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    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    that is true and you know why?; because beheading is the less painfull way to carry out capital punishment; when the blade is sharp and the head is severed with one blow; death is instantaneous; thus the act itself is the most humane way of putting someone to death and seemingly it is a brutal...
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    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    there is indeed high numbers of births in the muslim community, but Islam also happens to be the fastest gorwing in terms of convertion as well; i'll provide just two links regarding the uk and usa, and similar numbers of conversion can be seen throughout the world: 20000 Americans Convert to...
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    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    wa alaykum Amica Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world Sister; there are many non-Muslims converting to Islam around the globe, thus we dont need to compromise our religion to attract them towards it, and if we compromise it by ignoring hadith, then it is not Islam we'll be...
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    real Islam

    Mehdi [as] will be a normal person under who's leadership Muslims will destroy the enemies of Islam once and for all ;) Jesus [pbuh] is returning as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad [saw] so his position will be just like an ordinary Muslim, while he'd still be a Prophet in his own right...
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    real Islam

    Hi lunitik; my apologies for late reply Islam means complete submission to the will of Allah [swt]; the 'peace' meaning is there too in the root of the word...; thus Islam can mean submission, through which one achieves peace... who told you Islam never meant to be translated; translations...
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    Study Koran?

    salaam dwest :) mashAllah it's great to see your interested in studying the Quran! :) here are links of a good translation and a mainstream and popular exegis of it: English Translation of the Quran, Koran, Marmaduke Pickthall - The Tafsirs - ÇáÊÝÇÓíÑ the above exegis...
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    muhammad (pbuh) in bible

    Salamualikum wr wb and welcome brother! :) MashAllah good stuff and I'll just add, all that, allthough the Bible is distorted, thus lets all bear in mind there could have been more clearer and direct references to Muhammad [saw] in the original Bible Here is a story i'd like to share with...
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    Is a sense of community and pride creating a smoke screen for Bahai's?

    thank you for your reply Arthur, very interesting and let me just express my condolences to all Bahai's that are being persecuted; may Allah save you all Just as He did with the children of Israel peace :)
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    Is a sense of community and pride creating a smoke screen for Bahai's?

    Peace to all my Bahai brethren! :) It feels great to see one's fledgling community flourish, especially when it is persecuted in it's homeland Iran and this increases a determination for one's religion and community to thrive but is such a determination creating a smoke screen from Bahai's...
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    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    5. intimacy between husband and wife is considered 'worship' too in Islam, i.e, they both obey Allah in keeping it within halaal boundaries also there is great benifit in it in that it strengthens love between couples and it softens the heart; for this reason it is said that the pious elders...
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    real Islam

    And regarding lunitiks claim to what is sufism, is really just the non muslim panthiesm which is considered the greatest evil of all in Islam :eek: he is another victim of so called 'muslims' who have used some Islamic words to support their non-muslim religion :( here are a few links t...
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    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    there are a few points that woul apply here 1, the wives should be treated equally, thus if it is time to spend time with a particular wife, one cannot forgo her right just because she is menstruating, but since love is a thing of the heart and thus not allways under one's control, if a...
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    real Islam

    I think it's about time i got into the fray :) what is real Islam? well look no further for i'm about to reveal all :) Islam has 73 sects..., all of those are within the folds of Islam and only one of the sects is a hundred percent rightly guided, and that is the ahlus sunnah wal jammah...
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    Aisha r.a. And Her Marriage--Part One

    IN THAT video, all shaykh Hamza says is that there is a narration saying that Ayesha [ra] was twelve years old, but dont mention the authenticity of it, thus given the consensus that she was 9, it's probably unauthentic and desregarded by the Scholars; Shaykh Hamza is famous for mitigating Islam...
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    Who is the real Gabriel?

    well whoever told you that, must be good at fairy tales; you should tell him to be a kiddies book author! ;)
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    how does Gyd ... touch u'r heart ... ?

    yipee! :) this means i can help! :D there you go my friend, but i'll add a 'warning' for our unsuspecting friends and visitors :): the following are sites to beware of; the satan said he will leave no stones unturned in trying to make the people go astray; the following is one of its...
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    Angels and Humans: Whats the differences

    Think about the following situation Donnan: if angels carry out duties in the functioning and smooth running of this universe, even down to the point where there are guardian angels with babies, then imagine if they did have free-will, and many angels decided to disobey God, what chaos there...
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    Christians! Do you believe Mohammed's prophethood?

    Here's a great article detailing the proofs of Muhammad [saw's] Prophethood, enjoy :): The Significance of Miracles The prophetic miracle (muʿjiza) is that which manifests the incapacity (ʿajz) of creation to bring its like… Its formal definition according to theologians is “the appearance...
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    how does Gyd ... touch u'r heart ... ?

    hmm i it was for research, then ofcourse! ;), but you seem to want to take that as the proper Islam?; in that case i'd be a sinner to assist you Radar so i hope you understand why go for fake, when you can have the real thing? ;) for my friends, i want only the best! ;), and you my dear...
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    Angels and Humans: Whats the differences

    I can confirm angels do have wings, and have much more light than humans, i.e, they are made of light whereas humans are made of mud/clay and then water [Adam made of clay, and his decendants made of "a quintessence of fluid" (32:7-8)] there is no such thing as a 'fallen angel', for angels can...