
Hi Alex!

In my experience, having had very many different jobs as I did not ever know what I wanted to make of myself in this life, I'd have to say that I always got jobs through people I met and got to know. Getting a job is like getting a girlfriend in that sense. I think I've gotten one or two jobs from the paper, and only one with a resume. Look for a friend who can hook you up.

Hi Alex!

In my experience, having had very many different jobs as I did not ever know what I wanted to make of myself in this life, I'd have to say that I always got jobs through people I met and got to know. Getting a job is like getting a girlfriend in that sense. I think I've gotten one or two jobs from the paper, and only one with a resume. Look for a friend who can hook you up.


Thanks for the advice Chris!!!

"not what you know, it's who you know."
I agree with China Cat, networking can't hurt. Tried the ol' resume routine quite a few times with no success...but rubbing elbows seems to be opening a few doors lately. Now I just gotta do something with it.
Each one is about a very complex heist, although against casinos in these movies. Lots of big name actors. Very entertaining. Think updated versions of The Sting.
Any car chases with big block american hot rods?

I liked the movie Ronin as much for the car chases, but it seemed weird watching beemers and mercedes. Same for the Bourne series, I still can't get past a Trabant against a mercedes SUV.
Grungy - *incognito*
Hippy - W
Sleazy -
Prof -
Shorty -
Drowsy - A
and Dumbass Pinky - T

Well, now we just need to recruit Sleazy, Prof and Shorty...

<- <- -> ->
Psst...any volunteers?
getting a job...

everyone makes out that working is great... but it is not... free time? forget it... time to write your magmum opus? How about weekends... when the passion of the free flowing fiction bites you at four in the morning in the rain, on a monday, you have to desist, knowing the world of work beckons with its bony fingers...

if you don't have to work, can get by without it... yahoo! (not the conglomerate- I use Yahoo here in its pure sense- as an expresssion of joy...)

work takes many forms... creating art (doodling on scrap paper), researching religion online (visiting C-R), cooking (adding water to pot noodles)... all is work!

real hard work is for peasants ONLY... it is a sign of great status not to work, to be idle poor/rich, navel gaze all day, pontificate, dream and scheme... this "no-work-yet-food-in-cupboard-plus-free-roof-over-head" kind of lifestyle is the Holy Grail of bums and hippies and economic migrants the world over...

millions of people are not wrong...

unfortunately, this behaviour is not espoused by polite (capitalist) society, unless you are of Regal loins, as if we all did nothing society would collapse...

and so you feel you should work, or have to work... to give yourself some role to play, something to say when you meet new people...

it's rubbish to meet new ppl, and they ask what you do for a living, and you say- I am on welfare... it is rubbish when they run away, careful to pick up their bags while casually inspecting your inner arms for the signs of needle abuse...

instead, voluntary work is often useful... you can bum about still, but have purpose, even if it is only illusory, and you also get the social cachet with comes from flogging yourself tirelessly for the poor and needy!

AND It helps you to get girls! (or boys, should they be your preference)... especially in todays eco-fair trade friendly enviroment...

AND you can do a minimum of a day a week, and still reap the rewards...

...good luck to you though lads, with your job hunting (suckers...!!!)