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  • They did say it! you just did!! :D Anyways put an image of the puppit up on the gallery :D One of my new characters is he.
    lol, that could be, could be!! or, perhaps the question isn't "how twisted is the artists mind?" But, "how twisted will it allow the viewers mind to become?"
    Really? Well, in that case when I get home I'll upload it onto the gallery.... It's a p-p-p-pup-pet :D
    Thanks for the comments cOde . I have never been called dude before. How cute. lol.
    Oh sweet :D! I saw that and pondered about it, ok I shall download and watch!!!

    Not sure what you're like for "sci fi" kinda films but 'Outlander' is pretty enjoyable.
    Yeah I would agree!!!

    Oh and if you agree with me on Madagascar..... Two other sequels to be on the watchout for...

    Underworld and Without A Paddle. ( I found them both repetitive and *yawn* )
    lol! It is my 17th angel picture :D Thanks man I am glad you like COD5.... I know, I know... WWII FPS have been done a death... But there is something aout that game... And on the hardest level it is addictive and insane lol...
    I have liked that song for a long time! I have tried to decipher mysterious meanings for the lyrics. Of course now that I've seen your clip, I realize I was totally wrong about it. (*drat*) Its still a cool song, though.
    apparently i was told by a girl at work that there is a "beached whale remix" on utube. lol.
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