another life

That is one pretty idea there... I like it :)

Oh 17th? Yeah that was me, Quick witted? But of course... Only changes are I felt something, and I accept Love for what it truly is, and brother, wow... And the other thing that has changed I realised I don't know everything. ;)

My dear Vicky gave me a priceless look when I public announced I don't know everything, then to soften the blow to me she said well you know alot, and I replied yup, but don't know everything.

None of us do...

...and yeah, "brother" - you are a brother. We are all in this crazy life together, man. I am so pleased that you got the love bug, bro. I can see nothing better than, lol. :p

but we are now getting off topic - What are your thoughts on reincarnation - possible, or not? If you did have past lives - would you consider yourself a young soul, or old? I'm a fairly young one [I think], but only because it took me so long to come to value others, and to view all as truly being equal, and having inherant value. I know, I was a selfrighteous putz for a VERY long time, lol :D



Yeah sorry topic swerv! So I think it doesn't happen, I believe we are all on an Oak tree shaped path, but, we've all started at very tip of the branches and head down to the main path to some thing... "else" that is all I can say. But, you never know, long old life ahead of me, maybe something might enlighten me on some other thought one day.

Yeah sorry topic swerv! So I think it doesn't happen, I believe we are all on an Oak tree shaped path, but, we've all started at very tip of the branches and head down to the main path to some thing... "else" that is all I can say. But, you never know, long old life ahead of me, maybe something might enlighten me on some other thought one day.

What is "enlightenment" if not a true embracing of the journey itself? [Long life ahead of us all] :)

Love, bro

Hmm, my brain's buzzing! Every time I considered reincarnation in the past, it left me with an overwhelming sense of exhaustion! I always figured one life was tiring enough, I wouldn't want any more! lol But who of us truly knows? If it's true, tho, I would unfortunately consider myself a young soul; constantly realizing I have so much further to go. (Although I've been told I have an old soul, but I think those people meant it because I like older music\movies\cars\culture than my real age).

But as I said earlier, now that I look at people in terms of their souls, really just guessing at the state of their souls, I tend to look deeper. Anyhoo, . . . . *wandering aimlessly down the path* . . . . . :)
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Hmm, my brain's buzzing! Every time I considered reincarnation in the past, it left me with an overwhelming sense of exhaustion! I always figured one life was tiring enough, I wouldn't want any more! lol

lol, I figure it's a good chance to start all over - Everything will be new again - I find the thought refreshing, and hopeful. :p

I tend to think heaven is a state of unity with God, and hell is a state of separation from God. So regardless of my bodily form (or not), I am either closer to heaven or closer to hell. It is my hope that, where ever I go after this life, I journey ever nearer to God-- that God, Love, Christ is manifest ever more in me.

It took me a while before I grasped, through spiritual experience and not through intellect, the value of incarnation and of my own bodily experience. I became, at that point, overjoyed with life, so thankful to God for this amazing capacity to breathe- to experience the beauty that is life! When life seems exhausting to me, it is because I am not being aware of what it is to truly live. I am living in the world and not in God. When I'm living in the awareness of what is really happening, I just can't get enough of life, yet I am not afraid of death.

I'm reaching toward the kingdom of heaven within me. I don't want to wait until I die to get to heaven- I want to be in God right now.

I trust that God will put me where I should be after I die. Whether that is some brief rest in the Summerlands, or in a heaven like Christianity envisions, or in some new life (human or not, here or not), or whatever- it is not important. I have faith God will forgive me my mistakes and will help me journey onwards toward His/Her heart.

As for the oldest religion... The oldest form of religion is animism, found in nearly all indigenous, earth-based religions. The oldest religion that was highly structured and organized, and was heirarchical (with a priesthood) is, I believe, Hinduism. But state-based, centralized society with its large religion came very late in human history. We were hunter-gatherers living in small (10-30 people) groups for about 90% of human history. We figured out the whole agriculture and settling down thing rather late, and this is what allowed for an elite, specialized group of religious practitioners (priests) in Hinduism, Judaism, etc. Before that, we just had part-time guys and gals (shamans) that helps in mediating between our world and the world of spirit/otherworld.

