Like I cannot help but recognise something bigger... But, not entirely happy with putting all my faith into the bible (or any other holy book for that matter.) One thing I'd like to mention is that, you (and many others) boast of perfect harmony within a book that was written over so many years, and that it has to be the will, direction of a god..... But there are so many more books that are not in the cannon but are apart of the same "story" that because they were not in harmony, they were not put into the bible.... So to an extent it is a lie.... Oh yeah this is all in harmony... *shifts in front of the page after page after page or scriptures which are not.*
"Because they were not true!" But, what if they were true and the others were fake? Anyway, I look at the entire scriptures and books, not just the canon, and I fail to see harmony.. To me the bible teaches good acts, not truth. (without being at the time and place of every account... Which in pretty much every single case was written long after the event, I, you, cannot state it is truth... Infact, come to think of it, most of the writers cannot state it is truth either. Or maybe they knew that?)