Darren, don't forget you're talking to someone who could care less about end times. What is important to me is today (24 hours), and what I've done with it.
I can tell you this however, if Israel gets into trouble, I'll be one of the first to volunteer to assist them, by what ever means needed. The reason is because I believe the bible when it states that God blesses the nation (s) that bless Israel. In fact I don't just believe it, I "know" it, deep inside, and I can't explain why I know. I just do.
It is the Abrahamic fundamentalists who are wrecking this world with their blindness of real history, using as historical "facts" religious myths, just as those who blindly accept the Jewish myths of origin as gospel truth worth killing innocents for and stealing land belonging to another people.
Abraham is a myth. I can and will show you how Abraham and Sarah are the devolved memories of Brahma and his consort Sarasvati, memories lost in translation as a sub-set of Vedic Brahmins were forced out of the Sarasvati river valley that dried up right about the time "Abraham" was supposedly coming from the east, farther east than Iraq, as the place name for Tehran, "Terah", Abram's father, shows--it's another place name become a Hebrew ancestor--e.g. sons of Ham, as "Cush" and "Canaan".
The match-ups between the Vedic religious figures and the story in Genesis about Abraham can no longer be ignored because so many people are accepting these mythological beings as real people, and look at the un-Godly damage that has been done in the name of gods mistaken as human beings.
Brahma is the Creator god in the Hindu Vedic trinity where Brahma creates, Vishnu sustains, and Shiva destroys. Brahma's wife is Sarasvati, named after the Sarasvati River which produced the first Vedic civilization. That civilization was forced out of the Sarasvati valley by drought somewhere around 3000 to 2000 BC. There are thousands of temples in India dedicated to Vishnu and Shiva but only two dedicated to Brahma. Where did the Brahmin temple worshipers go? I think they went west from northern India.
I can show you a later religious war between Iranian Brahmins and Indian Brahmins in which the Iranian sun-god, Surya, is condemned by Indian Brahmins as the Devas are condemned by the Iranian Brahmins. We Christians are still engaged in this ancient Brahmin warfare. Surya of the ancient Iranian Brahmins did get around as the countries, Syria, Assyria, the Hebrew tribal founder Asher, the god Osiris (Surya, Syria, Assyria, Asur-Osir, Osiris, founder of the Egyptian pharaoh lines.
Brahmins considered themselves the "priests of God", the highest caste of human beings. Besides the sun, Saturn was a Brahma planetary ruler and that's where Sabbath worship stems from.
Onward with the "coincidences" between Brahma and Abraham..
Abram=Brahma Hebrew=Sanskrit spelling
Brahma wife is Sarasvati, sometimes spelled Saraisvati, Abraham's wife is Sarai before she too has her named changed like Abram has his changed to Abraham (could "Abraham" = "Brahma of the South" like "Ham" means "south", black, and dark?). Name changes signal gods changing identities.
Back in India where deities are named after rivers, we have Sarasvati's handmaiden named after the major tributary to the Sarasvati river, the Ghaggar-Hakra river. In the Hebrew makeover, Ghaggar-Hakra become Hagar. In the Vedic version, Sarasvati is not only Brahma's consort or wife but also his sister, these things being common in pagan religious mythologies. In the Genesis story, there's this troublesome episode where Abraham more or less pimps his wife to get in good with Pharaoh but when caught claims Sarah's his sister--which she was--back in India.
Along come "Melchezedek". Well, it turns out the Hebrew word for "king" is exactly the same one as the Sanskrit, "melech". In the Vedic tales there is a prince with magical powers named Meliksadaksina..
There's a whole lot more to these connections which I wanted to get to in a new topic about the End of Abraham.
The point here is that we really do need to make a serious effort to stop believing in tribal myths or origin just because they are Jewish ones.
A pagan God, El Elyon, gives a Hindu god, Brahma, disguised as a Hebrew progenitor--just like pagan myths of national or tribal origins do when gods descend to earth to become founders of the nation, gives a deed to the land of Canaan to all of this disguised Hindu god's progeny. I am sorry but for me, God, the real deal, has torn up that phony deed that has been and still is being used to kill innocent people.