Spreading the gospel is something you do out of love for the Lord and love for other people. quote]
very true indeed
matthew 28;19-20
Spreading the gospel is something you do out of love for the Lord and love for other people. quote]
very true indeed
matthew 28;19-20
and arguing that you're right, quote]
Not sure what you mean , i thought this thread was from a Jehovahs witness view
fullfillment of bible prophecy and chronology .Some guideline for recognizing Jesus' return
Their Modern Development and Growth many things happened years ago but now in this time of the end things are moving a head very nicely. and it is all very good and inline with the bible which is even bettergood reading link
and arguing that you're right, quote]
Not sure what you mean , i thought this thread was from a Jehovahs witness view
True. Please limit your Watchtower postings to JW platforms.
not meefrom link:
"Each volunteer worker receives a small monthly reimbursement to cover incidental expenses."
... mee is on their payroll.![]()
Mee, I am saying more than that. I'm saying don't believe that Jesus returned in 1914, quote]
Jesus was given kingship in 1914, in Gods heavenly kingdom ,DANIEL 2;44 DANIEL 7;13-14![]()
A created entity such as ‘me, myself and I….’Answers such questions as: What is the Trinity?
Which version?Does the Bible teach it?
Just as ever soul ever born is of God.Is Jesus Christ the Almighty God and part of the Trinity?
The combining spirit of existence is ‘time.’ Otherwise the universal entity within all life is ‘light.’ All life is based on ‘light’ … or simply put ever single atom that associates with any other is associated by ‘light.’What is the holy spirit, and how does it function?
yes the bible certainly does have instruction for those with faith in Jehovah and his son Jesus christ.
and the bible itself tells us that GODS WORD(the bible) is sharper than a two edged sword.
Is the bible you refer too, post Nicene Creed or previous? Meaning, if men compiled the books of the bible and voted each in or out, then please tell all the world, just which book and at which publication period you claim is infallible. Maybe read a little about how Constantine so you can understand where the accepted literature came from… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_I_%28emperor%29The message in God’s written Word is "sharper than any two-edged sword." it has such tremendous penetrating power that it exceeds any human instrument or tool.
so does each religion. It is the WORDS of your parents that cut deep into your soul of belief, not God. Just as Jesus never said he was God, those are the words of men. Read Mark 10:18The Word of God pierces the innermost parts of a person and can change him inwardly, affecting how he thinks and what he loves, making him an acceptable, godly worker. What a powerful tool!
WORDS are the finest creation of mankind and without words how the heck would anyone know the ‘thoughts, intentions’ of anyone else.For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart HEBREWS 4;12.
That’s my line as religions have caused much of the adversity this globe is experiencing today.So talking about propaganda
Wise comment by Sam while even using his pen name…….. see the point?"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."—Attributed to MARK TWAIN.
As the first cardinal rule is, ‘do not claim facts that you do not know as absolutely correct’ Thou shall not lie. …. So to suggest you have the truth, is the first flag of ignorance to any learned soul as both Jesus and Albert Einstein each continued in humble seeking even until their physical passing.many lies are spread about JEHOVAHS WITNESSES as is very clear to see
That is the kingdom formed without hands. The verses you gave in Daniel suggest that when Jesus returns his ready-made kingdom (footstool) will then smash the other kingdoms to bits. Also,Psalm 110:1-3 said:{A Psalm of David.} The LORD says to my lord: "Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool." The LORD sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your foes! Your people will offer themselves freely on the day you lead your host upon the holy mountains. From the womb of the morning like dew your youth will come to you.
Matthew [b]24:26-27 said:[/b]So, if they say to you, `Lo, he is in the wilderness,' do not go out; if they say, `Lo, he is in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man.
Gods kingdom is made without hands because it is not manmade . thats why Jesus when he stood before pontius pilot said , my kingdom is no part of this world .Jesus knew that he will eventually be a king in Gods kingdom , but it was not going to be the kingdoms on the earth it would be in heaven. and yes you are quite right to say that Gods kingdom will put an end to all of the manmade rulerships and goverments of this world and Gods kingdom with Jesus as king will last for ever.You gave 2 references in Daniel. One was where the one 'Like the son of man' was brought near to the Ancient of Days and given a kingdom. The other about a kingdom made without hands that will destroy and replace all other kingdoms. Applied to Jesus, these suggest he was taken into heaven so that the kingdom of God could be 'Made without hands'.
That is the kingdom formed without hands. The verses you gave in Daniel suggest that when Jesus returns his ready-made kingdom (footstool) will then smash the other kingdoms to bits. Also,
So if the truth was right in front of you……… will you not see?
18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? ……….
Isaiah 43: 18-19
18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? ……….
You know, Bishadi, you could have some respect for your readers. I read your posts, however both times I got to the end you had changed the subject about 50 times. I'd ignore you but you double-space type a billion lines on each completely unrelated post. What you need is a good spanking.These posts may seem like a rant, but what is best learning and sharing or simply conforming?
That's a 'big joke' to Dream.What you need is a good spanking.
Namaste Bishadi,This country is that beast.
Tis discussions we wish to have, not fights. But your statement makes me wonder why you feel the need to qualify so. Unblemished record?Bishadi said:Wrong guy to pick a fight with, that I can assure you!
I've just been Nostradamus'd!! I guess that's what I get for giving you a wedgie! Welcome to the forum, Bushadi.Bushadi said:That's a 'big joke' to Dream.
not a man alive could harm nor stop what is coming......
so if you feel froggy, leap.