Has CR changed you?

For me, I think I was already in the process of a huge change in my spiritual orientation. My perspective of other religions was already becoming more and more tolerant in that I began to see that God is greater than the fundamentalist paradigm I've been so accustomed to all my life. I could no longer see condemnation in someone sincerely seeking God or the truth in another religion.

That shift is the reason I came here. CR has become a catalyst of ideas that in many ways has confirmed what I've suspected. I've certainly learned a lot from everyone here and have become far less dogmatic about my beliefs. As I peruse these threads, I am often surprised to find and learn new insights and try to understand other's POV before making any evaluations or counterpoints in these discussions. I'm more accepting, so I guess the biggest change is that I've become more tolerant while sticking to my own convictions.
There is a difference between sticking to your convictions and imposing those convictions on others. It's a fine line between that and sharing your faith or sharing the message, which for Christians is something Jesus commanded us to do.
There is a difference between sticking to your convictions and imposing those convictions on others. It's a fine line between that and sharing your faith or sharing the message, which for Christians is something Jesus commanded us to do.
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14

Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first. mark 13;10
I just wanted to bump this one. So many people here and I didn't see my response. How CR and now I/O have changed me.. is that I see you all and I'm out of my little bubble. Mind you this has been an ongoing process with many heated and equally light hearted discussions. I can't say my beliefs have changed but I am certainly more open to the deep well of knowledge and experience you people have! It's been a rich and rewarding experience.
Wil is still here, and Phyllis and Thomas. Seattlegal and Snoopy pop in from time to time, and Vajra stopped by awhile back. A lot of folks have passed away. A lot of the old gang I think about from time to time, wondering how they are doing and hoping they are OK.
I know I am gonna feel plenty stupid, but I have searched my brain and can't find the anawer...

What is CR?
Getting old my friend! As a matter of fact when I was looking for this site I was trying to find it searching comparative religion LOL
I did wonder why Conditioned Response might have changed me. 😁
My mind went to Cedar Rapids, the city with the more diverse grocery stores an hour to the south...

Hasn't changed me much, but its done wonders for diversity of my cooking...

Though in context, I guessed it was referring to this site.

I've only been here a few days; hasn't changed me much yet. But, I'm a stubborn fart...
My mind went to Cedar Rapids, the city with the more diverse grocery stores an hour to the south...

Hasn't changed me much, but its done wonders for diversity of my cooking...

Though in context, I guessed it was referring to this site.

I've only been here a few days; hasn't changed me much yet. But, I'm a stubborn fart...
Shhhh no-one here knows about the finger pulling.
Does anyone when it changed from Comparative Religion to interfaith.org?
I don't remember the exact date, I had been a mod for a long time and Brian announced quietly to the mod staff that the name would be changing, and 6 months or so later he did. If I started in '04 and was a mod about 10 years, and that happened a few years before I'm thinking it was somewhere around 2010, 2011, something like that.

A lot of the old links point to Comparative Religion, and consequently go nowhere and you get an error message. A lot of posts are lost in the ether because of that. Wha'cha gonna do?