17th Angel
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  • There are some galleries in SL that feature different artists. This blog features a lot of the nicer creations people've done, both 2d art and 3d: Not Possible IRL

    You can design custom skins to order (there's a downloadable template), as well as clothing, tattoos, etc, that apply as different layers onto the avatar mesh, but what most people do is design something, sell it with copy/no transfer permissions and that way they keep making money on the product even after they've finished the work. I've had friends as well who've designed something custom and then modified it for mass sale.

    I started using Malachi 3 years ago when I joined Second Life. It's from the biblical name, not Children of the Corn. It's in contrast to Rothschild which is a much more modern Jewish name.
    It doesn't cost money unless you own land. You can create stuff and use the client for free. The only costs you'd have to worry about are texture uploads, both standard textures and sculpt maps. At 10L a texture and about 270L to the american dollar, that's not gonna hurt yer wallet. If you messed around with it and decided you wanted to put some stuff up for sale, you'd be able to rent the space you needed at a low cost to yourself and given your graphic talents, you wouldn't have any difficulties at the very least making up for what you put into it. If you had things you wanted to sell over xchange street (https://www.xstreetsl.com/) and didn't want to bother at that time with setting up shop, I'm sure I know people who'd be happy to host the box on their land that you'd need to do that. Anyway if you do check it out and can get past the GUI (it's not terribly intuitive) look me up. I'm Malachi Rothschild in SL.
    I don't work in Second Life. It's a platform upon which different things can be developed much like the web. I do know people who have gained significant supplementary income or have been able to make their work in SL their primary source of income.

    I used to have a clan for a melee combat system (Combat: Samurai Island Website: News) scripted in LSL and have yet to find comparable multiplayer melee outside of SL. The combat is good enough that for a time it was an official team for an online gaming org. At another time I ran a Jewish Intentional community. We held ecumenical silent sits 6 days a week and had seasonal events. It was pretty cool getting people of different religious backgrounds to come together and hold the silence from all over the world. It was left unstructured so that people could meditate or pray or whatever.

    You can't steal other people's property legally. There's a permission system but someone created something known as copybot that can get around it. You can grief other people and some people do (YouTube - second life grief), mainly the PN these days. Personally the only combat I find enjoyable in Second Life is within combat systems designed for the platform. Otherwise there aren't enough set parameters and it gets boring.

    The main attraction for creative types seems to be the application of LSL and the building system to design and share interactive 3d stuff. I've seen some really amazing artwork there. Everything from textures, to avatar animations, to sculpted objects, to the scripts that make them do stuff are made by SL residents. Currently I just go for combat, to connect with old friends and to explore some of the nicer builds that go up.
    It's a virtual world: Second Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that's been in the news a lot the past few years.
    When using an online translator into any language, it's important to use proper grammar and punctuation. Even with that, you may still run across some funky translation. I've had to communicate with non-English speakers in Second Life using realtime translation.
    I don't suppose it would be easy to make the mask avatar have moving eyes?
    well, u know what they say: insanity is in the mind of the beholder

    ... ok no one says that... but they should damnit!
    it looks so sykotic! like some mental patient devised it in a room full of padded walls or sumthin lol
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