Does God cause men to sin?
Remember the principles of the Universe: Cause and Effect!
The Scriptures assure us that God did not create things that had no purpose for existence in the first place. All that God created was "very good." God "created evil," how can evil be good? That sounds like something God Himself said that we should not say: "Woe unto them that call evil good…" (Isa. 5:20).
First let me clarify that it is God Who says to US not to do this. In Gen. 1:31 it is God Who says:
"And God saw every thing that He had made [‘I make peace, and create evil’ Isa. 45:7] , and, behold, it was very good…"
Is this a contradiction? No, but it takes a bit of wisdom beyond childhood to properly understand it. God makes things that are "good," even "very good," that are not inherently good. That is, they are not good in and by themselves, but they are very good, in fact, PERFECT, for the purpose for which they were created.
Here are a few that existed
before our parents sinned:
* The spiritual weakness of Adam and Eve
* Satan the serpent devil
* No protection from the serpent devil
* The Tree of the knowledge of good and EVIL
* Nighttime and darkness
* Human emotions of greed, lust, and vanity
God created all of these things, and yet not one of them is "good" in and by its self. Yet they are all perfectly good for the purpose for which they were created. But since they are not inherently good, they will all be changed or discarded after they have fulfilled their purpose. In the kingdom of God there will be, no weakness, no insecurity, no devils, no night, no emotions of lust and vanity, and nothing ugly. All of the things that I listed are TEMPORARY tools that will be discarded when the human race is perfected (and believe me,
ALL the human race).
...the old order of things has
passed away [why? Because they have fufilled thier purpose]" (Revelation 21:4)
Otherwise what's the point. Unless (like that thread) you believe God created this world for his entertainment.
Next, let’s see a few of the evils that God Himself has used
after Adam sinned:
"I create EVIL" (Isa. 45:7)
someone on this board told me recently that this is mistranslated. Really? translate these then:
"…an experience of EVIL has God given to the sons of man…" (Ecc. 1:13,
Concordant Liter Old Testament).
"…I [God]
will raise up EVIL against thee…" (II Sam. 12:11).
"I [God]
created the waster to DESTROY" (Isa. 54:16).
"The Lord has made…the WICKED for the day of EVIL" (Prov. 16:4).
"…I [God]
will bring EVIL from the north, and a great DESTRUCTION (Jer. 4:6).
"…Hear, O earth: behold, I [God]
will bring EVIL upon this people…" (Jer. 6:19).
God told a
"lying spirit" to
"…go forth, and do so [lie]
" (I Kings 22:22).
"He [God]
turned their heart to HATE His people…" (Psalm 105:25).
"Behold I [God]
frame EVIL against you…" (Jer. 18:11).
"…shall there be EVIL in a city, and the Lord has not done it?" (Amos 3:6).
"…God shall send them strong DELUSION, that they
should believe A LIE" (II Thes. 2:11).
I don't take pleasure in presenting this, but it is scriptual truth...
God gives us THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of choices according to our own wills. It's just that NONE of them are exercised WITHOUT INFLUENCE (or a cause that makes us do as we do). Try some experimenting if you will. Sit still and try to come up with a thought, choice or action that has zero influence.You might think that something even just "pooped into your mind" and that NOTHING caused it. Sure it did. Something did. There are no effects in the physical or mental universe that have no causes.
You use the word "forcing" our foot steps. God never uses that word. But He does use words such as "directs" or "guides". It doesn't take a great deal of energy for God to make people follow the footsteps that He has established for us. The SLIGHTEST motivations in our finances, stomach, social life, egos, etc., will easily cause us to go either this way or that way.
As always none of this is of any value unless we can establish it in God's Word. Notice what God says regarding our "steps":
"...It is NOT IN direct his steps..." (Jer. 10:23).
"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord DIRECTS HIS STEPS" (Prov. 16:9).
God could have just as easily said: "...the Lord directs HIS WAY" It's all the same to God.
"Man's goings [Heb: steps] ARE OF THE LORD: how can a man then understand HIS OWN WAY? [it matters not if our steps are good or sinful]" (Prov. 20:24).
"For now thou NUMBEREST my steps [THAT'S pretty specific, Matthew]: dost thou NOT watch over my SIN?" (Job 14:16).
Please read Prov. 20:24 again "HOW [I've said this before] CAN MAN UNDERSTAND HIS OWN WAY?!!!
I will give you a poor example of Prov. 20:24:
If anybody's heard the story of Tarzan, they'll remeber that in the beginning he is left in the jungle by himself with knowlegable books, which he by himself apparently learns how to read. Now this is impossible. But this is similar to what is being said about free will. EVEYTHING we do is influenced, either when we are children or now as adults. Just imagine being brought into existence in the middle of nowhere, how will you know about christianity? If you didn't KNOW about it?