Reincarnation is extremely common among earth-based, indigenous religions. However, many groups believed that we reincarnated with power animals (like ravens, killer whales, otters, etc.) back and forth over the years. Our brethren would die and become the animals that sacrificed themselves in the hunt for our survival, and later we would die and do the same for them. A never-ending cycle of mutual survival and care-taking with Nature. The main difference between this view and the views of reincarnation in modern world religions like Hinduism is that it seems with agriculture, people got uppity about their superior place in the food chain. So animals were seen as "lower" on the karmic ladder. The less free will and higher-order thinking, the farther away you were from reunion with the Divine (moksha). They also extended this to social caste and gender. So a woman had farther to go than a man, a lower class person had farther to go than an upper class person. This was all tied to perpetuating a caste based system that allowed the priestly class (Brahmins) to exploit the peoples they had conquered when they settled in India. It's really pretty fascinating history.

Suffice it to say that after agriculture, it seems in most religions animals and the rest of nature began to be regarded as "less than" humans in a spiritual sense.

I'm not sure that is the right way to look at animals and what we can learn from them...

And wil- that is very insightful about our bodies. Even in this life, our physical form is a transitory, ephemeral thing. It is only an illusion that we have any sense of bodily permanency. Kind of mind-blowing when you really think about it.
Path of One explained it pretty well. Keep in mind though that animism is a type of religious expression and in itself is not a particular religion (as is Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam.)

Paganism is really just a generic term and is not a specific religion. But it is true that Pagan religions preceded the Abrahamic religions.

Christian Reincarnation: The Long Forgotten Doctrine gives an interesting explanation of reincarnation within Christianity for those who are interested in learning about the history of it all.
i think its grossly unfair that we are only on this planet once for approx 85years. considering the age of the planet etc and we are supposed to be the most intelligent beings here (supposed). I like to think that there is i have said before, i have had a lot of dejavus/glimpses etc which makes me wonder if reincarnation is real. i dont know, or maybe we wont know until its too late to tell anyone . lol. typical. lol
For me re-incarnation simply feels right. There is so much to do and learn, reincarnation allows me to accept I can't do everything in this life - there's always the next one! So far from exhausting, I find the idea calming.
There's more information about the concept of reincarnation and how it has appeared in various cultures throughout history at Reincarnation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I understand that there is also evidence that reincarnation was a part of at least some ancient Celtic cultures (although the Celts did not leave written records so it's hard to be sure.) Apparently the Roman writer Valerius Maximus commented that the Druids believed so strongly in reincarnation that they permitted debts to be put off so they could be paid in the next life.
some times, when I completely dont expect it.... i come across someone or a situation, and i believe or rather I know that I knew them in another life. Or , the situation has only half unfolded, (bear with me) and in my head pops, oh well, bad timing.... youlll just have to wait for your next life. and the strange thing is... I feel comforted by that. :confused: the strange thing is... I dont believe it... I just seem to know it....?????:confused: Does anyone else feel like this... is this normal. ?????:confused::confused:
not many are going to take your questions seriously but one phrase is also universal to describe a similar occurrence known by every soul, born conscious, has experienced;


It's real.

It's entanglement (shared energy between mass) and like Einstein suggested; a 'spooky action at a distance.'

Just like twins often feel the feelings of their sibling. Or even prophecies.

The description and observance is where each have limits based on environment; what they know (knowledge), what they believe and what is honestly observed versus percieved or wished for.
actually, bishadi, Ive had dejavu, before. LOL. no, seriously the situation i was trying to describe was different to dejavu. perhaps i didnt explain myself thoroughly. but it WAS different , not wrong , just a comforting feeling. as if . oh well, i might miss out this time but i know ill get another chance later.
I'm not convinced that deja vu needs to be explained through quantum physics (which is a stretch really.) Neuroscientists have gone a long way towards pinpointing exactly what part of the brain in involved with deja vu experiences, as well as explaining why it happens.

It's possible that some deja vu is past-life memory coming out, but it's also possible that some deja vu experience is a brain (mal)function.

Always enjoy opinions but then did you qualify the material to the extent of knowing exactly how the representation works?

Had you covered the chemistry and physiological affects?

Quantum physics has an anchor by the 2nd law (entropy) in which Planck established 'h'.... maintaining a single direction of time. So I agree, QM will be left short.

And since memories are fixed structures within glial, then individual memories could not continue as a personal experience to a persons 'spirit/soul.'

Dejavu is a physical occurrence and each do experience it, just like chemical attraction to another or Love between people; it is a physiological and physical reality.
And since memories are fixed structures within glial, then individual memories could not continue as a personal experience to a persons 'spirit/soul.'

