I think the US military members appreciate the words of respect you have for the job they have done in Iraq and Afghanistan in helping condemn and remove some regimes by force. The nature of your respect is interesting and I am happy that you disagree with the WBC and think instead that the dead soldier did good for the cause in which he died trying to achieve. Forgive me if my verbal respect of that duty is not up to your level of standard.How interesting that you think these returning soldiers deserved more respect and yet a young man that died for your democracy deserves less respect. Perhaps you think only the living deserve respect?
Good, because I'd rather be on the level of the WBC than on the level of that dead soldier's dad. If everyone sued each other when they were merely offended, or if the US military ruled the streets of the USA then I know that it would NOT be a democracy. Many members of the military know that too. But if the WBC were on every street corner of the USA with their goofy picket signs saying goofy things and trying to grab your attention, then I know it would not only be a democracy but that it would be a healthy one full of people so tolerant and at peace with themselves that they can simply admire and tolerate the efforts of those with dissenting viewpoints. Fast food restaurants, stores, and hotels have competing goofy signs and they don't sue each other to shut the competition up... well sometimes they try.All you are achieving in this discussion is convincing me that your views are on the same level as the WBC.
I have something of a relationship with God. If someone says that I'm going to hell or that God hates me... it does not bring me any anger. God is so far above that and I think I've only seen the bread crumbs. Think of it this way, if someone comes to you and says that your husband hates you and is going to dump you... is your relationship so fragile that you might believe them? Are you so fragile that you feel the need to hurt them for saying it?
I said from the outset that I personally think that what the WBC is doing graveside is wrong. They are applying insult to injury. But what I know is very very very wrong is to apply injury to insult, and that is what the dad, the judge, and the jury have done. They went to war to shut someone up.