Jury awards father $11M in funeral case

I don't mind the hassle because of the security aspects but I have to admit I do want to sit everyone down that is desperately trying not to look me in the eye and give a lecture about the real teachings of Islam. One thing I have noticed is that because I travel alone Egyptair tend to always sit me next to either another Muslim woman travelling alone or an elderly Muslim man (really it happens every time but it gives us something to talk about during the flight :p).

I've kind of wondered, what is done for muslim prayers on a airplane? Do you just say them all before hand or make up for it later?

You are in the vast minority unfortunately and no doubt your uderstanding comes from your own wearing of a head cover to church. It really has come to something when a person is judged by their headgear. I just read this story:

Silicon Valley Moms Blog: In Memory Of Alia Ansari

That poor woman and her children. Sometimes I can't believe people are capable of things like this...
Well I went to visit the WBC last Sunday and I was dissappointed that they did not really have a service. Or it seems that the day and time are a secret. The web page says 12 o'clock and my email request for the day and time went unanswered. The building lacks a parking lot, but there were a couple of vehicles there. I knocked but nobody answered. Perhaps they were too busy picketing their message in front of shopping malls or someone's funeral. It seems they were busy up in Nebraska trying to convince people that God was behind the shootings there. I'll have to catch them on the street someday.

The building has the "godhatesamerica.com" banner across it, and there is some grafitti across the reader board and along the outside fence. The flags are hoisted upside down, and the gate is locked. Other than that it is easy to overlook the building as someone's house. Several neighbors have flags up as if in defiance, and the neighbor across the street probably draws as much or more attention with Christmas decorations.

I was hoping to find out why this alleged church is breaking one of the ten commandments with a banner outside of it... and to rebuke them for that. It is easy to say, "God loves you" and to not realize that it is using his name in vain. Alternatively I would like to hear their explanation of that commandment. I was going to ask them if they would appreciate me telling everyone what the WBC loves or hates. Truthfully, can I say the WBC loves ****? Can I say the WBC loves America? Can I say the WBC hates God? In my view each of those statements is true, but it is not for me to say... it would be using their name in vain. I would equally say that this prideful father, judge, and jury hates the WBC... but they've not only spoken for themselves... they've carried out their own deed.

seattlegal. I watch some of ;the video. holy cr/p. I am at a loss for words really . from what they say if god hatesthe world so much and its all full of satans/bad people well, we might as well go top ourselves right now. idiots. when they meet there maker hopfully theyll realize what idiots they are. So these are the ones picketing funerals and stuff eh??? To be so disgusting you would think they would be too ashamed to havetheir faces on the net. Id love them to try that over here.
Here, you might like this little video song they did.
{Please pardon me while I go puke.}

LMAO :D :D :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

They're singing that trash to the tune of "We Are the World"!!!

"God hates the world
(You know he hates you!)
And all her people
(Evil people!!)
You every one face a fiery day
For your proud sinning
(So just stop it!)"

:p Gawd!!! I wonder if Weird Al Yankovic is a little jealous of this ditty??

"You'll eat your kids
(yeah you'll eat 'em!)
You hateful people
(the SEIGE is coming!!!)"

Wait wait... who's hateful?? Mostly this video makes me laugh, but there are some truly frightening things about it: smiles shared between singers and the truly creepy acapella by someone's toddler at the very end.

its a sad thing to say that there are so many of them (these loons I mean). they look like normal people. I mean they are middle aged to older women. young men, children and toddlers. that is disturbing. how so many can be so demented is beyond me. I feel sorry for the little ones.