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  • Yes. Its library time. Time to take 800mg of dyphenhydramine and sleep in the stacks. Time to frighten librarians with RC racers. Time to play cards under flickering sea green flourescent lights. Time to oil my squeaky shoes and tiptoe past some studying Who's.
    You know whether I can find online translations of things that Baeck wrote?

    Yeah didn't think so. I'm resourceful though.
    lol I suck at it I only just realised how you can connect the words up... (Yeah I learn from experience not from reading the uinstructions)... Tis my cross to bare....
    1984 was a good book title and also a memorable year. That year I attended the funeral of a friend who was my own age. I had not seen him for a while, because he had switched to another elementary school. They announced his death in our classroom. He died of a disease -- either some blood disease or pneumonia, but I don't remember. Despite that it was a very good year. If only we could all stay ten years old all of our lives!
    Shake an bake!!!11!1one!1!!eleven!

    Oh yeah Dauer... That, just happened...

    What does that do for you? Blows your mind right?
    Obrigado Seniore :)

    (brushin up my mad portugese skillzzzz)

    p.s. awsome pics dude... very trippy
    Thanks for the tip, Dauer. :) i've been meaning to tell you that your conversations with Bananabrain have been wonderful to read and gave me the courage to start posting in the first place. Thank you for making me feel at home.
    Unless it's hot out, I'm almost always wearing a buttoned shirt with the collar undone like that and slacks. All of my buttoned shirts are patterned but with different patterns, though some of them look nearly identical.
    Hi, dauer. Haven't been here for a little while.... dating a monster? You don't mean a woman who was mean do you? BTW, nice new avatar. Are those your pajamas?
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