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  1. 9Harmony

    did bahai prophets receive divine revelations?

    Hi Brian, imho... a spiritual resurrection is what all of the prophets of God have been trying to teach us. That we are spiritual beings first and foremost and that when our bodies die our spirit continues on it's journey. So it's extremely important in that once we really understand and...
  2. 9Harmony

    Baha'i faith influenced off an other relgion?

    Hi Bandit, in thinking about your wheel/tire concept, this is what came to my mind... The wheel/hub etc, the part that is constant, represents the source of the message, i.e. God. The tire represents the prophet, who has a direct connection to that source; and the tread, represents the...
  3. 9Harmony

    What do you look like?

    Hi Bandit, :) Nice to meet you. and thank you. :o love & light, Amy
  4. 9Harmony

    What do you look like?

    Hi there! actually, when i said recent was last summer. (it's the most recent one i have. not a big fan of pictures of myself) right now the fields are brown and bare, but the forecast has 2 feet of snow in it, so next week it will be white out. <sigh> i suppose since March...
  5. 9Harmony

    What do you look like?

    here's a recent one of me. if this works.
  6. 9Harmony

    Religion and humour

    i got this in an email, and i must admit it made me smile. :) WHO GOD USES: God, grant me the Serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the Courage to change the one I can, and the Wisdom to know it's me. The next time you feel like GOD can't use you, just remember... Noah was a drunk...
  7. 9Harmony

    What do you look like?

  8. 9Harmony

    Copy Text in Post Box

    Hi Sassafras, & Brian, I think it's more related to the operating system. I also used to be able to copy and paste just fine, but since they upgraded my computer to XP, i can no longer do that in any of the forums i visit. it's weird I can copy from the original post and paste it into...
  9. 9Harmony

    Conversion of the Soul

    Hi Bruce, one of them is Scott will have to fill you in on the other one though, i'm curious as well. Take Care!
  10. 9Harmony

    Conversion of the Soul

    Hi Scott! Allah'u'Abha! yes, i've seen you at one of them, what's the other one? lol! that's probably all i need, another forum to spend time at. hehe! I hope you are well. nice to see you again. love & light, amy
  11. 9Harmony

    Conversion of the Soul

    Namaste Vajradhara, i hope i have never told someone that 'your scripture is wrong', that is not something that i would consider doing, as i do not believe that. the individual is encouraged to delve into the scriptures on their own, to utilize their God given faculties to gleen insights...
  12. 9Harmony

    Conversion of the Soul

    thank you! i do too. :D
  13. 9Harmony

    Conversion of the Soul

    Namaste Vajradhara, i used to, but i'm learning more and more to find my own voice. i disagree. Baha'u'llah teaches that every letter of scripture has 70 & 2 meanings. so each passage has infinite gems of wisdom to disclose if we choose to study them and delve into the different layers...
  14. 9Harmony

    Why would God test His children?

    tests encourage us to use our spiritual eyes. to look beyond the immediate physical ramifications. they teach us to rise above the chaos and learn from the experience. if there were no tests, would we grow? i'm not so sure. it seems to me that in order to appreciate the good, we must have...
  15. 9Harmony

    Why would God test His children?

    Hi Luna, Great thread! I don't have time at the moment to respond, but i'll mull it over and come back tomorrow and post a few thoughts. Have a great day! Loving Greetings, Amy
  16. 9Harmony


    hi wil, yes, and alot of your points are zeroing in on another topic that has been on my mind alot lately. 'The power of thought' perhaps deserves it's own thread. ;-)
  17. 9Harmony


    Hi Andrew, :) Thank you! Very nice post. ;-) i believe all of this is making the reality of the harmony of science and religion less obscure. I'm so impressed that you have also investigated all religions and belief systems and discovered the similarities between them all. And i also...
  18. 9Harmony


    Namaste wil, :) Thank you for the post. Yes, i think that anything we don't understand we label as supernatural. I think most people are scared by what they don't understand, and put of walls of protection (they think) by putting labels on things. But these walls do nothing other than...
  19. 9Harmony


    just a thought... but what if... what has always been considered 'supernatural' is actually just natural occurances we have yet to understand? i recently saw a program about Benjamin Franklin, when he discovered that lightening was a natural phenomenon, alot of people lost Faith in God. They...
  20. 9Harmony

    The Golden Rule

    One more Ubuntu: "I am what I am because of who we all are."