Re: Jehovah witnesses.
It also be in line with confusion nonsense..... lol
quote] very true indeed
It also be in line with confusion nonsense..... lol
quote] very true indeed
very true indeed ,The trinity is a great confusion and the God of the bible is not a God of confusion at all .It also be in line with confusion nonsense..... lol
Divine revelation itself does not allow for such a view of God: “God is not a God of confusion.”—1 Corinthians 14:33, Revised Standard Version (RS).
yes sticking to the right way makes people a heretic in the eyes of some, take the trinity teaching for example, it is not inline with the bible yet those who stick to the bible are classed as heretics . stick to the bible and we cant go wrong .
Whatis the origin of popular customs associated with birthday celebrations?
"The various customs with which people today celebrate their birthdays have a long history. Their origins lie in the realm of magic and religion. The customs of offering congratulations, presenting gifts and celebrating—complete with lighted candles—in ancient times were meant to protect the birthday celebrant from the demons and to ensure his security for the coming year. . . . Down to the fourth century Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan custom."—Schwäbische Zeitung (magazine supplement Zeit und Welt), April 3/4, 1981, p. 4.
He's baaaaaaa-aaaack.
Cue eerie music.
Just in time for Halloween, eh 17th?
This is often accompanied by a lack of insight , sorry now i am getting personal. i better get back to Gods words instead.*smashes through a flimsey wooden frame door and sticks his head into CR with some psychotic look upon his face*
heeeeeeeere's 17!!!!!
I must be on a different wave length i was thinking about a phycotic person, they normally lack insight .Mee, sorry I didn't understand the connection between our posts?
That is what Jehovah’s Witnesses do. Whatever your religion, you need to do the same. Nobody can make a decision for you in this regard. Remember: “Each of us will render an account for himself to God.”—Romans 14:12.
No individual is born a Witness of Jehovah. Every single Witness makes a personal decision. After making an honest search of God’s Word, the searcher recognizes truth, and on this basis he dedicates himself to the true God, whose name is Jehovah.
No it is not. It is the Elizabethan English name the King James translators transliterated from the tetragrammaton into Elizabethan English for the benefit of the colloquial English reader. The name "Jehovah" doesn't even come close to the Hebrew.Who is Jehovah? Jehovah is the name that Almighty God gives to himself in the pages of the Bible.
why is this in the christian forum? can a new section be made, because this is not christianity. why do christians have to keep being spammed with copy and paste posts of a religion that does not even share the same common fundamentals of christianity.
a religion that does not even share the same common fundamentals of christianity.
Whatever the cost, Jehovah’s Witnesses adhere closely to the Bible. They have not invented a new religion. They merely follow what is written in the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel, which is the foundation of true religion. quote]
yes Jehovahs witnesses are christians .
Whatever the cost, Jehovah’s Witnesses adhere closely to the Bible. They have not invented a new religion. They merely follow what is written in the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel, which is the foundation of true religion. quote]
yes Jehovahs witnesses are christians .
Hello Mee,
According to Revelation 14:1-3 the 144,000 are “before the throne” in heaven. According to Revelation 7:9-15 the “great crowd” are “before the throne” rendering sacred service “in his temple.” Again, Revelation 19:1 says the “great crowd” are “in heaven.” So will the “great crowd” be with God and the 144,00 in heaven as the Bible says, or will they only be on the earth as the Watchtower says?
Why don’t the Watchtower and the Bible agree?
Hello Mee,
According to Revelation 14:1-3 the 144,000 are “before the throne” in heaven. According to Revelation 7:9-15 the “great crowd” are “before the throne” rendering sacred service “in his temple.” Again, Revelation 19:1 says the “great crowd” are “in heaven.” So will the “great crowd” be with God and the 144,00 in heaven as the Bible says, or will they only be on the earth as the Watchtower says?
Why don’t the Watchtower and the Bible agree?
lol! We really are searching around hard for something to throw at mee now aren't we..... I love how man will go to so much effort simply to prove another wrong... EXAMPLE:
"MEE! On page 17 in the bible... There is a coma AFTER it mentions Jesus(saws) but I have noticed that on your bible and in the watchtower they don't put the comma!! You must be wrong come one, come all lets point and laugh........"
yes, as you say the 144,000 will be in heaven .Hello Mee,
According to Revelation 14:1-3 the 144,000 are “before the throne” in heaven. According to Revelation 7:9-15 the “great crowd” are “before the throne” rendering sacred service “in his temple.” Again, Revelation 19:1 says the “great crowd” are “in heaven.” So will the “great crowd” be with God and the 144,00 in heaven as the Bible says, or will they only be on the earth as the Watchtower says?
Why don’t the Watchtower and the Bible agree?
but the great crowd of revelation 7;9-10 that will get through the great tribulation are on the earth ,and they are waving their symbolic palm branches to welcome the reigning king Jesus christ and the one on the throne Jehovah God.
but the great crowd spoken of in revelation 19;1 is a great crowd of angelic angels, there are thousands and thousands of them as we can see from Daniel 7;10 yes all those in heaven are singing and praising Jehovah
It is especially a source of joy to the Lamb’s bride of "holy ones,"(144,000)
those spoken of in revelation 7;9-10 do not need to be in heaven because as psalm 11;4 says
Jehovah is in his holy temple.
Jehovah—in the heavens is his throne.
His own eyes behold, his own beaming eyes examine the sons of men.
but one thing is for sure ,they are acting in a way as if they were before that throne . they know just where their loyalty belongs .