I was brought up as Church of England.
I have never thrown out Jesus the Christ from accepting Muhammad, Krishna, Zoroaster, the Bab and Baha'u'llah, to name a few.
In fact, I see it strengthened my faith in Christ.
All the best, have a great day, I am soon to bed and when your evening comes, I wil be getting up at 4am to start work at 5:30am.

Regards Tony
So you'll stop telling Christians to abandon the Trinity, to suit your Quran rooted cult ideology?
You will accept Buddhist rebirth and Hindu polytheism?
Trinity schminity! Whatever floats your boat and makes you feel more connected to and respectful of our environment, your fellow man and our earth, whatever helps you feel peace within and comfortable in your skin and with your beliefs....if ya need a G!d, I don't care if you have one, three, a dozen or hundreds.
The more I read from folks who beat their drum, the more I desire silence....or to make an attempt to beat my drum harmoniously with those on beat, in tune, and connect with others.
I think it is quite the kludge to attempt to marry all the Scriptures, inevitably some had to be tossed in order to comply with others...
I wish we could accept that others have beliefs we don't believe....and it is ok.
The arguments here...I mean amicable discussions...increase my desire to not insist anyone believe as I do...because reading them increases my heart rate and blood pressure....makes me want to say insensitive things.
There are things that I have said and words that I have written that I don't believe!
I believed then....but no longer do. You too? You find that acceptable in your own growth?
What if we could find that in scripture?
Acceptable that if the authors had information we currently have, (be it on history, society, the human condition, or science) they would have written different things...
That they wrote what they were inspired to write then, but reserve the right to change their mind with new information.
We ask that for ourselves, but we took that away from the authors, editors and translators by putting it on a pedestal and believing it to be divine and 100% accurate.
Well maybe not 100%, we all give some scripture some leeway...but insist we get to pick...others we call cherry pickers.
Like me, love yall!