Jesus VS/IS Titus Flavius ?????
Start of a campaign
describes this battle as the "onset" of his command of the army "(War 3,10,2)" Written by Josephus
this is the start of the sole ministry of Jesus
Sent By His Father
"he sent away his son Titus to Caesarea" (War 3,9, 7)
"Barnabas, Son of Sebus/Sabinus"
sent by his father in heaven
His followers followed
"entered the city the first of them all, and the others soon after him" (War 3, 10, 5
"brought their boat to shore and followed him" (Luke 5:10)
Reassures troops not to be afraid
"you know very well that I go into danger first, do not therefore desert me" (War 3, 10, 2)
"Do not be afraid" (Luke 5:10)
Reference to Chorazain
"it produces the Coracin fish" (War 3, 10, 8)
"Woe to you Chorazain" ( Matt. 11:23)
Presence of a Jesus
Jesus is the leader of the rebels at the Sea of Galilee
another Jesus is the leader of disciples at the Sea of Galilee
Fishing for men
the Jews fall out of their boats "such as were drowning in the sea... attempted to swim to their enemies, the Romans cut off either their heads or their hands" (War 3, 10, 8, clause 527)
"I will make you fishers of men" (Matt. 4:19)
TITUS CRUCIFIED ( HIS Armour Placed on a CROSS (Cruciform Trophy) (Effigy of Titus, alike God-Caesar) (Judea Resurrects as part of the Roman Empire-Kingdom of God) (re-enactment of Caesar's Funeral)
Capta = Golgotha
Angels appear to Titus
The Entire Gospel is a Parody
Titus Flavius Josephus = Titus Flavius Sebinus
Josephus > Jospos > Gospol
Josephus is also claimed to be a Prophet
Gospels symbolism found in Josephus Writings (because he wrote it)
(A) He speaks of the “skill” of expelling demons. (pg. 125, 173) - (Ant. B. VI, Ch. II, 1; Ant. B. VIII, Ch. II, 5)
(B) He is the first to speak of a “laser root,” which in later mythology becomes the “mandrake root.” (pg. 42, 595-596) - (Ant. B. I, Ch. XIX, 8; Wars of Jews., Book. VII, Ch. VI, 3)
(C) He perpetuates the idea of “signs” and omens. See the omen of the ‘owl’. (pg. 386) (Ant. B. XVIII, Ch. VI, 7) And also; (pg. 412) (Ant. B. XIX, Ch. VIII, 2)
(D) The idea of “Ghosts.” (pg. 112, 266) - (Ant. B. V, Ch. II, 8; Ant. B. XII, Ch. XI, 2)
(E) The idea of “Angels.” (pg. 119) (Antiquities of the Jews, B. V, Ch. VIII, 3)
(F) “Evil Spirits and Demons.” (pg. 136) (Ant. B. VI, Ch. XI, 2)
(G) Fortune Tellers and “Mediums” (pg. 143) (Ant. B. VI, Ch. XIV, 2)
(H) Prophets telling the future and showing “signs”, wonders and miracles. (pg. 184, 429) (Ant. B. VIII, Ch. VIII, 5; Wars of the Jews, Preface, 11)
(I) The idea of “Witches.” (pg. 202) (Ant. B. VIII, Ch. VI, 3)
(J) He invented the saying of “Grace.” (pg. 250) (Ant. B. XII, Ch. II, 12)
(K) The idea of “Royal Birthright,” which we no longer believe in today.
(pg. 348) (Ant. B. XVI, Ch. VIII, 1)
(L) An eclipse of the moon as a “sign,” a “sign” that could be predicted with accuracy by the astronomers and High Priests of the day (pg. 365) (Ant. B. XVII, Ch. VI, 4)
(M) “Some Supernatural Providence” (pg. 432) Providence (Supernatural), ordained, divine (pg. 466) (W. of J, B. I, Ch. III, 6; W. B. II, Ch. XXXI, 3)
(N) Promoted the phrase “God Forbid.” (pg. 528) (W. B. IV, Ch. III, 10)
(O) Other “signs,” such as a star resembling a sword and a comet that continued a whole year. Check on this! We should be able to tell by what we know about astronomy today if this is really a true statement. (pg. 582) Note that he speaks of these ‘signs’ as appearing before the destruction of Jerusalem. (Wars, B. VI, Ch. V, 3)
(P) He writes of religion as being (for those who can “see” it) as the most profitable “business,” saying, “... to make the altar every day fat with sacrifices of great value.” (pg. 205) (Ant. B. IX, Ch. VIII, 2)
Josephus originates Christian HELL (yet not a Jewish belief)
1. NOW as to Hades, wherein the souls of the of the good things they see, and rejoice in the righteous and unrighteous are detained, it is necessary to speak of it. Hades is a place in the world not regularly finished; a subterraneous region, wherein the light of this world does not shine; from which circumstance, that in this region the light does not shine, it cannot be but there must be in it perpetual darkness. This region is allotted as a place of custody for souls, ill which angels are appointed as guardians to them, who distribute to them temporary punishments, agreeable to every one's behavior and manners.