Re: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 105820974944592307816406286208
That we cannot measure the infinite that does not imply that it is not a fact. On the contrary things like the value of Pi demonstrate that the idea of the infinite can be inferred from what we can measure. I will leave believing that nothing is something to you
If PI were infinite then the value would be greater than 4. Anything can be divided into pieces of nothing to be infinite. Nothing is infinite. In the space between two words there is an infinite amount of nothing. In the time between two raindrops landing there is an infinite amount of nothing. Nothing is infinite everywhere, anytime, of any thing. There is no shortage of nothing. Nothing is infinite.
If you were a scientist or engineer you would know that nobody proves anything without doing the experiment themselves.
Oh sorry I hope I did not assume it. Perish the thought. I wasn't the one discussing unseen dimensions but I guess they are back off the table because you believe only in what you can see.
A hypothesis does not a fact make. How do the laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energy explain the particles that make hawking radiation? Hawking radiation seems to be the opposite of entropy, something appearing from nothing. To quote Professor Sir Martin Rees, Britain's Astronomer Royal, "we have achieved remarkable things in the 200,000 years since we evolved for life on the African plains but it is probable we are just not adapted to see all there is to see." As we probe ever further into the mysteries of the universe we will force some adaptations, but even then new sets of questions will doubtlessly face us.
There you go again describing something that nobody has ever seen. Black hole thermodynamics and event horizon theories come from applying locally observed laws. Laws of science or laws of God... either way if I am wrong then produce the person who has seen and thus proved that Hawking radiation is counter to the observed laws of thermodynamics.
Have you seen seen the universe stop? Did you see it begin? You believe in God, where did that entity begin? We are only on the first tentative footsteps to finding a relationship between the atomic and quantum yet time after time you hold up one set of ideas as though they explain everything. They do not. But perhaps in time a breakthrough will indeed come that allows us to use what we do know for systems as chaotic as climate. In the meantime...have a slice of Pi.
Thank you, I'll give you a slice of cyber-pi: Thermodynamics is not just a theory. It is easily observed. What I state about entropy is more complex than just thermodynamics. In communication and information theory (and practice) if I wish to maximize a communication channel the goal is to make the signal look like pure white noise. A signal might need to be encoded to further achieve that, and then decoded on the other end. If you do not have the encoder or the decoder then the signal between them will look like garbage... pure noise. Just like you can look at two people speaking a foreign language and see nothing but noises. Applying thermodynamics to this act of encoding and decoding, each require an amount of energy and will thus also produce another copy of something that looks like pure noise. Generally we try to get rid of that noise with heat sinks. For example if you hit the delete key on your computer it takes a dissipation of energy to condemn the bits. The bits might dissipate and become mixed together so that they look like noise, but they are always still there. After being condemned they look like noise... pure garbage. That is because you and I do not have the decoder to see the bits after they are condemned. If we accidently condemn something like a piece of history then we can no longer see it with our eyes. While it is impossible that a decoder can physically exist, since thermodynamics requires the physical encoder and decoder to use energy, it is entirely possible that a non-physical decoder exists... a decoder that can see all of history. I have stated that the entropy is like a written book... until now I have not stated who or what can read that book. Until quantum mechanics, despite thermodynamics, it was assumed by scientists that everything could be measured. Shame on them.
If you like that slice then here is another. From control theory (and practice) I make use of feedback loops where energy is directed to perform something per a measured piece of information. A person utilizes control loops daily without even realizing it. But if you can not measure something then you can not actively control it. I take that and apply it to the entropy wherein nothing physical can decode the information in it. But if it could decode it then there would be a wealth of control available by it. That wealth is available to anyone who can decode it. The rest of control theory involves the use of energy in harmony with the acquired and decoded information. In other words though some of the book has been written, knowing the history and current state allows the use of energy to write the next page. I have witnessed that the one who can apparently decode the entropy that no man can see, can also write the next page despite what any man would like to see.
How I have seen the control is unusual... energy from different directions get applied to make an event happen as if it were all working together on its own. Kind of like several birds that for no apparent reason fly to do things in a coordinated fashion to somehow make an event happen that they otherwise would not even have any interest in doing. There is no hallucination in the event, yet the synchronicity is outside the realm of physical communication and coordination. If I know from science that it is physically impossible, then I know that something metaphysical is responsible. That something, or more appropriately someone, can be interacted with via the energy and matter. The energy and matter obeys the laws, but is directed by something that is outside of them. But that is far more than what I originally stated... I merely indicate, with reason, that anything physical that must use energy is being recorded.