Coexistence insha'Allah
Surah 10 is called Yunus (meaning Jonah). Despite the name of the chapter it does not tell the story of the Prophet Yunus (pbuh).
There are 109 verses, which were revealed at Mecca. This is one of the chapters that was not revealed at different times and in different places. The revelations of this chapter came before the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and the Muslims fled Mecca to Medina. So at this time they were few in number and being terribly persecuted by the pagan Meccans. Some Muslims were being tortured and murdered. Scholars state that we can be sure this was before the Medina migration because there is no mention at all of the escape to Medina.
There is very little in this Surah which is relevant to our discussion in this thread. The chapter deals with the afterlife, the assurance that we will all have to answer for our every deed, good and bad. The chapter warns us not to reject Allah or his message, sent through the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
And if misfortune touch a man he crieth unto Us, (while reclining) on his side, or sitting or standing, but when We have relieved him of the misfortune he goeth his way as though he had not cried unto Us because of a misfortune that afflicted him. Thus is what they do made (seeming) fair unto the prodigal. (10:12)
I have included this verse because it always leaves a lump in my throat. As Muslims this is one of our greatest lessons to learn, to remember to look to and worship Allah in all times, good and bad. It is not right only to turn to Allah to seek his favour.
And when Our clear revelations are recited unto them, they who look not for the meeting with Us say: Bring a Lecture other than this, or change it. Say (O Muhammad): It is not for me to change it of my accord. I only follow that which is inspired in me. Lo! if I disobey my Lord I fear the retribution of an awful Day. (10:15)
When looking at the life of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) it is imperative to remember that he knew absolutely that anything he did in this life he would answer for in the next. Unfotunately that is a lesson that Muslims who followed the Prophet quickly forgot, when they looked to this world only but that is not something we can blame our Beloved Prophet for. So when you read that he was a war lord or monster, etc please keep this verse in mind and look for the truth.
There are many verses that deal with people that ascribe partners to Allah, of course the chapter was revealed at Mecca, where the pagan tribes lived and traded. Each tribe had it's own god.
And if they deny thee, say: Unto me my work, and unto you your work. Ye are innocent of what I do, and I am innocent of what ye do. (10:41)
Here Allah speaks of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), that when people call him a fake he is to answer in this way (not cut their heads off).
Forgive me if I digress for a moment but this next piece has great interest for me.
They say: Allah hath taken (unto Him) a son - Glorified be He! He hath no needs! His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Ye have no warrant for this. Tell ye concerning Allah that which ye know not? (10:68)
Say: Verily those who invent a lie concerning Allah will not succeed. (10:69)
I have included these verses because they impress me with their historical context. We know that this chapter was revealed in the early days of Islam, before the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) had any difficulty with Christians. When the Prophet received the first revelation he was very scared and was comforted by his wife Khadijah (pbuh) and her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal a commited Christian monk. It was Waraqah that told Mohammad he had seen the angel Gabriel and the Meccans would reject him and drive him from the town. Waraqah believed in the Prophethood of Mohammad but he died a few days later, a Christian. The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said that Waraqah was not to be slandered, as he would receive his place in Paradise. For me these verses are very significant because they confirm that Jesus (pbuh) was a Messenger of G-d but not his son. I say this because I try to be practical and honest, I ask myself why Mohammad would say this if it was not revealed by G-d, as this claim was guaranteed to cause difficulties for him and his followers. For those that believe that Mohammad was a false Prophet, just after power and wealth, I think they should ask themselves why he would say such a thing, when he could have claimed to be a Prophet sent to confirm the message of Jesus (pbuh) as the son of G-d and been more widely accepted as such.
Sorry just wanted to share my thoughts on those verses.
And if thy Lord willed, all who are in the earth would have believed together. Wouldst thou (Muhammad) compel men until they are believers? (10:99)
What an interesting rehtorical question. I get very troubled by Muslims that claim the whole world must be Muslim, if Allah tells us that He does not will this then who are we to argue? Of course this also shows that the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was told by Allah, from the very early days, that you cannot force anyone to believe.
Which is confirmed here:
Say: "O ye men! Now Truth hath reached you from your Lord! those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs." (10:108)
There we have Surah 10, as I said it deals with the afterlife so there is very little for this life other than the need to believe in G-d, not ascribe partners to Him and remember that we will all be judged, there is no way to avoid it.
