Search results

  1. kiwimac

    Gathic Zoroastriansm [1]

    Finally, Something about "Bendwa" See the following URLS Bendwa appears to have been a tribal chieftain of Zoroaster's time who opposed him. That is about all I have been...
  2. kiwimac

    Help!! Teacher needs info on religions of the world!!

    Generally I would agree. Except that Brian, et al. have tried to make this web-site as neutral as possible & IMO they have largely succeeded. Kiwimac
  3. kiwimac

    In Love, Nonetheless. Handgun related deaths per capita are at their highest in the US. Which is why I find the whole concept of a group of Christians offering to teach children to use them unbelievable. Teaching kids (of an older age) to hunt, OK, that I could accept especially if it included...
  4. kiwimac

    Mysticism in Zoroastrianism

    Shetzel85, Still looking for help? Kiwimac
  5. kiwimac

    Is there any religion that does not oppose homosexuality?

    Quakers are extremely gay-friendly, there are GLBT groups in all the major Christian denominations, as well religions such as Gathic Zoroastrianism and some branches of Hinduism and Buddhism are also gay=friendly. Kiwimac
  6. kiwimac

    Did I do something to get banned from this site?

    Finding a balance between allowed speech and speech which is considered contentious is, I believe, one of the most difficult roles a moderator/Administrator has. As an Administrator on I prefer to err on the side of freedom of speech, I consider it an inalienable right, that...
  7. kiwimac

    As for a right to defend oneself, I kind of thought the Sermon on the Mount took care of that once and for all? Kiwimac
  8. kiwimac

    Help!! Teacher needs info on religions of the world!!

    Kirb, Try the rollowing for articles on Liberal Zoroastrianism The articles from that site will, perhaps, give you a feel for the teachings of "Gathas Only" Zoroastrianism. As well I have post-graduate qualifications in Comparative Religion & I am willing to help...
  9. kiwimac

    You DON'T go hunting with a handgun! Not only are they inaccurate over about 25 metres, they generally are not powerful enough. Here in NZ we have guns in 1 out of every 3 households. 85% are rifles FOR HUNTING. Goodness me! Children+Christian fundamentalist mindset+Weapons = Great dollops...
  10. kiwimac

    Gentle Religious Humor

    Why can't a Baha'i live in a cellar? Because Baha'u'llah says not to "seek a basement" Kiwimac
  11. kiwimac

    Somethings I just can't accpet..

    Re: God's blessings! There can be no doubt that the picture of God in the Shi'ite / Neo-platonist faiths / philosophies can indeed be distant but equally the baha'i writings declare God to be closer that the blood in your veins. Each religion views God in particular ways, these ways are...
  12. kiwimac

    Somethings I just can't accpet..

    PM, Don't be frightened to ask the questions, answers will ONLY come as questions are asked. Read widely from books authored by Baha'is, non-Bahai's, ex-bahai's and folk who disapprove of the Bahai's just on general principles. I come from the POV of an ex-baha'i so, of course, I carry...
  13. kiwimac

    Somethings I just can't accpet..

    The problem, Amy, is that the "Revelation of Baha'u'llah" was written by Adib Taherzadeh, a Baha'i. What Postmaster is looking for is neutral sources neither pro nor anti baha'i. Its that whole independent search thing. Kiwimac
  14. kiwimac

    Somethings I just can't accpet..

    There can be no doubt that the early Baha'i history is controversial but I would simply say, examine the characters of Baha'ullah, Abdu'l-Baha and the Bab. Take a look at independent sources such as Edward Browne's books about his time in Persia and other sources available on the Internet. Kiwimac
  15. kiwimac


    Faithful, The word of God is Jesus. The Bible is a collection of words about God written by human beings who were inspired but whose words reflect their human experiences and then when we read them we further interpret them through our own human experiences. Kiwimac
  16. kiwimac


    Here in NZ we have recently passed civil-union legislation which allows for same-sex unions. A step in the right direction. Kiwimac
  17. kiwimac


    The Greek texts support the modern translations. Really it not a case of the newer translations omitting anything, rather it is a case that the KJV translator's put in a lot that was not actually there. I use around 30 or so different translations in all but the NASB is my main one. Kiwimac