Who Will Inherit The Earth?

ask why the religions continues to divide people rather than combine them?
Those who are taught by the most high Jehovah are being united from all nations REVELATION 7;9-10 and there is no learning of war anymore.

being taught by the most high leads to PEACE :) and it is very good , and listening to Jehovahs son jesus christ leads to not only PEACE ,but also to EVERLASTING LIFE .luke 9;35.... MATTHEW 5;5 JOHN 17;3

"They will all be taught by Jehovah."—JOHN 6:45.
Using old testemant to convey a newly created faith (1914).


Understanding about Fullfilled bible prophecy is abundant indeed .Daniel 12;4 ...daniel 2;44 its all happening in the time of the end.

:) and 1914 was the START OF THE END . The end of manmade rulerships is near , KISS THE SON psalm 2;12 and then we will go on to inherit the earth .


humility is what it is all about.
What you say is true, mee, but that is not what Bishadi was alluding to.
0k :) he was asking WHY, and the bible tells us its because people are not taught by JEHOVAH that is why there is no peace.

but those who will inherit the earth would be righteous in the eyes of the most high, and the reason they would be righteous in the eyes of the most high would be because they are taught by the most high JEHOVAH and practice his ways.

The prophet Isaiah foretold what would happen in our time

"It must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains . . . And many peoples will certainly go and say: ‘Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways.’" (Isaiah 2:2, 3; Micah 4:2)

its all happening in this time of the end and the ways of the most high JEHOVAH is good instruction .

thats why those who have gone up to this symbolic mountain have beaten their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears .

and they are no longer learning war anymore .

they are listening to the voice of JESUS john 10;16

Even now God’s Kingdom is producing in its subjects a genuine bond of peace and brotherly love.

Jesus said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." (John 13:35)

Jehovah’s Witnesses endeavor to live up to this basic requirement of true Christianity.

As a result, theirs is a marvelous brotherhood uniting Jews and Arabs, Croatians and Serbs, Hutu and Tutsi. This peace that the majority of mankind can only dream about is now the possession of millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide. :)

Them to inherit the earth are the humble pure with integrity, not the fools who fib with faith to remain complacent to a belief.

very true indeed :) pure worship is what it is all about, with no lies attached to it at all. and integrity is what it is all about.

interity leads to life

Jesus denounced false worshipers, those who introduced traditions of men and placed them above God’s Word. (Matt. 15:7-9)

He taught men how to worship God and personally showed them how to maintain integrity.

By him the superior law of love of God and neighbor was clearly set out, a righteous requirement for those who would gain life in the new world.
Yet......... who knows what class Jehovah is teaching at? In person!

this one matthew 24;45-47 taking in food from faithful ones and they have been given great responsibility from JESUS:)
To some people who think that any who hold faith in the unseen are fools, then you and I and every Christian mother's child is a fool in such person's eyes. Since we are so gullible, they would rather enchant us if possible with enticing words into following them.

I am reminded: "beware when good is called evil, and evil good."

For such people, words such as "integrity" and "humble" have completely different meanings, meanings reserved for the "select/elite/enlightened" to fully comprehend. All the rest are expendable cattle, cannon fodder if necessary, to bring to pass their vision of conquest. Religion is but a tool to such as these.
To some people who think that any who hold faith in the unseen are fools, quote]

Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. hebrews 11;1

Hebrews 11;7
I am reminded: "beware when good is called evil, and evil good."

very true , in the world today religious leaders say that the commandmants of God in the bible are not good .

and the things that the bible says are not beneficial for us they say they are good things.

they are far removed from the bible and what it teaches in many ways, they teach commandments of man instead.

they say good is bad and bad is good :eek:
Who are you to say the purpose of religion is to combine people? Do you know the mind of G-d?
In nature there is a pattern defined by Origins of species, yet the word 'evolution' was not in the book until the 6th edition i believe.

But this book shared how life 'continues' based on what niche the life can exist within. In such that with bees for example; without the entangled relation with flowering plants; they (the whole system) would be without a part that offers each to continue. Such the same if your cells did not have organellas living within, then the life of the system would not continue. Or purely if em (light) was not upon mass, no 2 elements could ever combine to become a molecule.

There is a physical process in which life interacts with its environment in order to continue; such that we eat (mass and energy) as well breath (mass and energy) to maintain a metabolic process within our bodies.

This 'process' is that observance described which is literally the process of nature (existence) that is pure throughout all the universe (God).

What this is suggesting is by learning 'what is' is far closer to understanding God than any religious literature.

Think about it; to be absolutely honest with reality, then the first premise is never to fib to yourself and see what is truly pure to existence and what could be a misrepresentation.

IN all cases, every word written was 'created' by mankind. This grow and continued creation of words are simply to define what is experienced. Nothing magical, it is just how mankind learns during life. Think of a new born baby; first baby steps and them college; all is learned.