There are 109 verses, which were revealed at Mecca. This is one of the chapters that was not revealed at different times and in different places. The revelations of this chapter came before the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and the Muslims fled Mecca to Medina. So at this time they were few in number and being terribly persecuted by the pagan Meccans. Some Muslims were being tortured and murdered. Scholars state that we can be sure this was before the Medina migration because there is no mention at all of the escape to Medina.
There is very little in this Surah which is relevant to our discussion in this thread. The chapter deals with the afterlife, the assurance that we will all have to answer for our every deed, good and bad. The chapter warns us not to reject Allah or his message, sent through the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
And if misfortune touch a man he crieth unto Us, (while reclining) on his side, or sitting or standing, but when We have relieved him of the misfortune he goeth his way as though he had not cried unto Us because of a misfortune that afflicted him. Thus is what they do made (seeming) fair unto the prodigal. (10:12)
I have included this verse because it always leaves a lump in my throat. As Muslims this is one of our greatest lessons to learn, to remember to look to and worship Allah in all times, good and bad. It is not right only to turn to Allah to seek his favour.
And when Our clear revelations are recited unto them, they who look not for the meeting with Us say: Bring a Lecture other than this, or change it. Say (O Muhammad): It is not for me to change it of my accord. I only follow that which is inspired in me. Lo! if I disobey my Lord I fear the retribution of an awful Day. (10:15)
When looking at the life of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) it is imperative to remember that he knew absolutely that anything he did in this life he would answer for in the next. Unfotunately that is a lesson that Muslims who followed the Prophet quickly forgot, when they looked to this world only but that is not something we can blame our Beloved Prophet for. So when you read that he was a war lord or monster, etc please keep this verse in mind and look for the truth.
There are many verses that deal with people that ascribe partners to Allah, of course the chapter was revealed at Mecca, where the pagan tribes lived and traded. Each tribe had it's own god.
And if they deny thee, say: Unto me my work, and unto you your work. Ye are innocent of what I do, and I am innocent of what ye do. (10:41)
Here Allah speaks of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), that when people call him a fake he is to answer in this way (not cut their heads off).
Forgive me if I digress for a moment but this next piece has great interest for me.
They say: Allah hath taken (unto Him) a son - Glorified be He! He hath no needs! His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Ye have no warrant for this. Tell ye concerning Allah that which ye know not? (10:68)
Say: Verily those who invent a lie concerning Allah will not succeed. (10:69)
I have included these verses because they impress me with their historical context. We know that this chapter was revealed in the early days of Islam, before the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) had any difficulty with Christians. When the Prophet received the first revelation he was very scared and was comforted by his wife Khadijah (pbuh) and her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal a commited Christian monk. It was Waraqah that told Mohammad he had seen the angel Gabriel and the Meccans would reject him and drive him from the town. Waraqah believed in the Prophethood of Mohammad but he died a few days later, a Christian. The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said that Waraqah was not to be slandered, as he would receive his place in Paradise. For me these verses are very significant because they confirm that Jesus (pbuh) was a Messenger of G-d but not his son. I say this because I try to be practical and honest, I ask myself why Mohammad would say this if it was not revealed by G-d, as this claim was guaranteed to cause difficulties for him and his followers. For those that believe that Mohammad was a false Prophet, just after power and wealth, I think they should ask themselves why he would say such a thing, when he could have claimed to be a Prophet sent to confirm the message of Jesus (pbuh) as the son of G-d and been more widely accepted as such.
Sorry just wanted to share my thoughts on those verses.
And if thy Lord willed, all who are in the earth would have believed together. Wouldst thou (Muhammad) compel men until they are believers? (10:99)
What an interesting rehtorical question. I get very troubled by Muslims that claim the whole world must be Muslim, if Allah tells us that He does not will this then who are we to argue? Of course this also shows that the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was told by Allah, from the very early days, that you cannot force anyone to believe.
Which is confirmed here:
Say: "O ye men! Now Truth hath reached you from your Lord! those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs." (10:108)
There we have Surah 10, as I said it deals with the afterlife so there is very little for this life other than the need to believe in G-d, not ascribe partners to Him and remember that we will all be judged, there is no way to avoid it.