
Each one is about a very complex heist, although against casinos in these movies. Lots of big name actors. Very entertaining. Think updated versions of The Sting.

Wasn't the first one like a remake of some older film?

Nah, Q's too straight laced. Watch, he'll put a stop to us just as soon as he gets wind.

And we'd of gotten away with it too! If it wasn't for those pesky sea guards!
Friday 6pm.. Got an interview for three different jobs in a care home lol.. They seem to like me, and they seem very nice and friendly and it is in a line of work where I am helping to help others.

Positions I've applied for:

Care Helper.

It's just under a minute walk from my home! I can go home for lunch! I can go home to be with my pack! I r happy.
Yeah hope you get what you want. :):):):):):D:D:D:D:D:D:):):):):)

I'm thinking chef or care helper.

It went, splended. I have this way with people... Didn't even wish to see my CV.. "nah no need" Was the reply lol... I have taken o... I mean, I have "applied" for two jobs, the Administrator is quite a highly paid job there and they believe this would be the best position for me, I basically will control the finances petty cash payroll assist the manager, mnay other oganisation tasks and They allowed me to take training of the care assistants so If the need arrises I can help out and in emergencies too. Also I can then go in and work on the weekends extra hours if I choose (as the administrator doesn;t work weekends.)

I was suprised how much I learnt I never realised they had a special ward for mentally ill elderly people. I thought it was just a run of the mill care home. I think for my first time there and experience, I handled it quite well I was pleasant to the residents and I found the staff very friendly and I feel I could make a great asset to their team. I was interviewed by the assistant manager who is leaving soon, but the manager is in again on Monday and I guess that is when I will hear. Sorry some spelling errors there lol.... too early in the morning I need sleep.
Now we're short a dwarf. (Freudian *and* punny, sometimes I kill me, :D )

Hey, Greymare could be the dwarf named Squeezy.
So I just had the shortest interview in history... 4 - 5mins tops.

Asked me three questions and that was it..... Thoughts? lol.... This either went amazingly well and I am like perfect for the position.... Or, I hadn't a chance in hell.
So I just had the shortest interview in history... 4 - 5mins tops.

Asked me three questions and that was it..... Thoughts? lol.... This either went amazingly well and I am like perfect for the position.... Or, I hadn't a chance in hell.

That was a very shoddy way to treat someone.

~Get this....

Interview at 11am.. I being professional... 10:45 I am there... 11:30 I finally get to go in... Constantly telling me they will be with me... I think the person that went in before me was the one who got the job, and they just were not interested in even bothering with me... I smiled and was polite but I was quite upset by the fact I wasn't given even a fair chance... Oh well I shall continue to look.