bob x
Well-Known Member
I'm gonna ignore this whole board and not post to it till AT LEAST next year.
this thread always has 279 views. you people should be ashamed.
<puts fingers in ears>
I can't hear you...
Pee-Wee ? Is that you ?
Pee-Wee ? Is that you ?
This'll get his attention......
Juantoo is a #%^*&*(*$)_(_)*(&*%&$#!!!!!!!
The devil made me do this !
Somehow I avoided this til now; didn't see it as I don't often check the Abrahamic forum. Then, lo and behold it shows up on the most recent updated thread on the main page. LOL Of course, I couldn't ignore it. Who could?
I have one of those horribly inquisitive natures...
I could be wrong but I'm a thinkin he is referring to one Geraldine Jones, girlfriend of Killer, Geraldine is Flip Wilson's alter ego in drag. She was famous for sayin, "The Devil made me do it!" as s/he rolled her eyes and shook her hips.BTW, who's Gloria? The devil?
You might want to wipe that off the bottom of your shoe...don't post in it! whoops.....................