
I'm Jonesin' bad. Almost, three times, almost I broke down a bought a pack in the last week. Bad days will do that to a person...
It was six months for me sometime last week. I'm just now getting back to my normal sleep cycle. I don't know if it was a lingering side effect of the Chantix, but my sleep has been all messed up for months since quitting. I'm still waking up in the early AM all confused and disoriented nearly nightly, but I'm not waking up every three quarters of an hour or so between 1 AM and 6 when I get up.

I can't speak for the effects of Chantix, I'm going it cold turkey, but my sleep has been screwed up for a while now too. I'm sure part of it was working night shift for about ten months and recently coming back to days / eves. But I haven't slept really well in a long time.
I can't speak for the effects of Chantix, I'm going it cold turkey, but my sleep has been screwed up for a while now too. I'm sure part of it was working night shift for about ten months and recently coming back to days / eves. But I haven't slept really well in a long time.

Ahhhh.... now it all makes sense!! Hang in there Juan ;)

I was just thinking about this thread. Congrats Chris! That gives me more incentive. I still catch myself jonesin' from time to time, just not bad enough to *cough up* the money for a pack just for that one...which would likely turn into another if the pack was lying around.

Been there, done that more than once in the past.

My sleep is still screwed up, but I'm beginning to believe that is related to some other health persistant low grade pain.
Got ten months in. I had a super vivid dream a few nights ago wherein I smoked a cigarette. Weird. I could taste it and everything. I bought an indoor rowing machine and started working out for the first time in my life. I'm not fat, but the twenty pounds I picked up after I quit the cigs has been harder to lose than I thought, plus I'm tired of this middle aged man's gut I've been growing.

I'm still smoking and couldn't give a pluck. It's easier... lol.... The easy route is always my favourite option.

It's a great habit. All the cool kids are doin' it! I loved smoking. I enjoyed the sh** out of it for almost thirty years. Now I'm moving into a different phase of my life and I want to be healthy. I'm coping with middle age, which I do not like but can't help, so things have to change if I'm going to have a good quality of life from here on out and live for a long time. That's the plan.

Has nothing to do with being cool. I am simply addicted... And it is the easiest and most comfortable route for myself... Like I see Juan constantly in here talking about how he is dealing with it and the mans suffering lol.... **** that, I am not going to put myself through it lol.
I'm back on the old cafe creme filter aroma's. I only have 2 or 3 a day though. What do you smoke Alex? rollies, cigars or ****?
My children were the reason I quit.. I was having waking nightmare anxiety attacks imagining their lives... Im their only parent. AND my 3 year old at the time was pretending to smoke cigarettes and that was a horrible feeling to see that.

but oh yes I loved smoking..