So definitions can vary; such as religions. But some things remain equal and universal such as nature, basic mathematics, feelings, compassion and life.

we live within nature (existence) or what many name as God. We can never be separate nor walk away as we are of God, being within. as God is the alpha/omega, then of all time. If with us and knowing our fathers and children, then of all time and things. Then if spiritually a part of every known thought and doing; then of all time, mass and energy; the ONE; the total; GOD.

The problem is when a person is taught God is an isolated subject with a magic wand sitting on a thrown looking like Zeus.... that is much easier to understand and without needing to understand mass and energy; perhaps the simplicity of 500, 1000, or even 6k years back is so in bred in the minds and psyche of mankind in both liturature and beliefs; that to even observe that within 100 years mankind is walking on the moon is far to much material for the simple Zeus believers to comprehend.

yet, knowledge now is so easy for even a child to observe, that now a days a kid before 12 years old can obsorb all the material knowledge that any man 2000 years ago could have learned in a lifetime. And then look at what has been acheived in the last 30-40 years alone.

So then think back a bit; if we are of God, living within God, growing, developing and learning, then 2 things must be honored; as much knowledge from all of God's children, from all over the world as possible; as well to give the next generation a chance; leave summaries and progresses of understanding. This is a duty to God as to look at the big picture; we are simply of Him and in each experienc, he experiences, each interraction is also his, as well the pinnacle of knowledge's evolution will be that we comprehend God; mass knows how it exists. (the mind of God is us, we the people or from the east that 'collective conscious')

Combine the people under exactly what religion?
As existence only works ONE way then; THE TRUTH!

Nothing is mine. Can't take it with me; so we each Live in what we do while having the choice to do it.

There is only One thing anyone should ever consider as a faith; the pursuit of UNDERSTANDING!

Who will inherit the Earth? them who are true to life, God (existence) as them who continue in fibs lies and decietful pursuits of the self (Loss to the common) will be judged by their own brothers and sisters.

Be very very careful... they be hunting the selfish huhuhuhuhuhuu

Simply remove the ideas of magic and do the homework; heck I was literate in over 7 religions before the age of 20 and now we have the internet at our fingers; nothing can be held back ever again......

get er done!
Bishadi.... There is only one way? Truth?

What do we know of truth?... It differs. :)

So yes there is one way your way.
Not my way; God's (existence)
as each of us only live here but them choices are what makes us either live a long time or not

Most all the religions point at the same thing.... in the beginning....

begins with 'light' and to maintain that universal truth of even the oldest teachers combined with today's knowledge and a whole bunch in between a framework governing all existence is real easy to see by observing how life exist. It will affect each person on this earth.

paradigm shift (sciences);

Energy upon mass is 'light' (see EM spectrum)

Gravity is entangled energy. (see entanglement) (last missing piece of the puzzle)

Light is the life upon mass. Which then reveals the rules to comprehend.

Purpose of life; to continue. (Think of anything in nature and see it. (even a fib is purposed to continue or why would it be said or created?))

Then as 'consciousness' we have the ability to combine learned knowledge with experience to literally predetermine an outcome we may 'do' or impose to existence before we even act (sentience) which is how 'self' becomes an 'i' from the perspective of each person; the experience of choice.

So then in 'choice' we come into interactions with other mass and in each we can either 'do' what is being recognized in mind or we can simply observe and not impose to existence any action.

Yet, each must make choices. What are the pure rules?

That is where returning to nature and honoring the teachings of God (all of existence) as well combined with the math (name of God) which can define nature/existence into form of understanding the true rules stand firm;

in choice:

Good: supports life (to continue)

Bad: loss to the common (selfish isolation as priority/ the mee me's)

does this help?
I think you may of misunderstood me, by your way... I mean... Our individual set of choices/faiths/truths/beliefs/values/norms.... Truth differs man to man for a reason. ;)

which is how knowledge evolved; many perspectives.

sharing is how it continues; and opinions allow the evolution to progress

such the same; mankind has four colors (opinions) to be heard before the last chapter Understanding (book of life) is completed

The divergence simply allows for as many renditions, angles and opinions to evolve that will enable the 'truth' to be perfected.

Them of compassion to contribute(d) for this progress will inherit ever lasting life
Re: Who Will Inherit The Earth?

it's still



some must step back and realize that entity of applying ourselves to the 'insititution' although supposedly democratically in place.... is what the combining of the 'heads of the beast' is all about...

we can all see how it makes sense to apply to the system but that system has centralized power to them whom own the most shares and in most all comprehension of business, the core understanding is 'business is war' and there will be causualties.....

well now the tables are about to turn; the last will be first, and the first last.....

so who will inherit the earth

WE THE PEOPLE>...........:D
so who will inherit the earth

WE THE PEOPLE>...........:D

Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.
matthew 5;5:)

But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.psalm 37;11:)
