I do not know much about Mormons and their religion, but from what I understand they believe themselves to be Christians.
I do not have the authority to judge their believes, but I can say that they can be very persistent.
On the other hand, some of them can be rude (don't we all sometimes?). The other day I read in the local paper that Mormons are baptizing the dead victims of the Holocaust. To me, that is disrespectful and final religious asault towards Jews who were killed in WWII. I am not Jewish, but I was disgusted that someone would do such a thing to the innocent people who were killed because of their faith--because they were Jews. It is one thing trying to convert those who are living, but to actually baptize the dead--that is horrifying.
For a long time, I had a strong aversion to the cross. Reason? People of my faith were killed in my homeland because they were believed to be "Christians who were forced into Islam" and needed to be "converted back to the Heavenly faith." People were tortured to wear crosses and had them cut into their flesh before they were killed.
I made it a point for myself to remember that not all Christians are murderers. Took me years to start feeling better whenever I see a cross. But unfortunately for many survivors of "serbian/croatian" concentration camps, tortures, etc., the sign of the cross is still very painful.
My point is, I can only imagine what Mormon baptism is doing to the surviving relatives of the Holocaust victims.