Man! I'm so sorry to hear that Alex, really I am. Being a doggy person myself I really feel for you. It's so painful and I know what you are going through mate. I can't imagine loosing one of mine. Send me a pic of the new pup then, sounds great. They can never be replaced but the love grows and she will do her best to fill that void that you have lost in Dizzy, I believe dogs feel that sort of thing, they sense loss. Dizzy will always be with you mate, you'll be in the house and you'll feel or hear something and know she is with you. She'll be playing with the bunnies somewhere mate.
Vet's fees, need I say more. They do a good job though so alas.
I'm not bad thanks, you know me, the plodder. Not much to report really.
You know where I am brother ok if you wanna chat.