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  • 1984 is when people started to realize the music scene was changing again. Businesses repented of loyalty to their workers and began 'Downsizing'. President Reagan was still in office and soon it would morning in America.
    Thank you for the birthday wishes Faithful! I had a great birthday with my family. And as you can's hard for me to stay away from here! So much better than politics on the teevee!
    Just cleaned up a bit, painted an accent wall, still thinking about curtains and maybe some crown molding or a border...
    Well Im going to use this as a personal blog because I dont know where else to say it. My son has spent the last week at the Childrens Hospital in Dallas for pnemonia :(
    They are wonderful and my son is doing well.. I was really scared when his temperature hit 105.8. I dont think Ive ever been that scared in my life actually. Its amazing how much you have to trust these people to put your childrens lives in their hands.
    There is even a Klingon Dictionary (very thick), and a Phrase book for
    I didnt know that.. wow you learn something new everyday. I knew that the klingons langauge was pretty sophisticated for a television show..
    "Quahom" is also from Star Trek. It is what the Klinshai (Klingons), call a human boy, before the age of ascention (before becoming a man). lol
    Maybe one for cat lovers, one for dog lovers and one for "other". Sorry about the stupid idea. *prepares to head over to the Mope Corner, my second address on the IO site*

    Alas, I don't have any "furred managers" of my own in my apartment (landlord doesn't even allow pet rocks) but I have some old photos of the ones I :kitty:sit occasionally. Maybe have it so that those who can and are willing to share photos of their "manager"s can, but not make it a requirement. *shrug*

    Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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