
Loving God and loving our neighbour are linked. How can you say you love God who you don’t know, but don’t love your neighbours who you do know. In the following passage, God is the king.
Reminds me also of
1 John 4:20
If a man say, “I love God,” and hateth his brother, he is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
Maybe you don't refuse to read Augustine, Theresa of Avila, Martin Luther or Karl Barth.
I have differentiate (ambiguous, rather negative for Smith) opinions on the three persons you cited; they have in common that they only founded new sects.
Did St Teresa and St Augustine found new sects? I think they were founders of religious orders... but were they new sects?
Seems odd to me that you say "the Father was yet to come". Do you not identify the Father with God, the Eternal who was in the beginning?
I think I remember an earlier comments about Bahaullah -- or maybe the Bab? Being the Father-- this was from an earlier discussion, and I didn't quite understand. I don't think I knew that Bahai doctrine included the Father being incarnate? Maybe I misunderstood.
Catholics and Mormons are Christians....
Catholics definitely are, they even see themselves as the OG Christians.
Mormons are a special case. I would argue they are an additional, semi independent Abrahamic faith.
(but a spinoff of Christianity and somewhat dependent on it -- seeing itself as a completion of Christianity I think more than a reform of it)
Both accept converts as does the rest of Christianity (so I don't understand what @ThinkReq was cimplying?)
Catholics and Mormons are Christians....
I just have to laugh at your doctrine! Some Catholics could be, Mormons, none. Of course you have never understood what a Christian is even though you might have believed that you were one once. Foolish me!
Catholics definitely are, they even see themselves as the OG Christians.
Mormons are a special case. I would argue they are an additional, semi independent Abrahamic faith.
(but a spinoff of Christianity and somewhat dependent on it -- seeing itself as a completion of Christianity I think more than a reform of it)
Both accept converts as does the rest of Christianity (so I don't understand what @ThinkReq was cimplying?)
Sorry, but Catholics don’t believe in Faith alone, they attach works to salvation and then it’s the Catholic church that you have to believe in and then there are the Priests that you have to confess to. Martin Luther was just about killed over trying to dispute the Catholic church over Salvation by Faith alone. At least the Catholics believe that Jesus is God. That is why some who understand Salvation by Faith alone would be considered Christians.

Mormons do not believe that Jesus is God and there is so much more that is wrong with that entire cult. You can even become a god and have your own planet to rule.
No, they are a cult, not linked to Faith alone like Abraham. The Jews were suppose to be a Faith based Religion, but they got side tracked with the Law.

The Implication is that if you are born in a Catholic home, you are considered a Catholic, therefore growth by birth and not converts. Mormons are the same way, you are born into the cult like Muslims are. Hardly any converts. All Christians are converts, ALL. No one is born a Christian. I have talked with Muslims, some don’t want the Islamic religion but they can’t get out because of fear. American and European converts to Islam don’t have a clue about the real religion of Muhammad. This can all be proven through research.

What I am “implying” is that the Bible sets the stage. Joseph Smith was nothing more than another Muhammad. Muhammad forced Islam on people, Joseph Smith could not get away with that living in America.

Hope that clears things up.
It should.
Just a foot note to help clarify. Jews are also born into their Religion, they have very few converts. Yet God says that not all Israelites are Israelites. I will let you try to figure that out, I know the answer, but I will let you dig for this one. There will be Israelites in heaven, that is for sure.
I just have to laugh at your doctrine! Some Catholics could be, Mormons, none. Of course you have never understood what a Christian is even though you might have believed that you were one once. Foolish me!
..same old .. so called "religious people" telling others who is going to heaven and who is not.
I don't fall for that one any more .. satan is a liar!
..At least the Catholics believe that Jesus is God.
Yeah .. the "get out of jail free card" :rolleyes:
The Roman elite have misled so, so many people.
..but nobody would be misguided, if G-d did not will.
G-d is aware of what is in our minds..

Muhammad forced Islam on people..
He hasn't "forced it" on me.
I "knocked" 45 years ago, and that was the answer. :)
..same old .. so called "religious people" telling others who is going to heaven and who is not.
I don't fall for that one any more .. satan is a liar!
I don't have the slightest idea who is going to heaven, and I am not even sure that I will be there. You see, I don't mind dealing in truth. It does not matter what any of us believe, none of us are sure, we are read men produced books. There is no factual evidence to say that your Quran came from God. There is more evidence that the Bible did come from God because of the Miracles. But since there have only been a few dead people who came back to life and they are long since dead again, we are in the dark to a certain extent. I have studied most of the main stream religions and have to make a choice. Yes, Satan is the great deceiver. And yet you are so sure that Muhammad was not deceived. You have the witness of one man, I have over 30 witnesses in 66 different books all saying the same thing. That there is a God and He is one God and has never had any partners. We must worship only Him and listen to what He says. The god of Muhammad is just to simple to be the Creator of the universe.
He hasn't "forced it" on me.
I "knocked" 45 years ago, and that was the answer.
At least I know for sure that you have the ability to lie and deceive. I never "knocked" and it certainly wasn't 45 years ago. It was 39 years ago and you would never understand the answer since you reject God. God is the one who changes the heart of a person, not your religious self works. God does it for any sincere person who asks.

Your eyes will be blind to even this teaching.

Titus 3:5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,

New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Tt 3:5–6.

Romans 10:8 But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him;

Bold - Old Testament otherwise know as the Jewish Scriptures.

New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Ro 10:8–13.
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That there is a God and He is one God and has never had any partners. We must worship only Him and listen to what He says.
Then we need to listen to what the Messengers have written, that is 100% inclusive of Muhammad.

Anything one can use to Glorify Jesus "Annointed One" (Christ), can also be used to Glorify all the other God given "Annointed Ones". That is how Jesus is the first and the Last, the Holy Spirit that is Annointed to God's chosen Messengers, the Station of Christ.

John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

There are many Biblical passages that refer to Muhammad.

Regards Tony
Then we need to listen to what the Messengers have written, that is 100% inclusive of Muhammad.
Have you even read the Quran? What a foolish read. Just alot of rehash about Muhammad being Allah's warner and king size beds, lots of great food and black eye women for anyone willing to fight for Muhammad in his foolish wars. It's a repetitive book that makes Allah look completely insecure. Of course he is, after all, Muhammad is Allah.
Anything one can use to Glorify Jesus "Annointed One" (Christ), can also be used to Glorify all the other God given "Annointed Ones". That is how Jesus is the first and the Last, the Holy Spirit that is Annointed to God's chosen Messengers, the Station of Christ.
I just can't believe that you believe this stuff. It's like I just entered the Twilight Zone. You have absolutly no validity for any of this.

You don't glorify Jesus by this kind of stuff. You disrespect Him. You certainly don't believe the Bible when Jesus says that "He is the only way to the father." He is the only way to heaven.