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  1. P

    The Gallery...

    That reminds me of warhammer 40000k or something like that. Very good!
  2. P


    I need a cigar whilst I think about that I think.
  3. P


    What tobacco do you smoke and what colour papers? I need to know :) Yes cigars, but the filter aroma's have filters in them and are very mild with a slight cherry essence. They are miniture cigars, very pomp and ponsy which is why I smoke them of course!:D The cafe creme mild (blue tin) and the...
  4. P


    Yeah and that's putting it politely!
  5. P


    I'm back on the old cafe creme filter aroma's. I only have 2 or 3 a day though. What do you smoke Alex? rollies, cigars or ****?
  6. P

    My introduction. My story.

    Welcome to the forum AleksandrA I can appreciate what you say in your post. Have fun!
  7. P

    hello another newbie

    Welcome to the forum. It's fun here!
  8. P

    The Gallery...

    I love the Mcmuffin breakfasts at maccy's, especially the double sausage and egg mcmuffin with hash brown. Mmmmmmmmmm yummy.
  9. P

    Face of god...

    Everybody has their own view/belief on what happens when they die. It would be totally impossible to have one religion, as part of the structure of a religion is based on this question. Everybody would have to conform to have just one belief on death, and after death process. Not likely! You see...
  10. P

    Must a Christian always "play nicely" with others?

    I like it, I like it :)
  11. P

    The Gallery...

    Meeeeeeeeeeeee ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Thanks Alex, you little devil! Makes me smile that avatar, I saw things in that previous avatar, I saw things. Art can work in mysterious ways. Your so considerate to old Penguin, I'll get those papers drawn up I think.
  12. P

    who, what, and where is Jesus ?

    Hi Wil, Thanks very much. Well yeah, I don't beat around the bush, I say what I think. I've been an atheist, agnostic, a Thervada buddhist (still has many virtues to me) and now have come to Christ. Bit of a spiritual roller coaster!
  13. P

    Face of god...

    Hi Enlightenment A man can have everything, anything and everybody, but still can be lonely and feel spiritually lost. There would, I imagine, be no concept of time like there is here on earth so it's not applicable. If it's awful then it's tough sh*t I guess, we'll be powerless to do anything...
  14. P

    who, what, and where is Jesus ?

    Our redeemer God's interaction and divinty revealed in the flesh on earth What comes from God, goes back to God:D Ask me again in a year and you may get a completely different answer!:)
  15. P


    Man's best friend is his dog. Human's dont know what loyalty is!
  16. P

    Christianity + Tarot cards.

    PMSL Is that before or after a massive lay-in?
  17. P

    The Gallery...

    You've been busy Alex! Very nice pictures. Love the dark angel. I'm a bit concerned about this new avatar of yours. The more I look at it the more evil I see in it, it looks very voodoo'y! LOL Perhaps it's my mind reflecting back at me!
  18. P

    Penguins under threat!

    Naturally I'm very concerned about this and it is very saddening to watch. BBC NEWS | UK | Emperor penguins under threat
  19. P


    Welcome to the forum! Nice to have a panda and a penguin!
  20. P


    Who's your favourite character Alex? Benjamin Linus is the man! Sawyer makes me laugh too.