Oh I like this best, so I'll start here!
Precisely. No, I mean more like ...
business as usual, or
life as we know it -- but I so like the reminder that this really
is "reaching for the light," either more or less consciously.
Tao_Equus said:
With the exception of a belief in a Gaia type theory of super organism, in which man is utterly expendable, I see absolutely no evidence anywhere for such a "plan". Where is the evidence?
... until science proves that there is some real evidence for "Diving Planning", it is only philosophy. And, crucially, should be regarded as such.
As for patterns, I'm speaking of things like the Beauty that is to found both in the natural world and through human creations and contributions. I am speaking of the Guidance that has been received by a 1000 sages that this world has recorded, and 10,000 more who have been forgotten or carefully erased. I am thinking of the chambered nautilus, and the
Golden Ratio in the stems of plants and within our bodies. I would ask you to consider the Majesty of the Heavens, as we find orbits within orbits within orbits within orbits ... and are left to ponder what amazing
coalescence of materials, entities, conditions and timings have been necessary to create life
on this planet alone.
This is just a beginning, but the Divine Order I speak of is what I think is being worked out through every Kingdom of Life upon our planet (in the lesser Cosmos, or microcosm, with
man as one of the least reflections of the Whole). This Order has to do with how the very Kingdoms
interrelate, symbiotically benefit and are supported by each other. It is witnessed by the unique, delicate balance of conditions which you invoke in the
Gaia hypothesis ... yet as we are discovering, mankind is
not just a scourge on the face of the planet, or a
disposable, unnecessary part of what is happening.
Some might think we have done more harm than good here, but this is a premature conclusion, albeit tentatively accurate from at least
some points of view. To ignore the future that is before us (assuming that we wisely choose and
allow the future to work itself out) is like saying,
"I am 36 years old, HERE is what the purpose of life is. I have no more to learn, and nothing more to accomplish. I understand all mysteries, both lesser and Greater -- and I am ready to snap my fingers and lay everything on the line." Though I would usually argue against Pascal's Wager altogether, I invoke it here because I think God really
does matter, whether we are theists, atheists or agnostics. Belief changes nothing. Things are as they are ...
{and this gets back to the real heart of the discussion I think! How are things? Metaphysics does have its place.}
Science often seems to make the same mistake as religion, by looking at the temporarily-animated cadaver in the mirror and saying,
Ecce homo! And by so pronouncing, there is not simply a lie or a misunderstanding, there is also a subtle expression of pride, and this is the door of vanity, of self-delusion, and the root of confusion over our true identity. The way this comes off, you might think I'm suggesting there's some kind of conspiracy ... and the
religion of science is being consciously, carefully forced upon us by sinister minds bent on world domination. That notion is perhaps slightly exaggerated.
What I mean by
science as a religion is more the kind of
role that scientific belief plays in the lives of many Americans, and Westerners. In short, we
idolize it, and regard its pronouncements as
authoritative. In the East, I think this is also the case, but less so, because there is still a fairly strong tradition and ability to see the world
holistically. Science is not set so far apart from
spirituality as a valid means of enquiring about the world, and the mind is not so compartmentalized. In the Western world, as part of our quest for Truth, we seem to be willing to sacrifice any real
synthesis of what we really
already know about life, ourselves, each other and the
modus operandi of the Universe (both locally, and at large).
We have a fragmented psyche, individually and collectively, and it is very much in need of healing and better integration before we can make such sweeping statements as
"there is no tangible, empirical evidence of a PATTERN, or Order, that guides or steadily and faithfully influences all Life and events here upon our little planet." There is even a distinction, whereby sometimes and in various ways there is
Guidance, both direct and seemingly
indirect, or behind the scenes ... while at a deeper or perhaps
more remote level it might be more accurate to simply speak of
influences in the abstract. An equally valid approach would be to acknowledge the Divine Principles (even Principalities and Powers, as some might choose) Whom and which are
responsible for these influences, just as a nature walk through a quiet forest may awaken the curiosity of
a nest of newborn squirrels, or otherwise
affect vast hosts of insects.
We are certainly a mystery to these insects, and probably quite a spectacle for forest animals unaccustomed to human visitation ... but if we could overhear these animals saying to themselves, once we have left, that
they probably just imagined us, since after all, there is no real evidence that we were ever here -- and certainly nothing which provides direct and objective contact ... if we could hear this conversation, don't you think we might feel inclined to correct the error? I mean, just for the sake of poor little squirrel nutkin?
Ah, what a squirrel doesn't know may make him happy, right? I would much rather the little fellas enjoy a happy, productive life
without having to face the grim fate of the highway ... or become the victims of
I just say, in this silly little world of my imagination, where animals
do talk, and the insects
do have some inkling, we have a responsibility to them, an obligation ... even if much of this is easily fulfilled simply by
not stepping on them! Imagine how much more wonderful the relationship can be where we seek to cooperate with our tiny little companions, and cultivate them, help them to be of service, even protect them from our
human-created disasters, as much as reasonably possible.
Those Who Guide from behind the scenes are every bit as conscientious as the
humans in the above silly little scenario, except that
tremendous Wisdom, unfailing Love and due measure of Divine Empowerment (to serve the Plan) are Theirs. They use the means at Their disposal to fulfil Their obligation not only to us, but also to each other, and to
Greater Kingdoms in the Great Chain of Being.
We ask too much when we demand that this
supposed Plan be chiseled into stone. We tried that.
Look what happened.
We have books. We have the Internet. We have discussion forums. We have the UN, and governments which have the
capacity to cooperate and serve world need, just as we have the the same capacity with respect to smaller groups and each other as individuals.
The point is,
the Plan is not some kind of neatly codifiable, static and inflexible dogma to be firmly grasped like a pontifical scepter for the convenient cudgeling of little, ingrate humanity into shape. Religion that does not
enshrine the Truth, in whatever form and means of expression, has nothing to share, no way to benefit Humanity ... and so we become reduced to
holy wars to determine who will have the right to blindly rule, herding our followers like sheep.
I find I have more sympathy than ever for those who believe that simply by abolishing all of the superstitious nonsense, we may get back to the task of
creating a world that's really worth living in, worth sustaining, and worth shaping into a place that other civilizations would be honored to visit ... and wouldn't need to be assigned to for Emergency Duty, and SALVAGE work.
I also have much respect for those who do still try to improve the various religions by
reform. And I like to try and count myself within some of these groups, since to take the other approach (abolition), in my opinion, is to let the baby slip out with the bathwater. Those drains are
really hard to get your hand down ...
nevermind how an entire baby manages to slip through!
Everything else you said, pretty much from the first half of your response, Tao, is precisely how I see things ... or close enough. I tend to meander a bit in my responses, I realize, but thank you for taking the time to address my post, and to present your view in such detail. I speak as an Idealist sometimes, and cannot always claim that I fully
live what I believe ... and this is the only thing that makes me feel a little bit guilty (or
hypocritical) about what I share. The other 93% of me, however, hasn't the slightest doubt of what I'm sharing ... aside form an occasional question of timing, diplomacy or protocol. I guess it makes me wish sometimes, despite all the benefits, that discussions like we have here at CR could be
synchronous, and not asynchronous. Oh well.