren't the cobras the ones that the spark plugs are so hard to change? {Like a major surgical operation?}
Folks that buy cobras fall into three groups....those muscleheads with lifts and pits in their garage and it doesn't matter because they'll be pulling the engine out to add some chrome to it once a month anyway....those that it doesn't matter because it'll be in the shop every 6 months for its recommended guarantee work done....and those that freak about things like this and probably don't have the disposable income to warrant such a purchase in the first place...

I currently fall into category three...have no intentions of falling into category will have to wait till I qualify for category 2!
A Dinosour!? Better be a :eek:

When I thought of what car you would drive I though of one of those monster trucks, with the huge wheels. So a dinosour seemed the animal equivalent. No insult was intended.

Spot on Sal, I love orangutans.

Isn't it strange how people seem to characteristically resemble an animal. You just seem to suit it, gentle, methodical, peaceful yet the confidence in the knowledge that you have the power behind it.

Seattlegal would ride a gazelle I think.
Isn't it strange how people seem to characteristically resemble an animal. You just seem to suit it, gentle, methodical, peaceful yet the confidence in the knowledge that you have the power behind it.

Well my hair's certainly a mess!!!

As you probably know, orangutan means "man of the forest" and this kind of chimes with the Thai Forest (Buddhist) tradition. Oops, sorry, religion in the lounge...:eek:

Still not sure if you're a swan or a shark though....I think I'll play it safe and AGREE with the swan bit (in case you're really a shark....)

OOK! I know who can find me that book!!

I got rid of my old 206 a few months ago. Cannot decide whether my next car will be a Mini or an Audi TT. Wont be buying it till spring tho so plenty of time to dwell on it.
Still not sure if you're a swan or a shark though....I think I'll play it safe and AGREE with the swan bit (in case you're really a shark....)

I am probably a bit of both, depending how the mood takes me. A predatorial swan ....... EEK

Runs fast, nimble, and can keep it up longer than the sprinting predators? ;)

That about sums it up. :D
When I thought of what car you would drive I though of one of those monster trucks, with the huge wheels. So a dinosour seemed the animal equivalent. No insult was intended.

Isn't it strange how people seem to characteristically resemble an animal. You just seem to suit it, gentle, methodical, peaceful yet the confidence in the knowledge that you have the power behind it.

Seattlegal would ride a gazelle I think.

this is what I drive...;)


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