I'm not sure this is the only way memories are stored, so to speak.

I think it's probably closer to all of us having desktop computers hooked up to a variety of servers. Some of us are unaware we are on a network, so the memories stored there aren't accessible. Others stumble upon their network connection to a greater or lesser degree, and open up some files.

It isn't so much that "my" memories of past lives are residing in my brain, but rather that I stumbled onto ways to hook into the cloud of memories out there that, in other lives, I generated (along with others). Likewise, the memories I store in this lifetime may well be replicated on some broader group consciousness that I, in a later lifetime, may tap into.

Suffice it to say that for some of us, it is very different from deja vu. Most of my past-life memories have little to nothing to do with anything in this life and are quite distinctive. And I've run across complete strangers who have some of the same details about places, events, etc. but from their own perspective. That was trippy, but after a few years it became background noise of this life. Sometimes I have moments of deja vu, but I always felt these were more just brain glitches than anything else. They certainly aren't the detailed stuff that I found I shared with individuals I'd never met.

I keep an open mind that perhaps what I have aren't memories. If not, they are some other type of group consciousness with a complex storyline and a lot of detail. I don't know what their function would serve. Come to think of it, even if they are memories, I don't know what their function is. ;)
I'm not sure this is the only way memories are stored, so to speak.

I think it's probably closer to all of us having desktop computers hooked up to a variety of servers. Some of us are unaware we are on a network, so the memories stored there aren't accessible. Others stumble upon their network connection to a greater or lesser degree, and open up some files.

It isn't so much that "my" memories of past lives are residing in my brain, but rather that I stumbled onto ways to hook into the cloud of memories out there that, in other lives, I generated (along with others). Likewise, the memories I store in this lifetime may well be replicated on some broader group consciousness that I, in a later lifetime, may tap into.

Suffice it to say that for some of us, it is very different from deja vu. Most of my past-life memories have little to nothing to do with anything in this life and are quite distinctive. And I've run across complete strangers who have some of the same details about places, events, etc. but from their own perspective. That was trippy, but after a few years it became background noise of this life. Sometimes I have moments of deja vu, but I always felt these were more just brain glitches than anything else. They certainly aren't the detailed stuff that I found I shared with individuals I'd never met.

I keep an open mind that perhaps what I have aren't memories. If not, they are some other type of group consciousness with a complex storyline and a lot of detail. I don't know what their function would serve. Come to think of it, even if they are memories, I don't know what their function is. ;)

Tao ..... the path of One or the way..... thank you.

Feelings of events do exist in the (internet) of the consciousness. It is how entangled energy can affect another 'at a distance,' both in location and time. This is the collective association of all things; the entanglement of energy.

For example; for each to go to a concert, at that point, then each have been entangled to the shared energy of the show.

On the esoteric side; 'and the doomsday mare, from the sea, breathed fire that rained upon the earth.......' (not a literal quote).... could have been an actual sight observed by another that based on the enormous amount of energy or collection of people who are there, could have actually been observed but the event has not happened yet and the story was written even before you and I were born.

Maybe they saw a submarine, firing nuclear weapons, which do not hit the ground but detonate 500-1000 feet above the surface.

The point is, that (internet) of the consciousness, is a physical occurrence but most do not understand what was seen and if them folk or a few thousand years ago were to see amegedon, how would they be able to describe it in the words of their period.

These are what many have a tough time comprehending, the reality of how it works and then, to understand what was experienced.
It isn't so much that "my" memories of past lives are residing in my brain, but rather that I stumbled onto ways to hook into the cloud of memories out there that, in other lives, I generated (along with others). Likewise, the memories I store in this lifetime may well be replicated on some broader group consciousness that I, in a later lifetime, may tap into.

I keep an open mind that perhaps what I have aren't memories. If not, they are some other type of group consciousness with a complex storyline and a lot of detail. I don't know what their function would serve. Come to think of it, even if they are memories, I don't know what their function is. ;)

I can't help but wonder if this is what Jung was pointing to with the "collective consciousness" stuff. I've even heard it referred to, in an epi-genetic sense, as "cellular memory."

Suffice it to say that for some of us, it is very different from deja vu.

I don't recall any memories of other lifetimes, but I have frequent occasions of deja vu, as in "I've been here before, in a dream." Always it is preceeded by prescient dreams, and always it manifests at pivotal moments in my life.

Interesting two cents. :D