
nah, nah, not a musical. Its about this eccentric guy that lives with his mum and sister and has an imaginry friend, a 9ft tall rabbit called Harvey. basically it boils down to this guy is not your average guy but heis wonderful and Alex you have to see it. I love the quote about...."every day is a beautiful day".just watch it. I know youcan get it ondvd. k? be a good boyand rentit for your old aunty Tracy and watch it K?
Sorry I missed the opening of the thread Alex, seeing a transformation in you is quite refreshing. To be honest I know I'll miss the edgy and somewhat pithy 17th persona, but I admire your endeavor to be who you are right now.

So, that being said here's a great big cyberhug (((((((((Alex))))))))
nah... I'm not having it, 17th... yeah, sure ur able to reinvent urself as u like- u don't need permission, but...


so far, I've watched ur many incarnations unfold, and been amazed at how multi-faceted ur character appears to be yet...


what is that in the air? could be be the smell of sweet grass?

No... could it be insense?


mmm... I wonder what it is... it's well, earthy, and sweet smelling, but...

I wish I would have discovered earlier that u were so, well, pliable... I could have had such fun...

although... mmm... that smell...
Wasn't there a film based on that story again? Called Donnie Darko?

I love this movie. Have the DVD, director's cut even. This is a rare thing for me, to own a DVD. I've watched Donnie Darko at least three times and each time am inspired to write poetry.

So Alex. Is it revolution time? Your giddiness and loveliness is infectious, if odd. I have just the quote for you, friend:

"There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people."
--Vincent Van Gogh

Keep on Rockin' in the Free World,

Yeah that is what I meant that there is a big rabbit only he can see and that is like donnie darko.

No I was just mentioning that one in hope you knew what it was lol..... Anyway Yes I promise on my word I will find it.

The rabbit in Donnie Darko is named Frank. I think the rabbit in Harvey is named Harvey. I dunno, though. Haven't seen Harvey. I haven't seen Frank either, for that matter, which probably, ultimately, is a good thing. :D ;)
yes, that rabbit is Harvey, andhe is a Pooka. its a sweet and innocent movie and the comedy is innocent a s well. I think it was made about 1956 or so?It is available to rent. I justlove it.
You know Alex, There was a college prof who used to teach a course called Love 101. His name was Leo Buscaglia, and I think you might find him interesting given your new proclivities.

The World of Leo Buscaglia
Sorry been caught up with writing and reading lol... Me?! INSANE! Pathless.. Awesome quote there... Going to quote it on my writings..... By the way... I can't smell anything... If I think the smell is what you are suggesting then shut your window Francis! Country air eh? Heard it is meant to be good for you though, perhaps you shouldn't shut the windows and take one big ol whiff of it into them lungs sister. :D

And if it is that other thing.... Well it always smells like that around here... Always has always probally will.... I am sucker for it.